

1 ‘Murkah’, ‘When DOUAR Finally Escaped’, Australian Chronicle, 26 July 1890.


1 Australian Dictionary of Biography.

2 Collins, An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales.

3 Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate, 16 September 1899.

4 Tench, 1788. Tench was a captain lieutenant in the marine corps who arrived in Australia on the Charlotte on 13 May 1787. An avid explorer during his time in the colony, he returned to England in early 1792.

5 Australian Dictionary of Biography; Bonwick, William Buckley; Langhorne, Reminiscences of William Buckley; Morgan, The Life and Adventures of William Buckley; Argus (Melbourne), 2, 4 March 1905.

6 NSWA 4/2325:4 John Graham petition; Gibbings, John Graham; For a fictional account of Eliza Fraser’s story, see Patrick White’s novel A Fringe of Leaves.

7 King, Birt’s Wholesale Song & Book Warehouse.

8 Lynn and Armstrong, From Pentonville to Pentridge.

9 The Inquirer and Commercial News, 6, 13 July 1859, 14 December 1864; ‘Five sailed North, 1 December 1940; ‘Four Came Back’, Sunday Times (Perth), 8 December 1940.

10 Perth Gazette, 5 June 1857.

11 Herald (Fremantle), 25 August 1867.

12 Adams, The Unforgiving Rope; Perth Gazette, 3, 4, 11 October 1867.

13 Cash, Martin Cash; Emberg and Emberg, The Uncensored Story of Martin Cash; Ring, Martin Cash; Australian, ‘Norfolk Island’.

14 Westwood should not be confused with the Aboriginal ‘Jackey Jackey’, aka ‘Galmahra’, who survived Edmund Kennedy’s expedition to the Cape York peninsula in 1848 and whose name became a term of abuse by Aboriginals.

15 Sydney Chronicle, 18 November 1846; Dick, The Bushranger of Bugendore; Jauncey, ‘Bushrangers in Stoney Creek’.

16 Sydney Sportsman, 5 November 1913.

17 Constitutional Centre of Western Australia; Hasluck, Unwilling Emigrants.

18 Elliot, Moondyne Joe; Boyce, PJ, 1979; ‘JS Hampton: The Governor’ in Hunt, L (ed.), Westralian Portraits, The Welshman, 30 March 1849.

19 ‘Reformed Criminals: Career of The Plum’, Barrier Miner (Broken Hill), 25 April 1914.

20 Geelong Advertiser, 2 September 1895.

21 The Young Chronicle (NSW), 6 August 1904.


1 Currey, The Transportation, Escape and Pardoning of Mary Bryant; Martin, Memorandoms.

2 Letter, John Hunter to Portland, 10 January 1798, SRNSW iii:345.

3 Kidd, Australia’s Serial Killers.

4 National Archives (UK).

5 Hirst, The Man who Stole the Cyprus; Richard Davey wrote a play, The Ship that Never Was, based on this story. It was originally performed in Hobart in 1982 by the Breadline Theatre Company. It was later performed at Strahan, Western Australia, in 1994. The receipts from this two-hander saved the Rounder Theatre Company from bankruptcy. It was Australia’s longest-running play.

6 Ullathorne, The Autobiography of Archbishop Ullathorne, p. 100.

7 Hill was later hanged in New Zealand as one of the so-called ‘Maungatapu’ murderers, who carried out a series of robberies near Nelson in the winter of 1866.

8 The Queen v Melville [1856] The Victoria Law Times and Legal Observer, 209, 5 October 1856.

9 Dictionary of Australian Biography; Boxall, ‘History of the Australian Bushrangers’; Clune, Captain Melville; ‘Suicide of the notorious Captain Melville’, Moreton Bay Courier, 29 August 1857.

10 McDonnell, The Catalpa Adventure; Argus, 16 October 1976; Bulletin with Newsweek, 26 September 2006; Advertiser (Adelaide), 24 October 2007.

11 For a full account of the theft and Weiberg’s story, see Morton and Lobez, Gangland, The Robbers; The Argus, 25 June, 24 July 1879.

12 Legislative Assembly, Brisbane, Votes and Proceedings 1869, vol. 1 p. 874.

13 Telegraph (Brisbane), 1 April 1914; Darling Downs Gazette, 23 May 1914; Register (South Australia) 1 April 1914; The Week, 10 July 1914.

