
For Dogen, “space” means the all-inclusive empty space that has neither boundary nor limitation. All phenomena are embraced in one moment of meditation, going beyond any distinction between small and large, near and far.


A moment or two of mind is a moment of mountains, rivers, and earth, or two moments of mountains, rivers, and earth. Because mountains, rivers, earth, and so forth neither exist nor do not exist, they are not large or small, not attainable or unattainable, not knowable or unknowable, not penetrable or impenetrable. They neither change with realization nor change without realization. Just wholeheartedly accept with trust that to study the way with mind is this mountains-rivers-and-earth mind itself thoroughly engaged in studying the way.


That which allows one part of buddha’s awesome presence is the entire universe, the entire earth, as well as the entirety of birth and death, coming and going, of innumerable lands and lotus blossoms.


Understanding these words [about the entire universe] is going beyond buddhas and ancestors by seeing that extremely large is small and extremely small is large. Although this seems like denying that there is any such thing as large or small, this [understanding] is the awesome presence of active buddhas.

Understand that the awesome presence of the entire universe and the awesome presence of the entire earth as revealed by buddhas and ancestors is the unhidden inclusive world. This is not only the unhidden inclusive world but the awesome presence within a single active buddha.


Hold up empty space to build a stupa and create a buddha image. Scoop up valley water to build a stupa and create a buddha image. This is arousing the aspiration for unsurpassable, complete enlightenment. This is arousing for enlightenment one aspiration one hundred times, one thousand times, myriad times. This is practice and realization.


What expounds sutras is empty space [boundlessness]. Without being empty space, no one can expound even one single sutra. Expounding the Heart Sutra and expounding the body sutra are both done with empty space. With empty space, thinking is actualized and beyond thinking is actualized. Empty space is wisdom with a teacher, wisdom without a teacher, knowing by birth, knowing by learning. Becoming a buddha, becoming an ancestor, is also empty.


[Faxing Fatai93 said:] “When one person opens up reality and returns to the source, the space throughout the ten directions opens up reality and returns to the source.”


Realization is reality right now. Even shocks, doubts, fears, and frights are none other than reality right now. However, with buddha knowledge it is different; seeing a speck of dust is different from sitting within a speck of dust. Even when you sit in the world of phenomena, it is not broad. Even when you sit in a speck of dust, it is not narrow. If you are not fully present, you do not fully sit. If you are fully present, you are free of how broad or narrow it is where you are. Thus you have thoroughly experienced the essential unfolding of dharma blossoms.


There are those who, attracted by grass, flowers, mountains, and waters, flow into the buddha way; and there are those who, grasping soil, rocks, sand, and pebbles, uphold the buddha’s seal. Although the boundless words of the Buddha permeate myriad things, the turning of the great dharma wheel is contained inside a single particle of dust.


This Saha World94 can be called Shakyamuni Buddha’s land. Take up this Saha World, clarify whether it is eight ounces or half a pound, and examine whether the buddha land of the ten directions is seven or eight feet.


Even if you have a good finger to grasp space, you should penetrate the inside and outside of space. You should kill space and give life to space. You should know the weight of space. You should trust that the buddha ancestors’ endeavor of the way in aspiration, practice, and enlightenment through challenging dialogues is no other than grasping space.


Know that if you authentically inherit one phrase, you authentically inherit one dharma. If you inherit one phrase, you inherit mountains and you inherit waters. You cannot be separated from this very place.