December 5

Seizing Opportunities

As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.


I recently had what I’d like to call my very own Good Samaritan opportunity. As I sat in my living room, which faces onto the street, I noticed one of my neighbors packing up his truck. I didn’t give it much thought, as there were a lot of garage sales at that time of the year and I assumed he was going to drop off the things somewhere. However, the next day, as I was talking to this man’s wife, Nicole, she broke down and revealed that her husband had left her and their two children for another woman.

At that moment, as I stood in my driveway and watched my neighbor weep, I had a choice to make. Would I simply hug her, tell her I was sorry, and pray for her? Or would I choose to get involved in her pain? In all honesty, the former would have been simpler, but I chose to get involved and invited Nicole and her kids to my home for dinner.

During the next few weeks, we spent a lot of time talking and crying. I was able to shine the light of Christ in the midst of very dark circumstances, and what could have been simply another statistic turned into a great testimony. Over time a platform was built upon which I could proclaim the gospel to her. If I had tried to do this without the corresponding good works, I do not think she would have listened. I am thrilled to say that in time Nicole became a follower of Christ. She and her children are now firmly planted in a local church and are building their lives on the foundation of God’s Word. Such is the transforming power of the gospel.


As you work to make a difference in the world, do you know someone who could use some encouragement?

How would you go about showing that person the love of God?