14 Queensland Police Gazette, vol. 66, 6 December 1924; Smith’s Weekly (Sydney), 10 January 1925.

15 Canberra Times, 1 June 1974.

16 Canberra Times, 27 December 1989.

17 Mercury (Hobart), 12 April 2016.


1 Canberra Times, 28, 29 October 1958; 22 April, 5 May 1959.

2 Sydney Morning Herald, 16 March 1967.

3 Sydney Morning Herald, 5 November 1996.

4 Newcombe, Inside Out; Sharpe, Crimes that Shocked Australia; Simmonds, For Simmo; Hay, Catch Me If You Can; Sydney Morning Herald, 17 November, 16 December 1959, 16 March 1960, 5 November 1966.

5 Written in 1920 by Holworthy Hall and Robert Middlemass about a prisoner on the eve of his execution, the play has remained a staple diet of amateur theatrical groups. In 1929 it was filmed with Paul Muni playing the condemned man.

6 Lovell, Connie’s Secret.

7 Ayling, Nothing But the Truth; Grindlay, Behind Bars; Phillip Opas, Throw Away My Wig; Prior, A Knockabout Priest; Richards, The Hanged Man; Robinson, My Time in Hell Division; Silvester, Tough; Truth, 11 February 1976.

8 Canberra Times, 17 February, 19 August, 7 October 1967.

9 Encel and Alan, Murder!

10 Sun (Sydney), 12 August 1946; Truth (Sydney), 15 September, 15 December 1946.

11 Kidd, Never to be Released; Read, Chopper; Herald Sun (Melbourne), 16 November 2004.

12 Read, Chopper.

13 ‘The Hawk’s Daring Burglaries in Kalgoorlie’, Daily Mirror (Perth), 30 May 1936.

14 The Queen v Roy Anthony Pollitt [1990] VicSC 575; R v Pollit, Roy Anthony [1986] VicSC 73; Pollitt v The Queen [1992] HCA 35 (1992) 174 CLR 558 (13 August 1992) Tame, The Matriarch.

15 Australian, 6 February 1998.


1 Maitland Mercury, 1 October 1863; Leader (Victoria), 25 March 1871; Sydney Mail, 3 March 1877; Crookland Gazette (Victoria), 9 November 1909.

2 Boxall, ‘History of the Australian Bushranger’; Mendham, Dictionary of Australian Bushrangers.

3 Purcell died aged seventy-eight in 1917. Capricornian, 3 April 1909; Clem Lack, ‘When Fagin’s Gang Spread Terror’, Sunday-Mail (Brisbane), 7 May 1939; ‘Nothing Went Right for the Unlucky Bushrangers’, World’s News (Sydney), 14 April 1951.

4 Pedersen and Woorunmurra, Jandamarra and the Bunuba Resistance.

5 Corowa Free Press, 9 February 1940.

6 Geelong Advertiser, 20 October 1924; Smith’s Weekly (Sydney), 18, 25 October 1924; Observer (Adelaide), 1, 8 November 1924.

7 Barrier Miner (Broken Hill), 6 January 1932; Advertiser, 14 January 1931.

8 Register News-Pictorial (Adelaide), 2 August 1930.

9 Advertiser (Adelaide) 19, 24 July 1930; Register News-Pictorial (Adelaide), 24–29 July 1930; Cairns Post, 24 July 1930.

10 Barrier Miner (Broken Hill), 6 January 1932.

11 R v Kelly [1946] NSWStRp 16; [1946] 46 SR (NSW) 344; ‘The Debt Collector Called Robert Sidney Jones’, Smith’s Weekly (Sydney), 5 July 1947.

12 Northern Star, 18 September 1928.

13 McNab, Roger Rogerson; Duncan McNab, ‘Roger Rogerson: The light and shade of a killer’, ABC News, 15 June 2016.

14 Sydney Morning Herald, 3 April 1985.

15 On 8 June 1989 Applebee was presented with the evidence that it was his semen and blood on the victim’s clothing and he changed his defence from ‘I wasn’t there’ to ‘the police are not credible’ and finally to ‘she consented’. The DNA sample showed that there was a 1 in 165 million chance that Applebee had not committed the offences. It was this case that led to the introduction of victim impact statements in the Australian Capital Territory.

