I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
JOHN 14:6
The essence of the gospel message is totally opposite to today’s thinking; it is based on absolute truth. Jesus said that he is the way, the truth, and the life. He did not give a range of options for getting to God but presented himself as the only means of salvation. So many believe that there are many ways to God, but I am glad that Jesus made it simple for everyone to understand: there is only one way, and that is through him.
The challenge for us as Christians is to present this absolute truth to those who are raised in a pluralistic secular society that espouses tolerance and relativism. In fact, our culture confuses tolerance with endorsement and considers it a negative thing to stand for something absolutely. The only thing we want to say absolutely is that there are no absolutes. Yet, I have discovered that if we don’t stand for something, then we will fall for anything; and that is evident in our world today.
Proclaiming an absolute message in a relative world can be both a challenge and an opportunity. Contrary to popular opinion, people across the globe are searching for truth, meaning, significance, security, and unconditional love. As Christians, we know the source of all truth and love, and can offer seekers a life of eternal significance through Jesus Christ. If people can see that what we proclaim is really working in our lives, then they are very open to hearing about the One who makes it possible. If we live what we believe, then others will believe what we live.
We have been called to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. To do that, we must be certain of what we believe and ready to present the unvarnished truth to those we touch each day.
How are you able to present absolute truth in a relative world in a way that is filled with love and compassion?