
‘They’re here! They’re here!’ Agatha called, as she stood on the pier with Chief bouncing around beside her. Lawson stepped off the boat and joined her, as Katherine came out from below deck.

Coming along the pier, half walking, half running, were her three best friends – Tully, Cora and Morgan – full of excitement.

‘Happy birthday, Agatha!’ they cheered, in an unexpected chorus.

‘And how good is it that there’s no more school!’ said Tully, flinging her arms into the air with joy. ‘Did your report come, Agatha? Mine arrived this morning. I bet you got all As. I nearly did – one B.’

‘I haven’t looked yet – we’ve been so busy getting the boat ready. Come onboard.’ Agatha stepped off the pier onto the boat and the others quickly followed, Tully’s dad bringing up the rear.

‘Welcome aboard, ladies and Ed,’ said Lawson.

‘Thanks for the invitation, Lawson. I’ve always wanted to learn how to sail,’ said Ed. ‘Plus, I think you need me – the teenagers have you outnumbered.’

‘Hey, Lawson, aren’t you meant to say, “Welcome aboard, me hearties”?’ asked Morgan.

‘That’s pirates, Morgan. We’re the Navy.’

‘Well, what about “abandon ship” or “batten down the hatches”? Do you say those in the Navy?’

‘Yes, but let’s hope we don’t have to say either of them today.’

‘We have something for each of you.’ Agatha took three Navy caps from a small bag, handing one to each of her friends.

‘And life jackets,’ said Katherine, helping each girl to get theirs securely on.

‘Now, come on, I’ll give you a tour of the boat. Follow me below deck,’ Agatha said to the others, and they disappeared.

Katherine joined Lawson and Ed. ‘Well, this is going to be a perfect birthday – the sun is shining and there’s a good breeze, good friends and a good cake.’

‘Let’s set sail, shall we? Make the most of it,’ said Lawson. ‘Ed, do want to untie us from the pier?’

‘Aye, aye, Captain.’

‘It’s “aye, aye, Commander”,’ said Agatha with a soft chuckle. The girls had emerged from below deck, each with something to eat from the food Katherine had prepared in the galley.

‘Just don’t fall in, Dad,’ said Tully.

‘I’ll do my best.’

‘Does he mean he’s going to do his best to fall in or not fall in?’ asked Cora.

‘Could be either,’ laughed Tully.

As they left the pier, the girls sat behind Agatha as she steered the boat towards the middle of the bay, Lawson standing close by.

Katherine and Ed sat along the edge. ‘Just keep your eye on that boom, Ed,’ Katherine warned.

Chief was near the front of the boat, as if pointing them in the right direction. ‘Look at Chief at the bow,’ Agatha said to the others.

‘He has always loved sailing and that’s his favourite spot. More to the left, Agatha, gently now,’ said Lawson.

‘I hear Agatha has been elected to the Student Council for next year,’ Ed said to Katherine.

‘Yes. We are really proud of her.’

‘She’s a great kid, and smart too, if that win she and Tully had at the science competition is anything to go by! Science Camp in the new year.’

Katherine nodded and looked at Agatha. ‘Yes. She’s worked hard, Ed, but we have Tully and the others to thank too. They have been the best thing for her – true friends.’ She turned to Lawson and called out, ‘How’s she going, Commander?’

‘How are you going, Agatha?’ Lawson asked.

‘It’s great steering, Lawson. I can see the whole bay!’

‘Excellent. Well, I’ll sit back and relax and leave you in charge.’

‘Aye, aye, Commander! I have it all under control.’