16 Canberra Times, 28 July 1988, 20 September 1994.

17 Canberra Times, 20 September 1957; Tribune (Sydney), 25 September 1957.

18 Hansen, The Awful Truth; Smith’s Weekly (Sydney), 9 September 1950; Sydney Morning Herald, 15 April 1952; Canberra Times, 15 May 1952; Argus (Melbourne), 10 November 1951, 12 June 1954; Clancy, ‘At 15 I led a gaol break’, Argus (Melbourne), 6 September 1956.

19 The Queen v Peter Robert Gibb, (unreported) VSC 17 August 1984.

20 R v Heather Dianne Parker, [1995] VicSC 431; Tame, Deadlier Than the Male; Age (Melbourne), 17 March 1993; Sydney Morning Herald, 13, 14 March 1993; Herald Sun (Melbourne), 18 April 2007; Geoff Wilkinson, ‘Career Criminal Got What He Deserved’.

21 Gage, Boggo Road Prison, p. 166.

22 ‘Death of a Desperado’, Courier-Mail (Brisbane), 12, 13, 14 June 1992.

23 Morton and Lobez, Gangland Queensland; Doneman, ‘Prisoners On Charge of Murder’.

24 Silvester and Rule, Leadbelly; Sydney Morning Herald, 13 February, 13 June, 7, 8, 20 December 1992, 26 July 1994, 30 May 1998; Age (Melbourne), 17 December 1977.


1 Early in the morning of 3 June 1978, the Katingal prisoners were dispersed to Parramatta and Maitland prisons. The unit had been open for just two years and eight months. Bernie Matthews, Sunday Sun-Herald, 26 March 2006; Matthews, ‘A View From a Living Hell’.

2 Robotham, ‘Year End Review: Why crime?’.

3 Pollitt v R [1992] HCA 35; Mitchell, ‘Denning’s Great Escape’.

4 Sydney Morning Herald, 12 June 1993.

5 NSW Ombudsman, Raymond Denning.

6 NSW Ombudsman, Raymond Denning; Denning and Catchlove, Ray Denning; Silvester and Rule, Tough.

7 Cox v The Queen S79/1997 [1998] HCATrans 154; The Application of Russell John Cox [2004] NSWSC 1341;Sydney Morning Herald, 17 October 2004; Read, Chopper.

8 ‘“Santa” not guilty’, Argus, 29 February 1952.

9 Gippsland Farmers Journal, 29 December 1887.

10 Beach, Report of the Board of Inquiry into Allegations against Members of the Victoria Police Force; Shand, Big Shots; Canberra Times, 9 June 1978.

11 Livesey v New South Wales Bar Association [1983] HCA 17 (1983) 151 CLR 288 (20 May 1983); Rogerson, The Dark Side.

12 ‘2 Chisel Out of Prison Van’, Age, 22 March 1973.

13 Clarkson, Report Of The Royal Commission; Tog, Prison break; Illawarra Mercury, 25 August 2004.

14 Regina v Ian Hall Saxon [2000] NSWCCA 268; Phelps, Australia’s Hardest Prison; Sunday Age, 4 April 1993; Sunday Telegraph, 6 August 2000; Phelps, ‘Ian Saxon Hall, How I fooled you all’.


1 Telegraph, St Kilda, Prahran and South Yarra Guardian, 15 September 1883; Warder, X, ‘Murderers I Have Met No 3: Anne Minerva Davis’, Truth (Brisbane), 24 January 1909.

2 Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 23 December 1930; Townsville Daily Bulletin, 31 March 1931.

3 Queensland Times, 28 September 1922; ‘Lizzie O’Brien Sensational Capture’, Tweed Daily, 16 October 1922; ‘Lost Lizzie Captured in Campbell Street’, Truth (Sydney) 15 October 1922. For a full account of her career, see Morton and Lobez, Gangland Queensland.

4 Toner, ‘Redemption of the Angel of Death’.

5 Hansen, ‘Angel of death’s wild times’.

6 Tame, Deadlier Than the Male; Wright, Angel of Death.

7 Canberra Times, 17 February 2003.

8 Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 11 March 2012.

9 R v Kehoe and Pemberton, No. SCCRM-00-14, SCCRM-00-18 [2000] SASC 119.

10 Tonkin v Queensland Parole Board [2015] QSC 334; Criminal Justice Commission, Report on a Public Inquiry.

11 Butler, ‘Judge ends fugitive’s 24 year run’.


1 Wagga Wagga Advertiser, 24 March 1903.

2 The Advertiser (Adelaide), 12 March 1909.

3 Arrow (Sydney), 24 June 1932.

4 For a full account of the robbery and efforts to save Rennie from the gallows, see Morton and Lobez, Gangland, North, South & West; ‘The Inside Tragic Life Story of the Curious Complex Known as Royston Rennie’, Truth (Western Australia), 24 July 1926.

5 For full accounts of the case, see Kelly, The Charge is Murder; Morton and Lobez, Gangland Queensland; Sydney Morning Herald, 27 June 1936; The Queenslander, 2 July 1936; ‘When death booked a sleeper’, Smith’s Weekly (Sydney) 25 June 1949; Truth (Queensland), 17 August 1941, 12 April 1942; Truth (South Australia), 30 August 1941; Maryborough Chronicle, 30 March 1951; ‘Murder on the Orient Express Bundaberg Mail, Steam Scene, vol. 8, no. 1, February 2011.

6 Lewis, Jailbreak; Canberra Times, 23 September 1960, 13, 15, 25 July, 11 August 1961.

7 Townsville Daily Bulletin, 6 August 1935; Evening Post (Brisbane), 22 August 1935; Truth (Brisbane), 15 September 1935.

8 ‘Escapee charters a plane to the city’, Age (Melbourne), 30 August 1971.

9 R v Earl Heatley [2002] NSWCC 297; Statement of Nicholas Cowdery QC, 8 April 2004.

10 Tait and Bartley v The Queen [1979] FCA 32; Northern Territory News, 24 January 1978; Age (Melbourne), 22 October 1985; New Straits Times (Malaysia), 13 February 1988; Warnock, ‘The Cowboy Cops It’; Sydney Morning Herald, 14 October 1990.

11 Asinof, The 10-second Jailbreak.

12 Killick, Gambling for Love.

13 R v Killick [2002] NSWCCA 1;R v Dudko [2002] NSWCCA 336; Tame, Deadlier than the Male; Kerr, Wanted; Sunday-Mail (Brisbane), 28 March 1999; Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 22 December 2000; Sydney Morning Herald, 7 April 2015.

14 McMillan, Escape; Drummond, ‘Drug runner a dead man laughing’.

15 Moor, ‘Mafia-buster Fury Over Failure to Arrest “Mobsters” Nicola Ciconte, Vincenzo Medici and Michael Calleja’.

16 R v SBG [2008] QCA 59.


1 ‘A poor-type Martini at best’, Smith’s Weekly (Sydney), 3 August 1946.

2 Sun (Brisbane), 30 December 1988.

3 Truth (Brisbane), 16 June, 11 August, 16 December 1951; Age (Melbourne), 28, 29 May 1952.

4 Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 11 June 2004.

5 Serial sex offender Lacco was later named as a person of interest in the 2007 murder trial in which Supreme Court lawyer Lloyd Rayney was acquitted of murdering his wife Corryn.

6 The State of Western Australia v Hapke and Anor [2004] WASC 148.

7 Read, Chopper.

8 Ayling, Nothing But The Truth.

9 R v Dixon-Jenkins, John Charles [1985] VicSC 45; World Peace Fast, The Life and times of John Dixon-Jenkins; Canberra Times, 14 September 1991; Bendigo Weekly, 22 March 2013.

10 Rule, ‘Drug Runner Lisa Marie Smith May Be Hiding in Dublin’.

11 The corrupt financier Christopher Skase began his career as a finance journalist. In 1987 he bought the television network Seven and later tried to buy the American studio MGM. When he failed to pay, his pyramid of companies collapsed and it was found he had been siphoning money for his own account. He declared himself bankrupt to the tune of $170 million and, facing fraud charges, fled to Spain from where he fought off attempts to extradite him until his death in Majorca on 6 August 2001.

12 Mokbel v The Queen [2013] VSCA 118.

13 Sydney Morning Herald, 11 August 2007.

14 R v Zammit [1999] NSWCCA 65.


1 Age (Melbourne), 21, 31 August June 1954; ‘The Robert Walker Story’, Age (Melbourne), 18 September 1954 et seq.

2 Hansen, The Awful Truth; Argus (Melbourne), 1, 11 September 1954.

3 Dower, Deadline; Brisbane Telegraph, 4 October 1954 et seq.

4 Northern Territory News, 8 October 2006.

5 Pantic, then aged nineteen, had previously escaped from Long Bay in Sydney in February 1966.

6 Eastwood, Focus on Faraday and Beyond; Read, Chopper.

7 ‘Plans for Prison Escape Thwarted’, Canberra Times, 7 September 1982; Sydney Morning Herald, 20, 21 January 1983.

8 Canberra Times, 18, 19, 21 April 19 June 1983.

9 Sydney Morning Herald, 13 July 1984.


1 Australian Dictionary of Biography; Anon, The Life and Adventures of Isaac Solomons; The Times, 10 July 1830.

2 Leca went on to become something of a celebrity as the lover of the beautiful prostitute Casque d’Or, played by Simone Signoret in the film of the same name. Morton, Gangland: The early years; Toth, Beyond Papillon; The Telegraph (Brisbane), 28 April 1881.

3 Evening News (Sydney), 23 August 1889; Lack, ‘The problem of the French Escapees from New Caledonia’.

4 De Rochefort later returned to France under an amnesty but was again sentenced to life imprisonment over his involvement in the so-called ‘Boulanger treason case’ in 1891. He escaped once more and went to England, where he remained until there was another amnesty. Edouard Manet’s picture of his escape from New Caledonia is in the Kunsthaus, Zurich, with a smaller version in the Musée d’Orsay in Paris.

5 For a full account of the Tobacco Gang and the unsuccessful robbery, see Morton and Lobez, Gangland: The robbers; Kalgoorlie Western Argus, 4 June 1901; Telegraph (Brisbane) 15 June, 5 December 1901.

6 Old Bailey Papers, t18941119-65; Adelaide Observer, 8 March 1884; Gazette des Tribunaux (Paris), 30 November, 1 December 1901; ‘The Last of Montgomery and Williams’, Truth (Sydney) 3 June 1894; ‘High Class Crime: Genesis of the Tobacco Gang’, National Advocate, 16 November 1911.

7 Sparks, Burglar to the Nobility.

8 Morton and Lobez, Dangerous to Know; Sunday Empire News (United Kingdom), 17 May 1952.

9 National Archives UK, Records of Metropolitan Police Office; Glen Innes Examiner, 14 July 1931.

10 For an account of both cases, see Morton and Lobez, Gangland Sydney.

11 Sun (Sydney), 24 December 1939.

12 Kelly, The Shadow; Sydney Morning Herald, 2 November, 12 December 1928; ‘Criminal Who Posed Darcy as a Woman’, Sun-Herald (Sydney), 11 October 1953.

13 ‘How a criminal made laughing stock of police’, Smith’s Weekly, 3 January 1931.

14 Some accounts have him being born in South Africa before he came to Australia. National Archives (UK) HO 45/22919; Gribble, Stories of Famous Master Criminals; Fabian, Fabian of the Yard.

15 Truth (Melbourne), 25 October, 1 November 1969.

16 Biggs, Odd Man Out.

17 Gilbert, Fraudsters; Stonehouse, Death of an Idealist.

18 R v Hamzy [2002] NSWSC 128; Hamzy v Commissioner of Corrective Services (NSW) and Anor [2011] NSWSC 120; Morton and Lobez, Gangland Oz.

19 Jansen ‘The Bull Goes Quietly’.

20 Wilson, Big Shots.

21 For some of Cornwell’s later career, see Cornwell v R [2010] NSWCCA 59.

22 ABC Online, 18 February 2004.

23 Roberts, Shantaram.

24 Sydney Morning Herald, 22 March 2015.


1 Sunday Mail (Adelaide), 11 September 1954.

2 Herald Sun (Melbourne), 19 September 1954.

3 Argus, 1 December 1955.

4 O’Meally v R 1952 CLR, 13; Read, Chopper; Alan Sharpe, ‘The Man They Couldn’t Break’ in Encel and Sharpe, Murder!; Canberra Times, 29, 30 March, 1 November 1957.

