November 30

With God All Things Are Possible

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary.

ISAIAH 40:28

In my own life, I have been rescued from a seemingly hopeless situation of abuse and pain. I believe that because Jesus stepped into my life and brought healing to me, I now have a responsibility to see that others who are suffering in the world are rescued. I have not been set free to merely indulge in my own life but to use my life to set at liberty those who are oppressed.

We began The A21 Campaign for the one, and have since seen the one rescued and restored, and then that one reaching out to the next one, who was also enslaved. I believe that we will only continue to see more girls rescued; and that their lives will be a testimony to the truth that God is a redeemer, restorer, and rebuilder of destinies, hopes, and dreams. It is my prayer that these girls will not only fulfill all that God has for their futures, but that they will actually reach out to others who are enslaved and help them to find freedom and hope in Christ as well.

If every one of us who has been rescued took on the responsibility of reaching out to one other still waiting to be rescued, then we could potentially fulfill the Great Commission in less than a week. Jesus did not give us an impossible mission to fulfill; it is entirely possible if each one took responsibility for one.


Who is one person that you are actively believing God to see saved?