Chapter 11



I was in a dark, cold place, but it didn’t matter because Alexis was there with me. I was kissing her sweet, soft lips, and I kept reaching for her breast, but my arm hurt so bad I couldn’t do it. I was frustrated beyond belief, and she kept saying over and over, “Gabe, I’m here. It’s all okay.”

I felt her cool hands smoothing over my face, and the dark faded. The pain in my arm didn’t though, and I finally opened my eyes to find Alexis sitting beside my bed in the camp infirmary.

I blinked, soaking in the sight of her—hair damp from a shower, face scrubbed and flawless, eyes worried. Yeah, that part had to change.

Hey, babe,” I croaked out, my throat incredibly dry.

Here,” she said, holding a bottle of water. I leaned up a bit and she held the bottle as I sipped. “Better?” she asked as she put it back on the bedside table.

I gazed at her, knowing I must look like a lovesick jackass, but not really caring that minute. “Yeah, how about you?”

She stroked my hair. “I’m fine. I heard you tried to come see me?”

I chuckled. “Yeah. I guess they really didn’t want me to because that’s the last thing I remember, and I know I didn’t faint for fuck’s sake.”

She grimaced. “No way. You’d never faint. They told me you were ‘agitated’ and they had to sedate you. I was pissed. Really pissed.”

I smiled at her. “Aw, you didn’t need to get upset for me. As long as you’re okay, I’m okay.”

She looked away for a minute, and I could tell she was trying to collect herself. When she looked back, her eyes were glistening. “I wanted you so bad, Gabe. They were asking me all these questions and some of them were horrible. They wanted to know if you’d done anything ‘inappropriate’ to me. God,” she hissed out, “they’re such assholes.”

I reached to the edge of the bed and found her hand. “I’m sorry. It’s standard procedure. But it’s all over now, and we’re both fine. I won’t let them keep us apart again, all right?”

What about the rules?” she whispered.

Fuck the rules,” I said. “I’m not going to miss one more minute with you, and they can confine me for insubordination if they want.”

She laid her head down on my shoulder as she sat next to the bed. “What are we going to do now?” she asked as I held her hand in mine. “I leave in three days, Gabe.”

We’ll figure something out,” I told her. “We’ll figure something out.”


• • •


Eighteen hours of I.V. antibiotics and painkillers for my shoulder later, I was finally released from the infirmary. As much as I’d enjoyed the painkillers and Alexis’s nursing, which had involved a killer blow job at two a.m. when only one orderly was on duty and asleep at his desk, I was dying to get out of that damn place.

Alexis had been assigned to work only in camp until her group left, so she was in the supply tent doing some data entry when I got out. I’d considered going straight to her, but I decided to pay a visit to the little man from Texas first. Alexis said she’d managed to avoid him since we arrived, but I knew he’d be on her like white on rice before much longer, and I was going to make damn sure he didn’t get to her before I got to him.

As I made my way through camp, I had to run the gauntlet of well-wishers. I’d never bothered to make a lot of friends, but I’d always had respect, and it appeared I had more of it after three days in a cave and getting shot.

I turned the corner to the maintenance yard and nearly ran into Benji.

Whassup, bro?” he said as he gave me a handclasp and the standard guy half hug.

I got sprung, dude. About fucking time, too. I was going nuts in there.”

Yeah? You missing your sweet piece of ass?” he asked with a shit-eating grin on his face.

Shut up, asshat. What have you heard anyway?”

Not a damn word, except they had to sedate you to keep you from her, and she’s been there nearly nonstop at your bedside since you two got back.”

Well, we spent three days under fire in a cave together, man. Of course we’re tight.”

Benji looked at me and then busted out laughing. “You really expect me to believe that? I know you, man. You’re fucking legendary, and she’s fucking hot. Like you didn’t tap that.”

I scrubbed my hand through my hair. Alexis and I hadn’t discussed how we were going to handle this, and really it didn’t matter since she was leaving in a few days, but somehow it didn’t feel right to let Benji think it’d been just another screw for me. I knew it hadn’t been. And I intended to tell Alexis it hadn’t been either.

Whether I did or didn’t tap anything is none of your damn business. And you can tell that to everyone else in camp too. You’re like a bunch of damn old ladies.”

Hey, man, it’s a war. We’re bored.” He grinned at me again.

So,” I said, changing tack suddenly. “Where is that little prick from Texas?”

Benji got serious. “You ready to have a talk with him? You want me to go along? I mean, not that you can’t handle it, but your arm’s all messed up.”

I rolled my eyes. “First of all, have you looked at the guy? I’d only need one arm, dude. Secondly, I’m not about to get put in house arrest for assaulting a civilian, so no, I don’t need you to come along. I’ll have a friendly little talk with the guy. It’s no big deal.”

Benji shrugged. “Whatever you say, bro. I saw him earlier in the DFAC.”

