Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush.
EXODUS 3:1 – 2
We all feel like we’re in a desert spiritually sometimes. Long before he ever worked through me, God took me through very dry seasons where he molded, shaped, and refined me on the inside.
During these desert times, it seems that God has abandoned us, that no one knows where we are, nor does anyone care. We feel weary, dry, and forsaken. We can find ourselves in that place in any of our relationships — at home, at work, with career or ministry. We can be tempted to leave that place to find a cool, restful, peaceful spot out of the heat and fire, somewhere nice and comfortable. But if we do not allow God to work in us on the backside of the desert, then we will never be promoted or grafted into the ultimate place of our destiny. We must learn not to despise where we are on the way to where we are going, but to allow God to have his way in us.
It was on the backside of the desert that God showed up in a powerful way in Moses’s life, appearing “in flames of fire from within a bush.” Can you even begin to imagine this scenario? God came to find Moses in a place that was not prominent or apparently significant. When God wants to find you, he knows your location. You do not have to leave your place to try to find a more noticeable place, in the hope that someone will discover your gifts and talents. You simply need to be in your place. God has the best cosmic GPS system, and when he wants you, he will find you.
Do you trust that God sees you and knows your situation?
Do you have faith that God has a future planned for you?