October 20

What Are You Waiting On?

Those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.


No doubt you awoke this morning, as I did, mentally rehearsing the endless list of things you have to accomplish today. It can be overwhelming and exhausting just thinking about all our responsibilities, commitments, and obligations.

But then I remembered this verse from Isaiah.

In God, we already have all the strength we need to do whatever we are meant to accomplish today. Our only requirement is to wait, trust, and rely on him and his strength. If we are willing today to be utterly dependent on God, then he will supernaturally enable us to do all he has called us to do, and we will not be weary at the end.

This puts a smile on my face. As I embark on a day of being a wife, mother, team leader, writer, visionary, and “whatever it takes” person, my only real goal is to wait on God. He is the renewer of my strength and the enabler of my responsibilities.

I am going to run forward; only to WAIT on God.


Who are you waiting on today? Your spouse? Your kids? Your boss? Your staff? Your business colleague? Your town planner? Or your God?