I thanked Benji and headed toward the DFAC, almost wishing I could go back to that cave, where at least Alexis and I could be together without all the pressures of everyone else’s opinions and expectations.

I walked into the DFAC and immediately spotted the asshole I was looking for. Even though I’d told Benji I didn’t want to get thrown in confinement for fucking the guy up, I was damn tempted when I saw his pinched, judgmental face.

I strode over to him, all business, where he sat sorting through file folders with a couple of other UN kids.

I need to speak with you outside a moment,” I said brusquely.

He looked up and I could see the panic cross his face before he tried to affect a careless look. “I’m kind of busy right now, Thompson.”

Yeah? I don’t give a shit,” I said, leaning down with my good arm on the table and getting right in his face. “Get up and walk outside with me. Now.”

He stood up stiffly, nearly knocking over the chair he’d been sitting in. He walked toward the door without a word. I gave a mock salute to the others at the table as they all sat staring at me with big eyes and followed him out.

All right, you little prick,” I said as we reached the bright desert day beyond the DFAC.

He puffed up his chest to say something that would undoubtedly piss me off.

If you know what’s good for you, you won’t,” I warned. “Here’s the deal. I’ve left you alone because Alexis cared what you thought, but I’m done with that crap now. You need to get something straight. What is or isn’t between Alexis and me is our business. What is or isn’t between Alexis and your buddy back in Texas is their business. You’re not in this equation anywhere. Get it? You keep your fucking mouth shut and your opinions to yourself or I swear to God I’ll get a leave from my tour and come to Austin to kick your ass myself. Got it?”

You’re such a cliché,” he spat at me.

Gee, I’m not sure what you mean since that word has more than one syllable, but I’ll assume it’s a compliment. You meant it as a compliment, right?” I stepped closer, forcing him to back up into the side of the tent.

Fine. I got the message. It doesn’t matter anyway. We’re out of here day after tomorrow, and she’s going home without you.”

Get the hell out of here before I change my mind,” I snarled.

He ran.


• • •


I strolled into the supply tent to find Alexis sitting with her roommate, working on a laptop. When she saw me, she leaped up and ran to throw her arms around my neck. “Oh, thank God they let you out! I’ve been worried all morning.”

I hugged her back, inhaling her flowery-smelling hair and loving her soft cheek against mine. I felt myself getting a hard-on and wondered, If I lived near this girl, would I go around with a semi twenty-four seven? As she pulled away, I said quietly, “I’m not complaining at all about the greeting, babe, but you’ll really feed the rumor mill if you do that too much.”

She smiled up at me like I was her whole world. “Maybe I don’t care what they say.”

You sure? We haven’t talked about all of this.”

I’m totally sure. Unless . . .”—she pulled back from me—“you don’t want anyone to know about us. You’ll get in trouble, won’t you?”

I yanked her against me. “Don’t be stupid, Alexis. I’ll tell the whole world I’m crazy about you, and I don’t think I’ll get in any trouble at this point. But does this mean you’re done with college boy?”

She laid a hand along my cheek. “I was done with him the minute you first touched me, you idiot. I’m crazy about you too. And I don’t know what I’m going to do when I have to leave you.”

Her eyes grew sad, and I looked over her shoulder at her roommate, who was shamelessly watching us like we were a reality TV show.

Let’s take a walk, okay?”

Alexis nodded and I took her hand and headed outside. I pulled her alongside me without a word. She laughed. “Where are we going?” she asked as she jogged to keep up with me.

I headed to the maintenance yard, where Benji was still at work on an older Humvee. “You got a few minutes, man?” I asked.

He looked at Alexis’s hand entwined with mine and raised an eyebrow. “I got a break coming up this hour.”

Take it now. C’mon.” I started off at a brisk pace again, Benji following behind muttering something about crazy güeros, which set Alexis off onto a giggling fit.

When we got to my tent, I poked my head in and found it empty. I pulled my head back out and turned to Benji, who stood waiting for his instructions.

Stand guard, dude. Give me fifteen minutes and I’ll owe you. Beer, an extra shift, whatever you want,” I said.

He affected an easy smile that told me it was going to be a heavy price. “You got it, bro. Have a nice time.”

I grimaced and pulled Alexis behind me into the tent. Once the flap was closed, I grabbed her and kissed her hard, thrusting my tongue in her mouth and running my hands up her sides until I could rub my thumbs across her nipples. That sling put my injured arm at the perfect height, I discovered.

She laughed as I kissed her, and I pushed her down on my cot, where she collapsed in a heap. “Fifteen minutes?” she asked. “You’re going to have to work fast, aren’t you?”

I lay down beside her, shoving her T-shirt up and planting kisses on her stomach. “Babe, I can make you come in three minutes flat if I set my mind to it,” I mumbled as I worked my way up toward her breasts.

