
Personal Assistant

I am writing in reference to your advertisement for a personal assistant. I’m looking for a full-time job, I’m used to hard work, and I have a strong desire to help people—I worked as a teacher for forty years. I set my alarm clock for seven o’clock every morning, I do yoga twice a week, and I’m learning to swim breaststroke. I don’t drink beer, wine, or spirits. I do not chew gum in public. I swear to do everything I can to help you. I can type your essays for you. I’m a fast reader. Do you take sugar in your coffee? I learned to hunt and fish when I was a child. I will either walk or take the bus. My hobbies are music and tennis. I’ve been singing professionally for ten years, and I like singing hymns. I am a Roman Catholic priest. I called you yesterday, but you were out. You can reach me at this phone number. Please make your decision as soon as possible, as I have nowhere else to go.

Source: Collins COBUILD Primary Learner’s Dictionary

Your Humble Server

The moon peered from behind dark clouds, and the thunder crashed. The king was throned on a rock. Restored to his proper shape by the magician, he and his myrmidons were ensconced in a bunker, a snug hideout from a giant nebulous glow.

A slender man with a mouth full of gold filings, the servant bowed humbly before his master.

“The sacred relic has been hidden away in a sealed cavern.”

Good news. And Father Thames?”

“He has died and now sleeps with his fathers.”

Very good.”

A tentative conclusion. An awkward silence.

“Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

“Some coffee would be most acceptable.”

Sources: New Oxford American Dictionary, The American Heritage Dictionary, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary