Notes on Social Action

Really what we’re doing is healing. We’ve lost touch with ourselves, for a million reasons, and we could continue to live in this disconnected way, contributing to a momentum of toxic patterns ad infinitum. Since we are so connected, our choice to do so would be truly infinite in its negative effects.

While that’s a possible choice to make, we live in a time when not only is the well-being of humans threatened, but the ecosystems of the planet herself are too.

How does this relate to my anxiety? My fears? My sadness? How can taking care of my emotional, relational, physiological self be healing, enough to count in the world?

Some of us live in a way where we have a big impact in the culture. But most of us live in ways where we have smaller impacts—that join with others, that build into larger spheres of influence. Either way, every choice matters. Every point of awareness is changing something in me, in you, in the culture.

Whoever you are and whatever your perceived impact (which is inevitably bigger than you can imagine), your choice to work with the things that thrust you ahead of yourself is a turning point for the world that depends on you, right now.

The more we show up for others, the more we can heal. The more we heal, the more we can show up. Both of these realms are important.