5 For an account of Grafton at the time, see Morton, Maximum Security; Chipperfield, ‘Behind the Wire’.

6 Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton), 27 February 1940.

7 Sim and Stevenson, Escape from Boggo Road.

8 Courier-Mail, 11 December 1952.

9 Courier-Mail, 11, 12 December 1953.

10 Dawson, The Houdini of Boggo Road.

11 The Advertiser, 22 December 1925.

12 Truth (South Australia), 30 August 1941.

13 R v Fyfe [2004] SASC 321; 391; Fyfe v The State of South Australia [2000] SASC 84, [2007] SASC 272; The Advertiser, 6 October 2004.

14 James, ‘“Jailbreak” Plot Foiled’.

15 Sean Fewster, ‘Sorry for his Crimes’ and ‘Young Man Who Idolised Dad’s Standing From Life of Crime’.

16 Nigel Hunt, ‘Jail Breach Inmates in Yatala Roof Protest But It Was all Kept Hush-hush’.

17 Scone Advocate, 18 November 1930.

18 Age (Melbourne), 28 February 1933; Truth (Victoria), 1 June 1933.

19 The prison tram is now in the Sydney Tramway Museum.

20 A second-class warder appealed to the Crown Employees Appeals Board and received short shrift. Sydney Morning Herald, 21 February 1950.

21 Sydney Morning Herald, 2 January 1950.

22 Sydney Morning Herald, 14 August 1952.

23 Martini had once escaped from the Appeals Court in Queen’s Square. When his case was called there was a barrister but no Martini. He had filed through the bars with a hacksaw he had smuggled in and left in a cistern. Age (Melbourne), 18 July 1946; Morton and Lobez, Dangerous to Know; Truth (Sydney) 15 September, 15 December 1946; Canberra Times, 8 December 1944.

24 Sun (Melbourne), 15 June 1953; Sydney Morning Herald, 16, 27 June 1953.

25 Sydney Morning Herald, 7 October 1953.

26 Lipson and Barnao, As Crime Goes By.

27 Canberra Times, 29 May 1980.

28 Dugan v Mirror Newspapers [1978] HCA 54; Dugan, Bloodhouse; Fricke, Libels, Lampoons and Litigants; Hay, Catch Me If You Can.

29 Other notable Victorians who had been in shackles at one time or another in the 1980s include Russell Cox, Mark Read, Peter Gibb, John Lindrea, Robert Wright and Alex Tsakmakis, and brothers Mark and Danny James. Christopher Binse v Clive Williams (As Governor of HM Prison Barwon) and anr. [1997] VSC 12. Gregory and Button, ‘Shackles stay as prisoner’s court bid fails’.

30 Silvester and Rule, Tough.

31 Silvester, ‘Meet Badness, the Man Behind the Siege’.

32 Binse v The Queen [2014] VSCA 329.

33 Christopher Binse v Clive Williams (As Governor of HM Prison Barwon) and John Van Groningen (Correctional Services Commissioner of Victoria) [1997] VSC 12; Binse v The Queen [2014] VSCA 329; Binse v The Queen [2016] VSCA 145; The Queen v Pecotic [2017] VSC 330; Thompson, Mayhem.


1 Dower, Deadline.

2 Kelly, The Charge is Murder; Morton and Lobez, Gangland, The Robbers; Victoria Police Gazette, 18 October 1923; ‘Is Buckley Dead or Alive?’ Truth (Melbourne), 5 January 1924.

3 Woon v R [1964] HCA 23; (1964)109 CLR 529; Roos, ‘The Trouble with Woon’.

4 For an account of the proceedings in Dublin, which do no great credit to either the Irish or Australian governments, see Moor, Crims in Grass Castles; The Canberra Times, 5 July 1985. His name is sometimes spelled Trimboli, and the Woodward Commission’s report into Drug Trafficking gives his birthplace as Australia.

5 Adrian Neale, conversations with J Morton, 22 August 2003, 23 January 2006.

6 Van der Plaat, Too Good To Be True; Four Corners, ‘Many happy returns’, ABC-TV, 7 September 1998.

7 Hunt, The First Police Union; Silvester and Rule, Tough; ‘Police let wanted man off the hook’, Sydney Morning Herald, 13 January 1982; Advertiser (Adelaide), 12 September 1983; ‘Creed cleared on SA murder charge’, Advertiser (Adelaide), 3 October 1984; McDonald, ‘Life and Crimes of Colin Creed’.

