This list contains the most important works on the ethics of patriotism, including many of the sources referred to in this book.
Anderson, John P. 2003. “Patriotic Liberalism.” Law and Philosophy, 22 (6): 577–595.
Appiah, Kwame Anthony. 2005. The Ethics of Identity. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Archard, David. 1995. “Three Ways to Be a Good Patriot.” Public Affairs Quarterly, 9 (2): 101–113.
Archard, David. 1999. “Should We Teach Patriotism?” Studies in Philosophy and Education, 18 (3): 157–173.
Arneson, Richard J. 2005. “Do Patriotic Ties Limit Global Justice Duties?” Journal of Ethics, 9 (1–2): 127–150.
Audi, Robert. 2009. “Nationalism, Patriotism, and Cosmopolitanism in an Age of Globalization.” Journal of Ethics, 13 (4): 365–381.
Axinn, Sidney. 1986. “Honor, Patriotism, and Ultimate Loyalty.” In Nuclear Weapons and the Future of Humanity, edited by Avner Cohen and Steven Lee, 273–288. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Axinn, Sidney. 1987. “Loyalty and the Limits of Patriotism.” In Political Realism and International Morality: Ethics in the Nuclear Age, edited by Kenneth Kipnis and Diana T. Meyers, 239–250. Boulder: Westview Press.
Bader, Veit. 1999. “For Love of Country.” Political Theory, 27 (3): 379–397.
Bader, Veit. 2005. “Reasonable Impartiality and Priority for Compatriots: A Criticism of Liberal Nationalism’s Main Flaws.” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 8 (1–2): 83–103.
Baron, Marcia. 1984. The Moral Status of Loyalty. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt.
Baron, Marcia. 1989. “Patriotism and ‘Liberal’ Morality.” In Mind, Value, and Culture: Essays in Honor of E.M. Adams, edited by D. Weissbord, 269–300. Atascadero: Ridgeview Publishing Co. Reprinted in Patriotism, edited by Igor Primoratz, 59–86. Amherst: Humanity/Prometheus.
Beitz, Charles. 1983. “Cosmopolitan Ideals and National Sentiment.” Journal of Philosophy, 80 (10): 591–600.
Ben-Porath, Sigal R. 2007. “Civic Virtue Out of Necessity: Patriotism and Democratic Education.” Theory and Research in Education, 5 (1): 41–59.
Blattberg, Charles. 2003. “Patriotic, Not Deliberative, Democracy.” CRISPP: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 6 (1): 155–174.
Blum, Lawrence. 2007. “Best Traditions Patriotism: A Commentary on Miller, Wingo and Ben-Porath.” Theory and Research in Education, 5 (1): 61–68.
Boutros, Victor. 2003. “Patriotism and International Aid: An Analysis of Alasdair MacIntyre’s ‘Is Patriotism a Virtue?’ ” Contemporary Philosophy, 25 (1–2): 9–16.
Boxill, Bernard R. 2009. “Frederick Douglass’s Patriotism.” Journal of Ethics, 13 (4): 301–317.
Breda, Vito. 2004. “The Incoherence of the Patriotic State: A Critique of ‘Constitutional Patriotism’.” Res Publica, 10 (3): 247–265.
Brighouse, Harry. 2006. “Justifying Patriotism.” Social Theory and Practice, 32 (4): 547–558.
Cafaro, Philip. 2010. “Patriotism as an Environmental Virtue.” Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 23 (1–2, Special Issue): 185–206.
Callan, Eamonn. 2002. “Democratic Patriotism and Multicultural Education.” Studies in Philosophy and Education, 21 (6): 465–477.
Callan, Eamonn. 2006. “Love, Idolatry, and Patriotism.” Social Theory and Practice, 32 (4): 525–546.
Callan, Eamonn. 2010. “The Better Angels of our Nature: Patriotism and Dirty Hands.” Journal of Political Philosophy, 18 (3): 249–270.
Canovan, Margaret. 1996. “‘Breathes There the Man, with Soul So Dead …’: Reflections on Patriotic Poetry and Liberal Principles.” In Literature and the Political Imagination, edited by John Horton and Andrea T. Baumeister, 170–197. London/New York: Routledge.
Canovan, Margaret. 2000. “Patriotism Is Not Enough.” British Journal of Political Science, 30 (3): 425–428.
Coons, Christian. 2001. “Wellman’s ‘Reductive’ Justifications for Redistributive Policies that Favor Compatriots.” Ethics, 111 (4): 782–788.
Cronin, Ciaran. 2003. “Democracy and Collective Identity: In Defence of Constitutional Patriotism.” European Journal of Philosophy, 11 (1): 1–28.
Dagger, Richard. 1985. “Rights, Boundaries, and the Bonds of Community: A Qualified Defense of Moral Parochialism.” American Political Science Review, 79 (2): 436–447.
Dietz, Mary G. 1989. “Patriotism.” In Political Innovation and Conceptual Change, edited by Terence Ball, James Farr, and Russell L. Hanson, 177–193. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dombrowski, Daniel. 1992. “On Why Patriotism Is Not a Virtue.” International Journal of Applied Philosophy, 7 (1): 1–4.
Fletcher, George P. 1993. Loyalty: An Essay on the Morality of Relationships. New York: Oxford University Press.
Fullinwider, Robert. 1992. “The New Patriotism.” In Values and Public Policy, edited by Claudia Mills, 449–454. Orlando: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Gaffney, James. 1993. “Patriotism: Virtue or Vice?” Philosophy and Theology: Marquette University Quarterly, 8 (2): 129–148.
Gilbert, Margaret. 2009. “Pro Patria: An Essay on Patriotism.” Journal of Ethics, 13 (4): 319–346.
Goldman, Emma. 1982. “Patriotism: A Menace to Liberty.” In Freedom, Feminism, and the State, edited by Wendy McElroy, 337–350. Washington, DC: Cato Institute.
Gomberg, Paul. 1990. “Patriotism is Like Racism.” Ethics, 101 (1): 144–150.
Goodin, Robert E. 1988. “What Is So Special about Our Fellow Countrymen?” Ethics, 98 (4): 663–686.
Gordon, Rupert H. 2000. “Modernity, Freedom, and the State: Hegel’s Concept of Patriotism.” Review of Politics, 62 (2): 295–325.
Greenhalgh, P.A.L. 1972. “Patriotism in the Homeric World.” Historia, 21: 528–537.
Grodzins, Morton. 1956. The Loyal and the Disloyal: Social Boundaries of Patriotism and Treason. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Habermas, Jürgen. 1992. “Citizenship and National Identity: Some Reflections of the Future of Europe.” Praxis International, 12 (1): 1–19.
Harris, Sydney J. 1982. “What’s Wrong with Being Proud?” In Pieces of Eight, by Sydney J. Harris, 209–210. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Horton, Keith. 2007. “Patriotism and Bad Faith: A Critique of Keller.” In Patriotism: Philosophical and Political Perspectives, edited by Igor Primoratz and Aleksandar Pavković, 55–62. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Ikuenobe, Polycarp. 2010. “Citizenship and Patriotism.” Public Affairs Quarterly, 24 (4): 297–318.
Ingram, Attracta. 1996. “Constitutional Patriotism.” Philosophy and Social Criticism, 22 (6): 1–18.
Johnston, Steven. 2007. The Truth about Patriotism. Durham: Duke University Press.
Kateb, George. 2000. “Is Patriotism a Mistake?” Social Research, 67 (4): 901–924.
Keller, Simon. 2005. “Patriotism as Bad Faith.” Ethics, 115 (3): 563–592.
