

The Greatest Story Never Told

“I’m going to tell you a story. Are you sitting comfortably? Here is a children’s fable about love and honesty. It’s a tale about the friendship between two boys, a drama about two young brothers who are abruptly abandoned by their father. It’s an adventure story, a tragic love story, and an unforgettable tale of joy and heartbreak. You’re going to enjoy this.

“The novel deals with several different topics: the sanctity of human life, the dangers of religious extremism, our obsession with the here and now, the yoke of marriage . . . Lots of people don’t bother to get married these days. I wonder whether you have thought more about it? That’s getting off the subject, but never mind. Nothing is more irritating than people who do not keep to the point. Let’s get down to business! Shady characters, an intriguing story, a touching reconciliation scene . . . it’s the best novel I’ve ever read. Now, let me see, where did I put it? Ah, there you are! The book was filmed as a six-part TV serial, and the play was adapted for the big screen! I didn’t enjoy the film; the acting was dreadful, but if you like steampunk, this is a great book for you. Oh, look! The sun’s coming out! I’m kind of thirsty. Would you like a cup of coffee? Shall we have a drink? Let’s have a cup of coffee. Hold on a minute, I’ll be right back.

“Are you all right? You were screaming. Anyway, um, where was I? Let me see, now; oh, yes, I remember. The book is set in the 1940s—”

Sources: New Oxford American Dictionary, Collins COBUILD Primary Learner’s Dictionary

House White

He deliberated over the menu. Seventeen years later, he ordered a glass of Pinot Grigio.

Source: New Oxford American Dictionary

Speed Dates

“Hi! How are you doing? My name is John, I work in an advertising agency, I’m a good cook, I love cuddling up in front of a fire, and it’s my firm belief we are the sons and daughters of Adam, thank you very much.”

“Hello there, how goes it? What exactly are you looking for? I’m a simple man myself: I’m a child of the sixties and love prog rock, I’m a strict vegan, I enjoy playing darts, and I don’t believe in ghosts. I really must go, that’s my wife over there.”

How are you? My name is William, but friends call me Bill. At the risk of sounding slightly stalkerish: have you ever wondered what certain celebrities look like while they’re sleeping?”

M’lady! It is I! I’m interested in finding a childfree computer geek–girl with a worldview similar to mine, and I have never been one to deny the pleasures of the flesh. May I see you home? I am not above trying to bribe you.”

“Where’ve you been all my life, beautiful? I’m fourteen years old and enjoy gaming and playing baseball. Can we go somewhere a little more private?”

“Hello there! I have four adorable Siamese cats, and I have three other cats: two moggies and one Bengal/Tonkinese cross. Do you have any pets? Have you noticed how relaxing it can feel to just sit and pet your fur child?”

First of all, let me ask you something: Have you heard the news? This astounding piece of good fortune that has befallen me? Promise you won’t tell? I know I can rely on your discretion. By the year 2000, management as we know it will not exist. We have to plan for the future. I’ve developed an interest in law, the geometry of spiderwebs, shrines to nature spirits, psychic powers. I know what I’m doing. I wear this crystal under my costume for luck. I have publicity photographs on my person at all times. My name is Parsons, John Parsons, Lord of the Sea. Follow me, if you please.”

How old are you? Do you live near here? Where do you live? What kind of car do you drive? Do you like music? Do you smoke? Do you smoke a pipe? Do you speak any foreign languages? Do you have much understanding of calculus? Which operating system do you use? Do you think green suits me? Do you think I’m too chubby? Can you keep a secret? Are you OK? You’re as white as a sheet.”

“Do you have any change? A couple of bucks’ll do me.”

Sources: New Oxford American Dictionary, Collins COBUILD Primary Learner’s Dictionary, Collins English Dictionary, Dictionary of American Slang, Macquarie Dictionary, The American Heritage Dictionary, My First Dictionary

Table for One

Forty years, there or thereabouts, have elapsed. My date isn’t going to show, it seems.


Source: New Oxford American Dictionary