This is it. Now or never. Speak up. Look sharp. Heave-ho. All hands on deck. The tide has turned. The jig is up. Pack your things. Say your prayers. Eat your fill. Put your best foot forward. Put the key in the ignition. Gun the engine. Raise the dust. Learn the ropes. Ascend the throne. Upset the applecart. Make friends. Make merry. Make money. Do your best. Hazard a guess. Take a chance. Take your lumps. Take to the woods. Take the ax by the handle. Raise a rebellion. Wrestle an alligator. Save a ship in distress. Keep your wits about you. Run along now. Run atilt at death. Go as fast as you can. Go, by all means. Go before I cry.
Sources: New Oxford American Dictionary, Macquarie Dictionary, The American Heritage Dictionary, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Black’s Law Dictionary
Teenage angst!
Blank stares,
Cryptic messages, and
Defensive fortifications.
My eldest daughter,
Flouncing about the room, jerking her shoulders, gesticulating.
It’s no good trying.
On the one hand, we can appeal for peace, and on the other, declare war.
Difficult if not impossible,
The journey from youth to maturity.
Poor kid.
Landlocked sailor.
The doors are made against you.
But I’ve got news for you—
And I have it on good authority—
The hours pass quickly,
The pawn queens,
The answer rests with you.
The strong, silent type,
Five feet tall,
With unblinking frankness.
My attempts are in vain:
A carefully worded reply, and
An X-rated gesture.
Your typical teenager,
At the zenith of her powers.
Source: Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary