

EVERY man a king, every king a saint, each and every one of us on our own piece of holy ground. That’s what he said. That’s what he said to the little guy in Berlin. I was there at the picture-taking after the private conferences, I could hear what Huey said to him over the sounds of the reporters, the hammer of the flashbulbs. Just look this way, boss. You and me and cousin Henry, Aunt Anna and Moses down the lane, there’s a glory for each of us and it can be yours too. The little guy kind of jumped and twitched when Huey squeezed him on the shoulder. The interpreter was yammering away in that German of his, but somehow I think the little guy got the message already. He knew more English than he let on. He knew a lot more stuff than he let on about everything.

What do you say there, Adolf? Huey said, and gave an enormous wink. I could have dropped my teeth on the floor. You think we can get this rolling, just the two of us? Hey John, Huey said, motioning to me, don’t stand there like a stupe on the sidelines, join the photo session. This here is my vice president, Huey said to the little guy.

The little guy said something in Huey’s ear, up close. That’s right, Huey said. That, too. He’s everybody’s vice president. He is the second in command, isn’t that right? He gave me a Louisiana-sized wave, clasped my hand. Holding his hand that way, backing into the Fuhrer, I had the little guy boxed against Huey. We had him in perfect position, trapped. We could have stood and tossed him over the Reichstag. But we didn’t, standing there frozen in the eye of the world, the press roaring, the sounds drifting around us and in that small abyss Huey squeezed my hand for attention and gave one perfect, focused wink. Got him, the wink said. Got him, didn’t I tell you?

Got you too.

This was the meeting in the Bayou in November of 1935, the famous secret meeting. Never mind where. Huey’s boys got to me and said be in Amarillo at midnight and leave the rest to us. We’ll get you past the border and leave the delegation at home. It was easy to get away, I was back home for Christmas then. The President wouldn’t even have known I had blown town. It had gotten harder and harder to get Roosevelt’s attention; it wasn’t even worth trying anymore. Now and then I had fantasies of sneaking behind his wheelchair during the State of the Union and pulling the podium away, showing his shrunken parts to the world. But I never would have done that. Damn near would never have done anything if Huey hadn’t gotten in touch. Came into the parish humping my way in a big black car, it could have been Capone’s chauffeur up there in front, the guys with me in the back Capone’s party boys: But I wasn’t scared. Who shoots the vice president? Easier to park him under a rug and let him die. I’m going to go for it, Huey said to me. This isn’t to bullshit you, I’m coming straight out. I’m running for president.

That’s no surprise, I said. It wasn’t. The word had been out for years, this Senator wasn’t running around Washington for the graft, filibustering for the sake of opening his yap. Every man a king. He wanted to be president, all right. If not Roosevelt, then why not him? But Roosevelt seemed to have the banged-out vote pretty well sewed up. I told Huey that. You can’t run as the man of the people against this guy, I said, he knows the people too well. He’s a sitting president. You’ll just have to wait your turn.

I’m not waiting my turn, Huey said. Up close he was intense, even more so than on the radio. There was something in his eyes, something in the set of his body that made you not want to explore his depths. All of this was in a room one-on-one, he wanted no one in there with us. After I got shot at, Huey said, grabbing his arm, I got this insight. There’s no sense waiting. You wait, you’re just as likely to die. Two inches either way on the gun hand and the guy wouldn’t have gotten me in the shoulder, he would have had me in the heart. I would have died there on the Capitol floor.

I know all about it, I said. I read the papers too.

You read a hell of a lot more than the papers, Huey said. You don’t pull that dumb cowboy shit on me, John Nance Gamer, you’re the Vice President of the United States and no goddamned fool. I was calculating, let him have the two terms and run in 1940. But when I saw the blood spouting out of my arm, heard the screaming, saw that cocksucker lying dead on the floor instead of me, I said what the fuck is this? This is all bullshit. I’m making plans, biding my time, while the man on the plow is dying and I could have been dead. I’m going for it now.

That’s your prerogative, I said. You’ve got a tough one ahead of you. But I can wish you well. I got no quarrel with you.