8 R v Gino Stocco, R v Mark Stocco [2017] NSWSC 304.

9 R v Naden [2013] NSWSC 759; Abernethy, The Contractor; Phelps, Australia’s Most Murderous Prison; Daily Liberal and Macquarie Advocate, 4 April 2014.

10 R v Thomas [1994] QCA 109.

11 Tippet, ‘Trouble In Paradise’.

12 Silvester, ‘Gary Potter is Australia’s most wanted crook—or is he’.


1 ‘Woman’s Escape from Gaol’, Sydney Morning Herald, 22 November 1944.

2 Port Pirie Recorder and North Western Mail, 1 February 1911.

3 Weekly Times (Melbourne), 1 August 1951; Maryborough Chronicle, 1 March 1952.

4 AAP Bulletin Wire, 20 October 2006.

5 The Inquirer and Commercial News, 11 March 1898; Sunday Times, 3 June 1904.

6 Sunday Times (Perth), 1 July 1906.

7 Argus (Melbourne), 10 March 1900.

8 ‘John Henry Sparks: How he escaped’, The Journal (Adelaide), 30 December 1913.

9 Chronicle, 21 October 1911; ‘Notable bolts for freedom’, Mail (Adelaide), 5 November 1927.

10 Doneman, ‘Changing Face of a Killer’; Courier-Mail (Brisbane), 13 February, 1 December 2011; Petrinec, ‘My Mate the Murderer’.

11 R v Carmody [2003] QCA 482; R v Blatch [2003] QCA 483; Blatch v The Queen [2005] HCATrans 176; Oberhardt, ‘Murder conviction ends run of escapes’; Doneman, ‘Convicted murderer had sex with Brisbane prison officer, letters suggest’.

12 Duffy, Bad.

13 Dale, ‘Penthouse to Jailhouse’.

14 Gibbs, ‘Most Unwanted’.

15 Chris High, Interview with Michael Robotham, The Bookseller, 28 August 2014.


1 NT News, 10 September 2011.

2 Townsville Bulletin, 17 July 2010.

3 McKenzie, The Sting.

4 Dawson and Wood, Escaping Boggo Road; Morton and Lobez, Gangland Queensland.

5 On 1 September 2006, Langford was jailed for ten years for four armed robberies committed in Brisbane and the Gold Coast in July and August 2005, the first just eleven days after his release on parole. In 2007 he began an appeal. R v Langford [2007] QCA 186; Morton, Maximum Security.

6 ‘At the time of escape the gate officer was not at his post but selling raffle tickets’, Courier-Mail (Brisbane), 30 March 1989.

7 Herald Sun (Melbourne), 5 and 7 November 1997.

8 Silvester, ‘The Bungle Boys’; Doneman and Murray, ‘Murderer’s Quiet Exit’.

9 Office of the State Coroner, Findings of Inquiry into the Death of Mark Walter Day; Courier-Mail (Brisbane), 14 April 2013.

10 Oberhardt, ‘Woman Jailed for Part in Breakout’; Hansen, ‘My Role in Escape’.

11 Abbott v R [1982] WASC 215; ABC News, ‘”Postcard Bandit” Brenden Abbott avoids further prison time for 1989 Fremantle jailbreak’, at


1 Argus (Melbourne), 29 May 1954.

2 ABC News, ‘Maximum Security Prisoner Stephen Jamieson Ties Bed Sheets Together, Climbs Jail Wall to Escape from Goulburn Prison’, 18 August 2015.

3 Beach, Report of the Board of Inquiry …; Anon, Criminal Injustice.

4 Re Maston, Brett Ronald [1984] VicSC93.

5 For a full account of Maston’s career as a robber, see Morton and Lobez, Gangland North, South and West; R v Maston [1998] VSC 221; Age (Melbourne), 30 November 1995.

6 Blatch v The Queen [2005] HCATrans 176.

7 Ralston, ‘Escaped Murderer Rearrested After Two Days’; Capital Radio Network, 15 August 2013.

8 Sydney Morning Herald, 23 April 2013.