Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
After a number of years ministering in America, I finally had the opportunity to go to a college football game — LSU versus Georgia. It was one of the most incredible events I have ever attended! Not only did I gather with more than 93,000 extremely LOUD fans to watch the game, I also discovered something called “tailgating.” People arrive at the stadium at 8:00 a.m., park their car, set up their barbeque, and watch the game right there in their parking spot. It was all very amazing!
I watched the enthusiasm of the fans, the encouragement of the cheerleaders, the commitment of the players and coaches, and thought, “If all of this could happen at a football game, how much more should we be passionate, engaging, and cheering one another on when it comes to the gospel!”
Imagine if we brought that deafening roar to church, declaring the praises and greatness of God! Imagine standing alongside other believers in the journey of life, cheering them on, inspiring them to greatness.
Imagine coming to church already stirred up, fired up, and ready to participate, not just to passively watch.
Imagine if we all moved forward in one accord, each playing a part and knowing that together the team can win.
Imagine listening to God as our coach and simply obeying what he tells us . . . we would actually get the ball over the goal line in our spiritual lives more often.
Imagine if all our dreaming, scheming, conversations, endeavors, aspirations, and labor were directed to the primary purpose of the evangelization of earth before the second coming of Jesus Christ . . . we might just get the job done with that kind of focus.
When you think of church, what do you imagine?