

Poor John

We met at an office party. He asked me for a light. The flare of the match lit up his face, and his impassive, fierce stare reminded me of an owl. He seemed to tower over everyone else. A man of refreshing candor, with the easy gait of an athlete. Good diction. We sneaked out by the back exit.

The smell of a black-currant bush has ever since recalled to me that evening. Bonfire smoke. Firework displays. The plays of Shakespeare. The paintings of Rembrandt. Greasy food. Experimental music. Rich, hoppy beers. Poor John always enjoyed a drink. Anyway, he died last year. To make a long story short, I married Stephen.

Sources: New Oxford American Dictionary, Macquarie Dictionary

The Ten Commandments, from Memory

  1. Thou shalt have none other gods before me.
  2. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
  3. You shall not steal.
  4. . . . patience is a virtue?
  5. Don’t talk to strangers.
  6. Don’t make money your god.
  7. Do your best.
  8. Don’t put the potato skins down the garbage disposal.
  9. Always give cyclists plenty of clearance.
  10. God save the queen.

Sources: New Oxford American Dictionary, Macquarie Dictionary, The Home Book of Proverbs, Maxims and Familiar Phrases