Keller, Simon. 2007a. The Limits of Loyalty. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Keller, Simon. 2007b. “How Patriots Think and Why it Matters.” In Patriotism: Philosophical and Political Perspectives, edited by Igor Primoratz and Aleksander Pavković, 63–73. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Keller, Simon. 2007c. “Are Patriotism and Universalism Compatible?” Social Theory and Practice, 33 (4): 609–624.
Keller, Simon. 2013. “Worldly Citizens: Civic Virtue without Patriotism.” In Cosmopolitanism: For and Against, edited by Gillian Brock, 239–254. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Khan, Carrie-Ann Biondi. 2003. “The Possibility of Liberal Patriotism.” Public Affairs Quarterly, 17 (4): 265–290.
Klampfer, Friderik. 1998. “Can the Appeal to the Intrinsic Value of Citizenship Really Help Us Justify Special Duties to Compatriots?” In Applied Ethics: Proceedings of the 21st International Wittgenstein Symposium, vol. 1, edited by P. Kampits, K. Kokai, and A. Weiberg, 358–363. Kirchberg am Wechsel: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society.
Kleinig, John. 2008. “Patriotic Loyalty.” In Patriotism: Philosophical and Political Perspectives, edited by Igor Primoratz and Aleksandar Pavković, 37–53. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Kodelja, Zdenko. 2011. “Is Education for Patriotism Morally Required, Permitted or Unacceptable?” Studies in Philosophy and Education, 30 (2):127–140.
Königs, Peter. 2012. “Patriotism: A Case Study in the Philosophy of Emotions.” Grazer Philosophische Studien, 85 (1): 299–309.
Macedo, Stephen. 2011. “Just Patriotism?” Philosophy and Social Criticism, 37 (4): 413–423.
MacIntyre, Alasdair. 1984. “Is Patriotism a Virtue?” The Lindley Lecture, Lawrence, University of Kansas. Reprinted in Patriotism, edited by Igor Primoratz, 43–58. Amherst: Humanity Books, 2002. Available at Accessed July 10, 2014.
McKenzie, William R. 1963. “Toward a Defensible Concept of Patriotism.” Philosophy of Education: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, 19: 34–43.
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Mill, John Stuart. 1977. “Considerations on Representative Government.” In The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, Volume 19 – Essays on Politics and Society Part II, edited by John M. Robson. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Miller, David. 2005. “Reasonable Partiality towards Compatriots.” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 8 (1–2): 63–81.
Miller, Richard W. 1997. “Killing for the Homeland: Patriotism, Nationalism and Violence.” Journal of Ethics, 1 (2): 165–185.
Miller, Richard W. 1998. “Cosmopolitan Respect and Patriotic Concern.” Philosophy & Public Affairs, 27 (3): 202–224.
Miller, Robert A. 2007. “Unlearning American Patriotism.” Theory and Research in Education, 5 (1): 7–21.
Montague, Phillip. 1994. “Patriotism and Political Obligation.” Journal of Social Philosophy, 25 (2): 44–56.
Moore, Margaret. 2009. “Is Patriotism an Associative Duty?” Journal of Ethics, 13 (4): 383–399.
Müller, Jan-Werner. 2006. “On the Origins of Constitutional Patriotism.” Contemporary Political Theory, 5 (3): 278–296.
Müller, Jan-Werner. 2007a. Constitutional Patriotism. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Nathanson, Stephen. 1990. “On Deciding Whether a Nation Deserves Our Loyalty.” Public Affairs Quarterly, 4 (3): 287–298.
Nathanson, Stephen. 1992. “Is Patriotism Like Racism?” American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and the Black Experience, 91 (2): 9–12.
Nathanson, Stephen. 1993. Patriotism, Morality and Peace. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.
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Primoratz, Igor. 2000. “Patriotism: Morally Allowed, Required, or Valuable?” In Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict: Philosophical Perspectives, edited by Nenad Miscevic, 101–113. Chicago: Open Court.
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