


“Over the centuries, man has asked himself many profound questions: What are we all doing here? Where are we going? What can we expect for the future of mobile communication?

“The solution to these mysteries? A thing hardly bigger than a credit card. It’s not a computer, nor anything like a computer—it’s a whole new branch of chemistry, a new science, if you like. A whole new ball game. The product is the culmination of thirteen years of research, half a billion dollars, and an expedition to the jungles of the Orinoco. It is necessary, indeed indispensable.

“It’s a slimline phone, a camera with a built-in zoom lens, a pneumatic drill, a bar of soap, and a powerful industrial combine. With a push of a button it leaves hair feeling soft and manageable, and it brews a perfect blend of coffee every time. It bench-tests two times faster than the previous version and it can be molded and shaped at will, though it must be stored either in the fridge or in a cool place.

“It’s a marvelous design, because it’s comfortable, it’s practical, and it actually looks good. It does what it says it does, with no design gimmickry. How does it work? Beats me.”

Sources: New Oxford American Dictionary, Collins English Dictionary, The American Heritage Dictionary, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary