Keep my commands and follow them. I am the LORD.
We will never reach our full potential while a disparity exists between what we know and what we put into practice. If you want to live a passionate, purpose-driven, victorious, overcoming Christian life, you have to do what God says. You can’t have the results you want without obeying the rules. Remember that God’s rules are not intended to contain or limit us, frustrate or hinder us, but rather to release us to fulfill our God-given potential.
Over the years, I have learned certain principles pivotal in helping me to keep running strong and avoid disqualification. Most of these principles are simple yet profound — spiritual common sense, as it were — but incredibly effective if applied consistently to our lives. No matter how gifted or anointed we are, we cannot disobey God’s fundamental rules for living and expect to run to win. Here are the principles I’ve come to appreciate and live by:
• Winners obey God’s laws.
• Winners fix their eyes on Jesus.
• Winners learn to love self-control.
• Winners stay passionate.
• Winners deal with the past.
• Winners live generously.
• Winners remain grateful.
• Winners always get back up.
The apostle Paul reminded us that we are to run to win. Winning does not mean that we cross the line first; it simply means that we actually complete what we started. We fight the good fight, finish our course, keep the faith.
Let’s determine to keep doing the basics well each and every day and then believe God for the miraculous in our lives.
Which of these eight principles do you need to work on today?