She shoved at me in mock indignation. “You are so full of yourself. I don’t have to cooperate, you know. You won’t be able to do it in three minutes without my coopera . . . ahhh. Oh, my God, Gabe. Holy . . . mmm. That feels so good.”

I licked around her nipples while idly rubbing the heel of my hand against her core. “You were saying?” I grinned as I watched her eyes flutter and then shut.

I don’t know. But don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

Your wish is my command.”

I unsnapped her pants and moved my hand down under the fabric, finding that little point and pressing on it rhythmically until she was panting and moaning. Then I slipped my finger inside, where she was already drenched, and using my thumb on her clit, I hooked my middle finger and found that special spot inside as I stroked in and out, rubbing up and down.

Two minutes and ten seconds later she cried out, “Oh, Gabe. Oh, please, yes. Yes. Yes,” as she shattered on my bed, convulsing around my hand so fiercely that it was all I could do not to join her.

When she was done, she slowly opened her eyes as I stared down at her. “Shit,” she whispered. “You weren’t kidding. You really are that good.”

Only for you, Alexis. You make me a better man.”

She slapped at my chest and laughed. “You’re a corny man anyway. Where do you come up with these lines? Do you keep a notebook full of them or something?”

I laughed and lay down next to her as she snuggled into my embrace like we’d become so quickly accustomed to the last few days.

I want to talk to you. About us,” I said.

I felt her body tense up, but her voice was as level and sultry as ever. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything. I know this has to end when I leave. And I don’t regret a single minute of it—well, especially those last three minutes.”

Ha ha, you’re hilarious.” I paused. “Why does it have to end?”

She leaned up on her elbow and looked down at me. “Well, you’re in Afghanistan for one thing. And I’m not going to be.”

So you don’t think we can make it through the distance?”

What do you mean by make it through? Like until when? For how long? And what constitutes ‘make it through’ in your book?”

Until I get out. In six months. That’s all I have left, Alexis—six months. Then I’m a free man and I can live anywhere, do anything. I think I’d like to go to college. I’ll have some money from the service and my tuition will be paid for by the new GI Bill.”

Soooo . . .” Her hand had worked up under the hem of my T-shirt and she lightly rubbed my abs. It was simultaneously the most relaxing and most seductive thing I’d ever felt. “You’re thinking that we’d be together once you get out?”

I pulled her over for a soft kiss and then looked her in the eye. I hadn’t planned any of this. It was completely uncharted territory for me. I didn’t know how to do it and I was the last guy in the world who ought to be doing it, but I was anyway. I could no more let her go than I could slice off my own arm. I knew without a doubt my father had never felt this way about all those women—my mother included. There was no way he could have felt this and done what he’d done. And feeling what I felt, I knew Alexis had to agree to this or I couldn’t make it the next six months.

Yes. I want us to be together when I get out. And I want us to be together until then too. I mean, I know you’ll be home and I’ll be here, but there’s email and Skype and even good old-fashioned letters. It’s only six months. It’ll go by in a heartbeat.” I kissed her again. “What do you say, babe? Wanna go steady?”

I waited, my heart pounding, wondering if I’d fucked this up even sooner than I would have predicted. She looked at me with those gorgeous chocolate eyes, and she was so serious, so quiet.

So when you kept asking if I was done with Marco, my boy—or I mean my ex-boyfriend—you meant this? Being together after I go? Being together when you get out?”

I nodded. “That’s what I mean. Are you going to answer me or leave me hanging here like a total jackass?”

She licked her lips and I nearly stopped breathing. “Yes,” she whispered as she leaned down and stroked her tongue across my mouth. “Yes, Gabe Thompson, I will go steady with you.” She kissed my cheek. “I will live with you in a cave and run from enemy fire with you.” She kissed my eyelids. “And I will wait for you for six months until you get out and we can be together.” She kissed my lips. “Yes.”

God. I think I might have died and gone to heaven.”

I think all the blood’s rushed to your crotch and left you unable to think clearly,” she responded. “You’ll come to in an hour and regret this.”

I cupped her cheek in my palm, feeling the fine texture of her skin and the heat that flowed off the two of us. “Never, Alexis. I will never regret anything I’ve done with you. Not in an hour or a day or a year. I like who I am with you. I like how I feel with you. You’re like some damn antidepressant for me. I feel lighter and everything looks better. You make me happy, and I’m not sure if I’ve ever been truly happy before.”

Her eyes welled up and she gasped. “Look what you’ve done now,” she sniffed. “How can I possibly live up to that?”

Oh, sweetheart. Just be yourself and you’ll never have to worry about a thing with me. All I need is you.”

We lay on the bed together, kissing softly, and even though I was hard as a rock and knew that couldn’t be resolved anytime soon, it was perfect. She was perfect, and when I was with her I felt like maybe, just maybe, I could be closer to perfect myself someday.