Maybe you should, Huey said. You Texans, you think we’re all a bunch of savages and Cajun voodoo lovers here. Or grave robbers. But if you can take it, I can. I want you to run with me, he said. That’s the only way. You run with me, we can split him away.

Run with you? I said. You’re crazy. Bolt the party, give up the office?

Who said to give up? Huey said. You’re Vice President. You’re a constitutionally elected official, you’re in as solid as him. He can’t impeach you and it’s only eleven months until the election anyway. Instead of running as a Democrat you run with me as an Independent. I don’t want to go in the party anyway.

Never heard of anything like it, I said. I have to tell you, I was astounded. Ever since that thirty-hour stem-winder in the Senate when Huey had worked with applejack and a tin can strapped to his leg to stop the government cold while he argued the budget and the Book of Genesis and a hundred other things, I had known he was a man to reckon with, no one to underplay, but this was something entirely new. This went outside my experience. Shit, I said, you’re crazy.

So I’m crazy, Huey said. You think I’m out of place here? It’s all crazy. We got ourselves a country in collapse, we got ourselves a situation that won’t quit. Got thirty million men wandering the roads of America, ready to kill for a slice of bread, got thirty million women who would hump for the price of an apple or some clothes for the baby. Think it’s going to turn around? Think again. We’re in critical times, boy. It’s all falling apart on us. It’s time for someone to take over who cares for the people.

Frank cares for the people, I said. In his way.

His way, Huey said. He gave me that smile, opened his mouth, showed me all the lovely white and open spaces. Just two guys on the Bayou talking sense, he said. Got all the doors closed. Want some whiskey? I got me a bottle of the finest here. He busted Prohibition, I’ll give your guy that.

I don’t care, I said. I never turned down any whiskey. Huey took a bottle from inside his coat, opened it, passed it to me. Here, he said. Got compunction? Want a glass?

Never heard of that, I said. I took a swig deep down — not bad stuff — and handed it over. You serious? I said. You really mean it?

Sure I mean it, he said. If you come over, I figure we got this election. It all falls into place. You’ve made a considered judgment, that’s it. You’re going with the real man of the people. Franklin will have a fit but what can he do? Maybe he can get Lehman to run with him. Two New York kikes, Huey said, and took a swig and giggled. Not that I got anything against kikes, he said. Kikes and shines and Micks and Polacks, hunkies and Cajuns and Injuns and all the rest of them, they’re all the soul of the country. But I want this to be a done deal, I don’t want to fool around. I want your commitment now, and then we’ll go on from there.

And then what? I said. How do I go back to Washington and face the man?

You don’t have to face him. You can stay on the ranch. You’re constitutionally elected, remember? There’s nothing he can do to you. We’ll wait a couple of months, then we’ll hold a joint press conference and announce.

Not Democrat, I said. You want to go third party.

Right, Huey said. He looked at the bottle, shrugged, took another sip. We could probably beat him in the party if we went out for it but we’d bust it wide open and then he’d probably go third party on me and split the thing.

No, we’ll do it ourselves. The money is there. Don’t worry about the money. Just have my ass there, I said, that’s what you’re telling me?

That’s what I’m telling you, he said. Listen, you don’t like this guy anyway. That’s no secret. And I’ll tell you something, all right? He held the bottle out to me. I shook my head. (They have me down for a drunk but it is all part of their misunderstanding. No one goes as far as John Nance Garner has by being a simple drunk. Of course there are other factors.) Here it is, Huey said. I want to be a one-term president, that’s all. I’ll step aside in ’40. You can have it then.

You got it all figured out, I said. What a generous offer.

I’m serious, he said. If I can’t make this thing work in one term, I can’t do anything in two. Besides, I don’t want to be president all my life. I want to lie down here in the sun, run the dogs, know me another woman or two. But I got a few plans. In ‘40 I can put you over the top.

I didn’t believe a word of it. Up to this point I had pretty well taken what Huey had said as he had presented it, but this part was not to be believed. It didn’t bother me, of course. Long view or short, you cultivate the situation more or less as it is found and don’t push for explanations. I’ll think about it, I said. It’s going to be ugly stuff. The Republicans want to be heard from.

Republicans! Huey said. Who they got? Hoover again? Charles Evans Hughes? Maybe Styles Bridges? I say the word Hoover three times a day until November, I don’t have to say anything else. So much for the Republicans. Franklin will be tough but with his vice president jumping ship and every man a king, I think I got a chance. You think I have a chance, Big John?

Yes, I said, I think so. I want to think on this some.

Don’t think on it too long, he said. You’re getting first offer and best offer but you aren’t the only one, you understand. There are a lot of people outside the parishes who see things the way I do, who would be happy to come along. The next person I ask is Rayburn. You think he’ll turn it down?

I don’t know, I said.

Well I do, Huey said. He turned it down. Conditional. He said I should ask you first, courtesy of the line of succession and all that. But if you don’t want it, he said, I should ask him again. That good enough for you?

I’ll have another sip of that whiskey, I said. I do declare that ain’t bad whiskey, considering.

Yeah, Huey said. You know, I looked down at that blood on the floor of the Capitol and I said, it could have been my blood and no one would ever have known what I could have been. There are moments that change you, Big John. Maybe you’ve had a few.

I think I’ve had one just now, I said. I took the whiskey bottle from him and palmed it. It felt like a grenade in my hand. I ran the palm over it, up and down, down and up, then drank deep. I’m tired of this job, I said finally, this is a shitty job. Maybe you can give me somethirig to do besides hold a gavel and wait around for you to drop dead.

We’ll have plenty for you to do, Huey said. We’re gonna be a goddamned team, Big John. And in 1940, things work out the way I hope they will, you can have the whole goddamned thing. We’ll probably be in a war by then anyway, ain’t doing you no favors.

Landon was a clown. Huey was right, the Republicans had nothing, there was no way that they could campaign, nothing that they could say. That was the summer of the dust bowls, the failed crops, the riots in the Capitol. Roosevelt wanted me to step down when he got the word, and then he threatened to impeach me, and then he said he’d send me out to inspect the goddamned Navy in California for six months if I didn’t shut up and get in line, but I just laughed at him. There was absolutely nothing that he could do. He was licked and he knew it. He had a sitting vice president who had shifted to an Independent ticket headed by a better man and there was no provision in the Constitution or in the articles of state that could touch me. He couldn’t even say too loud that l was a piece of shit because, after all, he had picked me the first time around and I had enough friends in the party to embarrass him on the renomination. Anyway, the Governor of New Jersey ended up as the fool’s candidate for vice president and Huey and I took to the road.

We stirred the pots in Metairie and prayed with the ministers in Dallas; we lit fires on a reservation in Albuquerque and then we went to a meeting with father Divine in Brooklyn. The father Divine stunt was a ripper, it looked for a couple of days that it would cost us everything, that we would blow the election on that, but then the East came roaring in with the editorials and Rayburn was able to hold Texas and the rest of the South in line just as I knew he would. father Coughlin went crazy and the Klan had some mighty doings in Florida and outside Atlanta, but father Divine stood up in Times Square and on 125th Street and then Independence Square and said, these are good men, these are men who understand, I take the curse of racism and hatred from these men because having come from the fires of Satan, the hardest place in the country, they know the truth that will set us free. The Governor of the State of New York — Franklin’s state — met Huey in Grand Central Station and shook his hand. Out in the Midwest, crawling from stop to stop, we saw crowds like I had never seen in a hundred years in politics, and in California the farmers and the soldiers and the old soldiers came in a long line to Huey and shook his hand and wept. We know you got something for us, they said. We think you understand. Grandmas wiped his face with their handkerchiefs and now and then, seeing a hungry baby, Huey cried. Landon was flabbergasted, he gave it up in early October and went back to Kansas and just about sat on the front porch. Roosevelt fought and fought — no legs but enough courage, I had never denied that — but it all slipped away from him. As Vice President I slipped off to Washington now and then to preside over the Senate, get my face in the papers and pound the gavel and cloakroom a little.

