All the days ordained for me were written in your book.
PSALM 139:16
I am so thankful to be here today where I am: expectant, hopeful, and believing in God for the best year yet! This year is the only one of its kind, the only one just like this that we will have in all of time and eternity; therefore we must decide that we will not waste a single day. Our days are numbered; they are ordered by God; and we have a specific purpose we are called to embrace and move into.
Before we ever arrived on earth, God had a plan, a purpose and an assignment for our lives. The welfare of others is attached to our obedience and courage, for it will take all of us taking our place in the body of Christ for God’s kingdom to be advanced on earth. The needs are great, but we must remember that the God we serve is big and that as we all take responsibility for our assignments (instead of comparing ourselves to others), then together we can fulfill his plans in the world.
The new year ahead has the potential to be the most impactful, fruitful, and best year on earth ever . . . but the choice is ours. Are we willing to trust God and step into our place in the body of Christ to take hold of all that God has created us for?
I am full of faith, hope, expectation, and anticipation. I believe that the greatest days for the church are before us and not behind us. I believe that God is for us and not against us, and that the year ahead is full of promise, purpose, and potential. Let’s believe God like never before.
Remember . . . time is ticking away.
How are you approaching the year ahead?