December 15

Open to Interpretation

The LORD is righteous in all His ways, gracious in all His works. The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry and save them.

PSALM 145:17 – 19 NKJV

As we reach out to people in our communities and strive to touch others with the message of Christ’s love for them, we must remind ourselves of the mind-set prevalent in today’s society. We aren’t dealing with the same world we once knew. In earlier times, religion and the church were the backbone of society, providing a blueprint for our moral and spiritual lives.

Today, “God” is open to interpretation and beliefs about him are negotiable and relative to the individual. That is, “What is true for you may not be true for me.” Many people do believe in a higher power but struggle to decide which one! Our young people no longer want to accept someone else’s faith; they want to understand for themselves what they believe and why.

Browsing popular media, it is clear that interest in spirituality as opposed to religion is increasing. Marketing companies are catering to our culture’s interest in the mystical and unexplainable through a diet of television programs and literature about witches, wizards, astrology, and the supernatural. This makes people vulnerable to deception, but it also makes them open to a genuine encounter with God.

We as Christians must lead those who do not yet know God to a genuine experience of and connection with him. When people encounter God as opposed to just hearing about him, they cannot help but believe he is real and worth investigating. We must ensure that our homes and churches are places where people meet with a supernatural God who saves, heals, delivers, and restores lives. If Jesus is real in us, he will become real to others.


As you aim to make a difference, how will you communicate God’s truth in a relativistic world?