We got 341 electoral votes. We got New York and Pennsylvania. We got California. We lost Ohio and Illinois and we almost lost Texas too, and we sure as hell lost Georgia and Florida, but we didn’t lose too much else and in the early morning Wednesday when it was at last over, Huey turned to me and handed me a bottle, that same bottle I swear, and said, We did it, John. You did it and I swear I’ll never forget. I want to do good, John, he said. You got to believe that, I’ve only wanted all my life for the working man to have a break — and the working man in this country, he’s been screwed right out of his inheritance and his heart. We’re going to set this country aright, John, you hear that? For the first time we’re going to do it his way. I owe it all to you, John. Rayburn snuck in when it was all over, of course he couldn’t do anything officially then or later, but he made his position clear. Huey went out the next day and had the press conference.

It was the goddamnedest thing I had ever seen. I had been Vice President of the United States and now I was going to be Vice President again and it was still the goddamnedest thing that I had ever seen. I guess I knew at the time that nothing could ever touch it again like that but I didn’t care. There are only a few moments in life, as Huey himself said, and if you are lucky you know when they are there and you use them and you try to run with them all to — and maybe, if you are very smart and lucky past — the grave.

But it started to go badly, early on. By the time of the Olympics, even before the election, we knew that Adolf was no temporary phenomenon, that he was the real thing and that it was a bad situation. The worst. Adolf did things with crowds that even Huey couldn’t do. We could see that in the clips. And the news drifting out was worse and worse.

We’re in trouble, Huey said. This was in spring of ’37, only the third time I had gotten in to see him since he had been triumphantly inaugurated. It hadn’t taken long for him to turn me back into a vice president. This guy is murder, he said. I don’t worry about Mussolini so much, he’s an Eye-talian and he goes whichever way the wind goes, but Adolf is a killer. He’s a killer boy, do you hear that? He is taking us to war.

So what can we do? I said. I fell into the role easily enough, feeding Huey lines, taking his whiskey — he always had a bottle now — and trying not to think about the times past. What the hell, it wasn’t worth a pitcher of warm spit anyway, I had known that before. So I had just switched wives, that was all. It was the same bunch of crap and John Nance Gamer knew it. Besides, the only real populist is a dead man, I was smart enough to know that. What are we going to do, take Adolf out?

He’s killing Jews and Gypsies, Huey said, and ugly looking types and enemies and a lot of good Germans too. He’s killing everything that takes his fancy and he’s dead serious about this. He is one out-of-control loon and he is putting us on a war footing, do you understand that?

I understand a lot of things.

I can’t go nowhere, I can’t do the kind of things that got to be done with one eye on that guy. We’re going to go over there and try to reason with him. We’re going to set up a run to Berlin.

I think not, I said. I think I’ll preside over the Senate.

You too, Huey said. We’ll take a slow boat, bring along some good whiskey and maybe a few friends. We’ll have a nice cruise and we will try to reason with this gent. Maybe he can be persuaded to try reason. If not, we’ll still get some good pictures out of it and they’ll see that the President was willing to go a ways trying for peace.

I think this is a big mistake, I said. I think we ought to hunker down and wait this out. Wait what out?

Wait what out? Think he’s going to stop? His country is leaking Jews. Soon as he’s killed everyone he can there he’s going to turn outward, want to go other places. This guy likes killing, you understand? We wait him out, he’ll be in California.

What can I say? I said. I had another swallow of whiskey. I was always swallowing whiskey in those days. It’s your play, I said. You always wanted it your way, Kingfish, so I’m not going to stop you. You want me to go over on an ocean liner with you, I’ll go, I just hope it’s not the Titanic. What the hell, I said, why don’t we go all the way? Smuggle a thirty-eight caliber into a state meeting and shoot the fucker in the throat. You think that would solve the problem?

Huey gave me a long odd look. You think I haven’t considered that? he said. I am ahead of all you Democrats. But it is not a wise plan. Not at this time.

You think he’s a faster draw?

I think that we’re at the Reichstag when we try it, that isn’t too smart, Huey said. That’s all I think. But it is something to be tabled for future reference.

