What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?
JAMES 2:14
It is easy to become overwhelmed with all the needs in the world — and to think that our small contribution will not make any real difference. The thing that we must understand is that we are only responsible for the good works that God has called us to do. We cannot do everything, but we can each do one thing. We do not need to assume responsibility for anybody else’s good works but simply do what we are supposed to do.
If we all did this, I believe we would fulfill Christ’s mission on the earth. We must begin to value our seemingly mundane lives and routines, understanding that each day God has opportunities waiting for us to meet the needs of others.
No matter where we live, we are all surrounded by people who need to know the practical love of God. We cannot just sit back and pray and hope that somebody else does something. James teaches us that faith without works is dead. If we are to perpetuate a Christianity that truly changes our world, our faith must be accompanied by good works.
Don’t forget that we are often the answer to our own prayers. We are waiting for God to do what he has already equipped and empowered us to do. We just might be the someone that somebody is waiting for.
What motivates you to reach out to someone in need?
Which do you think is easier to reach out to — someone you know or a stranger?