You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
1 JOHN 4:4
When God invites us to leave our comfort zones and help others, he never asks us to go alone. He goes along. He goes ahead. He’s by our side. We know this because he has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. The wonderful (but easily overlooked) reason we can stride into our destiny confident and undaunted is not that we are so great — but that the God who is within us is so great!
What does this mean for us? It means that while we may think we don’t have enough time, money, resources, or know-how for the task, God will use what we do have. It’s important to remember this, because otherwise we may be so convinced that our contribution will be so small, insignificant, even inconsequential, that we decide to do nothing.
Jesus has always used small things to make a big difference. He used a young boy’s lunch to feed five thousand people. I’m sure that if you’d asked the boy that morning if he had brought enough food to feed the whole crowd, he’d have laughed — “With five little loaves of bread and two fishes? There are thousands of people here! We’d be lucky to each get a piece the size of a pebble.” If you had asked him what he was doing, then, offering his lunch to Jesus, he might well have said, “He might be hungry — and even though I don’t have enough lunch for everyone, I have enough for one person. I’ll let him eat my lunch.”
But once he’d given that small gift to Jesus, Jesus used it to do something far beyond what that boy might have imagined or expected. And that’s exactly what he does with our small gifts.
Is there a gift in your life that God has been asking you to share, but you feel it is too small and insignificant to matter?
What can you do to change your thinking?