I should have said something then. But vice presidents are not paid to say things other than in accordance with the Constitution I cast the tie breaking vote in favor of this resolution. Or, I support our great President. Or it ain’t worth a pitcher of warm spit. Trust a vice president to know protocol.

After Berlin, Huey put the invitation right out. Come to Washington and we’ll try to settle this thing. But Adolf had other plans, other stuff on his mind about then, and so for that matter did the Kingfish, things were getting cudgeled about in the provinces and Franklin, no quitter, was rallying the Democrats and talking about a people’s coalition in 1940. The basic question, Franklin was saying, had to do with what Huey had done since the Inauguration and aside from going to Berlin to have his picture taken and making some good speeches against the Wall Street capitalists, Huey hadn’t done much at all. These were powerful points and gave the Kingfish pause, or at least kept him preoccupied. So there were some lively times here and about when the food riots started to occur on a regular basis. Business was reviving a little and Hollywood was telling us that things were great but down on the Great White Way or the places where the Commies dwelt, there was a different cast to the situation. And the Commies were getting stronger; anyone, even the Vice President, could see how much real appeal they were finding in the cities.

But by that time it just didn’t matter that much. There comes a time when your destiny confronts you and if you don’t accept it, you don’t begin to work in accord with that destiny, well then you’re just a fool. I wasn’t going to be president in 1940. I wasn’t even going to be vice president by the end of that year; I had been sucked in and served my little purposes and now I was going to be frozen out. The Kingfish had gobbled me up, just a medium-sized fish in the tank. I would be dumped and Huey would run again, maybe win, maybe lose to Franklin this time, but that was going to be the end of it. And by 1940, it was going to be a changed situation anyway. I just didn’t give a damn; I wanted to get back on the ranch, I wanted to see the old times out with as much dignity and as little whiskey as I could manage and the hell with the rest of it. So my accommodation was to simply hang on and go on my way. Huey was going to stay out of local statehouses and he had some pretty good protection. Even Capone or Legs Diamond would have had a hell of a time nailing the Kingfish by that time. No fortunate accidents were going to catapult me to any place that I hadn’t already been.

But then, just when it seemed settled, it wasn’t settled. After Munich, after he gobbled up the rest of Czechoslovakia, Adolf had Goring pass the word direct to Harry Hopkins. He wanted to take up Huey’s invitation. He wanted to come over, explore a few things, do a little business.

Peace in our time, Huey said. He’s looking for that now, right? Why should the son of a bitch take us up on this now? He’s cleaning out the country, he’s ready for war. What the hell does he have in mind?

Why are you asking me? I said. I haven’t been in here twice in nine months, Huey, I got nothing to tell you.

Don’t sulk, Big John, Huey said. I got you in mind all the time, it’s just that I’ve been preoccupied. This is a big country, you know, and there are lots of problems. Maybe we’ll get that redistribution working, maybe all of this stuff will come out in the long run, but it isn’t going to be nearly as fast as I thought when I was a young man. Got to cultivate patience, that’s all.

I have lots of patience, I said, I had it a long time ago. You were the one who was going to turn things around, make it all different by 1940, remember? I didn’t say that it was going to happen.

Huey said, you’re taking this too hard, John. You’re taking it personally. Sit back and help me through this. I want you to meet the guy when he comes off the boat in New York, I want you to escort him around. The Statue of Liberty, maybe Liberty Square in Philadelphia on a day trip. Then you can bring him here and I’ll meet him at the White House and we’ll talk over things. But I need your support here, I don’t want to go trotting out for him, it doesn’t suit my purposes.

I’m not a messenger boy, I said. I’m the Vice President. You got to take the office seriously even if you got no use for me.

Ah, nonsense, John, the Kingfish said. You’ve said yourself what you think of this job and you were right, all the time. I got a crazy plan, John. I think we’re going to save the world twenty years of agony and maybe a few million lives. I think we’re going to arrange to plug this guy, if not at the dock then maybe when he’s walking down Pennsylvania Avenue. We’ll have an accident arranged for him.

That’s crazy, I said. Our own lives won’t be worth shit. A head of state killed in our protection? They’ll go to war the next day.

