Chapter 11

Gypsy sat in her afternoon Military Theory class trying to digest what had just happened to her. Just as Kharon had predicted, her season had come over her like a fever, making her ache to stay and have sex with him all day. But she’d fought the urge and forced herself to leave for her next class, much to his dismay. The sex between them had been one of the most fulfilling experiences of her life. The only exception was when she made love to Caraculla, but even though that wonderful experience was mind-blowing in its own right, being with Kharon was—well, different. Caraculla was love, comfort and safety; Kharon was all fire, risk and lust. It wasn’t that she didn’t find Kharon attractive, she did, but the powerful pull that he had on her was both confusing and disturbing. All she knew was that she had to put a stop to this season thing or she might end up risking her career. The only person who might be able to help her was her mother. Maybe there was another shot or something her mother could give her to stop this torment. There had to be.

Even as her instructor was giving them the cue for dismissal, Gypsy was out the door and running down the hall. She didn’t even bother saddling her hyperia before she tore out of the paddock gate and down the road toward her mother’s clinic. As the animal galloped down the road, she could feel the hunger building within, pushing images into her mind of Kharon’s magnificent body and huge cock. Beyond reason, she could feel him somewhere out there wanting her, summoning her. Every cell in her being wanted to turn around and return to him. Resisting was anguish, but she had to. This needed to end now.

Finally reaching the clinic, she put her mount away and raced into the white stone two-story building past the receptionist, who barely noticed her. She trotted down the hall toward her mother’s office; she knew from working here as a teen that in the late afternoon Harlan usually just updated charts at her desk. The bulk of her patients usually came in the mornings.

She knocked once and entered. Harlan and Gavin had been talking by the window and looked up in surprise as Gypsy slammed the door behind her.

“What the fuck?” Gavin snarled in his usual diplomatic way.

Gypsy ignored him. “I need to talk to you,” she said to Harlan between gasps as she tried to catch her breath. Then she gave her father a hard stare. “Alone.”

Gavin scowled, instantly furious. He hated being talked to like that but this was an emergency and she didn’t have time for his crap. “Now listen here—” Gavin roared, launching into a lecture.

Harlan touched his arm and he glared down at her. “Please, Gavin,” Harlan said in a gentle tone that always defused her father’s anger. “It must be important if she came all the way over here in such a hurry.”

Gavin snorted and stalked out, showing his displeasure by bumping Gypsy with his shoulder as he passed. Then, in a grand show of defiance, he slammed the door hard behind him. Gypsy winced.

Harlan leaned against her desk and folded her arms. “What could possibly be so important as to blatantly piss off your father?”

“There’s something wrong with me! I’m in some sort of season!” Gypsy said as she paced the room.

Her mother knitted her brow. “That’s funny,” she said. “Your father didn’t notice anything. Besides, most AEssyrian women don’t go through that anymore.”

“Well, I’m going through it right now and Kharon did it to me!”

“Did you two have sex?” Harlan asked in a tone that was much too technical for Gypsy’s taste.

“Yes. I couldn’t stop myself.”

“Let me draw some blood and I’ll check your hormone levels,” Harlan said, opening up a cabinet. “But even if you’re right—which I’m sure you are—there isn’t much I can do. At least he can’t make you pregnant.”

Gypsy was about to protest that there must be something that could be done, when Harlan grabbed her arm and swabbed it. After drawing a syringe full of blood, Harlan expelled it into a rubber-topped vial and walked out, telling Gypsy to wait. Almost twenty minutes went by when Harlan came back in with Krull, the Kirillian doctor. He closed the door behind him. Gypsy was less than thrilled that Krull was involved but if he could help, she’d take it.

“Stand up, lift your shirt and unbutton your pants,” Krull said as Harlan watched.

Gypsy did as he told her, frowning at her mother. Krull moved in close and placed his hands over her lower abdomen, pushing firmly on it. Up close, he was more handsome than Gypsy remembered and his skin and hair smelled good, like fresh soap. His long, dark blonde hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail and there were tiny wrinkles around his mouth and eyes hinting that he’d once known a life of sorrow.

After a few minutes of feeling around her gut, he stepped back. “Intriguing,” he said, stepping back. “Her womb is large and ripe for pregnancy but her scent is subdued indicating a male has already mated her. I would say she’s correct about coming into her season. But none of the AEssyrian males nearby seem to notice or they’d be beating down your door. That tells me this is exclusive to whichever male caused it.”

Gypsy stood there sulking and pulled her tunic back over her t-shirt. She hated feeling like prize breeding stock at the country fair. This was humiliating.

“Her hormone levels are off the charts but I thought AEssyrian women didn’t go through this anymore,” Harlan said to Krull.

“For the most part, they don’t,” Krull admitted. “But there are still cases—just like this one—where a very dominant male will click with a young female. Most of the literature refers to such a pairing as a primal mating. It’s quite serious and it’s often for life. What’s even more interesting is that she is not a pure AEssyrian.

Harlan nodded. “That’s why I wanted you to examine her because I wasn’t sure that this was what I was seeing. It’s just so strange that it would happen to her out of all the women that Kharon comes in contact with. I mean if this had happened to him before, he certainly wouldn’t have three wives.”

“That’s true enough. He’s probably just as taken aback by this as she is. It would be intriguing to know what his hormone levels are,” Krull added.

“Hello? Excuse me for interrupting your diagnostic dialogue but there is only one thing I want to know. Is there any way to stop it?” Gypsy asked miserably.

Krull watched her for a moment like he couldn’t believe she could speak. “I’m afraid not. You’ll have to continue having sex with him throughout your season or you’ll become sick.”

“How long will it last?” Harlan asked.

“About a solid week, maybe two. From now on, she’ll experience this twice a year, but she might skip a season if the male is not around.”

“Sick? What do you mean by sick?” Gypsy asked, waving her arms at them. I can’t believe how fast this has gone from just sucking to a total disaster.

Krull shrugged and slipped his hands into the pockets of his lab coat. Gypsy wanted to punch him in the face so bad it hurt. Fucking smug bastard. I know he’s enjoying my misery.

“If you don’t have sex with him at least once a day, you’ll experience extreme cramping and violent nausea. You see, your womb will respond to the hormones in his semen. As long as your body thinks there’s a chance at pregnancy, it will hold off your discomfort. But every time your body figures out that it’s not pregnant, it will rebel and make you suffer until you’re mated again. The only solution is frequent intercourse until the season is over.”

Gypsy ran her fingers though her hair. “I can’t believe this is happening to me,” she groaned.

Krull opened the office door and looked back at her. “It’s not the end of the world. At least he can’t make you pregnant while you’re on the suppression drug. Just,” he glanced at Harlan and grinned, “get your shots and…enjoy it.”

“That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. You mean to tell me that with your vast combined medical experience, neither one of you can offer me any relief from this bullshit? Well I am not some sort of wild animal that can’t control my mating urges and I am certainly not going to sit here and be Kharon’s little bitch in heat!” Gypsy caught herself yelling and immediately lowered her voice.

Harlan sighed. “I understand you’re upset and that this is a very inconvenient time for this to happen, but there is nothing we can do. Unfortunately in this case, nature prevails.”