abaya: a black cloak worn by conservative Iraqi women
Allahu Akbar: an Arabic phrase meaning “Allah is greater.” In Iraq and several other Muslim countries, the phrase expresses a range of meanings, not all of them religious. Here it merely denotes jubilation.
athan: the call for prayer
bember: a fruit whose stone is covered with a sweet and sticky pulp
Bibi: “Grandma” in Iraqi Arabic
delillol: the opening word of a common lullaby in Iraq; little is known of its origin or meaning
dellak: a public bath masseur
dinar: the Iraqi currency
dishdasha: a long, loose garment worn mostly by men
egal: usually a two-tier round headwear used to hold the kaffiyeh in place
Eid: religious celebration; Muslims have two major Eids
fils: the smallest Iraqi coin
futa: cloth usually worn by women in Iraq to cover the head and torso
habbet Baghdad: a skin infection afflicting Iraqi children as recently as the 1950s that left a round scar the size of a U.S. quarter
halal: foods prepared in accordance with the Islamic code of law known as Sharia
hussainiyya: a small Shia mosque
ibdalak: a word in Iraq Jewish dialect meaning “I offer myself in sacrifice for you”
Imam Ali bin Abi Talib: the central figure of Shiism, recognized by Muslims as a pious caliph
kushki: soup made with kushk, or bulgur wheat dough kneaded with dried yogurt
lawash: very thin bread
madrasa: a Muslim school or college often attached to a mosque
misbaha: a string of prayer beads, among Muslims the equivalent of a rosary
muqri: the person who recites the Qurʾan, usually as a profession
riq: a big, plain tambourine
sayyid: the spiritual leader of a Sufi order
Shafiʿi: one of the four major Sunni doctrines
Sharia: code of Islamic law
Shubayk, Lubayk: in Arab folkloric tales, phrase blurted out by the genie as it emerges from the magic lamp, implying its readiness to fulfill the desires of the master of the lamp
takya: the lodging of a Sufi order
tannur: a small clay oven
Tantal: in Iraqi folklore, a creature of massive height and playful temperament
tasht: a big bathing basin
tbaGat: in Iraqi Arabic, derogatory term for a person with faltering judgment
tibeet: a Jewish Sabbath dish of rice and stuffed chicken, slow cooked on the Sabbath eve
Ya satir!: an Arabic phrase that implies the seeking of refuge in Allah’s protection