Goring and Himmler? Goebbels? You think these guys want war? They just want what we have, John, they just want their part of it, that’s all. They won’t do a goddamned thing. They’ll be relieved, they think this guy is crazy too. Every synagogue in the country will have the lights on all night the day he dies. Even Chamberlain will thank us. We’ll be treated like heroes. I think the world will fall down and give us everything we want, we get the deed done. That’s what I think and your own part is clear. You’re going to help me, John, and that’s the end of it.

And then what? I said. It’s a crazy plan, Huey. And even if it works, can we deal with the consequences?

Well sure, Huey said. I’ve been dealing with consequences all my life. I love consequences, they’re all we got. We don’t know what causes, we only know what happens, you understand? I love these talks, I want you to know that. Just the two of us in a room with a bottle, beautiful, I don’t know what I would have done if we hadn’t had that. Have a drink, John, it’s too late.

Too late for what?

Too late not to have a drink, the Kingfish said. So set them up.

So what was there to say? The rest seems very fast in memory although of course it was agonizingly slow in the development, waiting all through it in a suspended anguish, waiting for that heavy thud that would ejaculate us into the latter part of the century. Meeting the prancing, dancing little dictator and his company right off the boat, doing the ceremonial thing, then whirling them through Jimmy Walker’s glittering, poisonous city. The Staten Island Ferry, Radio City Music Hall. Two Rockettes flanked Hitler, put their arms around him at my direction, mimed kissing his cheekbones. He glowed, seemed to expand. There was supposed to be a mistress but there was no woman in the party, no woman close to him. Just Himmler, Goring and the impossibly fat Streicher who always seemed to be confiding something to the Fuhrer. We had a private dinner at the Waldorf, talked through the interpreters of cattle and of conditions in Austria during the World War and of the shadows in Europe. Grover Whalen poured wine. I mentioned the Sudetenland, just to have it on record, but the interpreter frowned and I could see that there was no translation. Later, the dictator wanted to see Harlem at midnight. We drove there quickly in covered cars, then back to the Waldorf. At the corner where Father Divine had embraced the Kingfish, women looked at us indolently, poking knees through their skirts. The Fuhrer rumbled in the car but said nothing. We wheeled down Fifth Avenue until the lights glowed softly again, then back into the underground garage. I felt something like a blow at the back of my neck and the thought Like the Statehouse. These were the conditions. If it was going to happen, the place would be here. It would be now.

Seated next to the dictator I leaned over to whisper — what? What would he have understood? I had no German. Nor did I know what I would have said. Dead Jews, Gypsies, burning bodies in their graves, the awful aspects of war. I thought of this and leaned back. There was nothing to say. We stopped, the door came open. I got out first and then the guard in the jump seat and then Streicher from the front, panting in sweat, and then Hitler. Hitler came last of all, straightened, looked at me with those strange, focused eyes, that face like a claw. Raus, he said in a high voice, raus —

His head exploded. One eye seemed to expectorate, fall to the stones of the garage, then fragments of him were cast upward. In the heavy embrace of someone I could not see, I stumbled back. The grasp was enormous, absolutely enfolding, it felt like swaddling, like death, like ascension. The dictator was floating. The dictator, in pieces, was floating in the air.

Now we can begin the business of living, I thought I heard Huey say, his voice enormous in my head. Except of course, that there was no Huey there, only that stricken embrace, and then the broken screams in the garage, the sound of gabbled German, hysteria —

Hitler sifted over me in the sudden darkness.

Under the silt of Hitler, I fell.

The Kingfish sent shocked condolences and offered to accompany the body back to Berlin. But the party and their coffin were already on their way before the announcement at the press conference and then in the dawn, the first reports came of the attacks upon the Embassy. The declaration of war followed by noon.

Chamberlain was furious with us.

But the Kingfish was at the top of his mood, the happiest I had ever seen him.

I always wanted to be a war president, he said. I guess that this was what I was aiming for from the start. We’re going to save them, John, he said excitedly, we’re going to get them out, we’re going to stop the machine. We’re going to save them all, Huey said. We’re going to save them all.

Salvation from the parish.