



GOOD meat is essential to good soup. It should be well boiled by the long and slow process, that the essence of the meat may be drawn out thoroughly, and the liquor should be carefully skimmed to prevent it from becoming turbid. When no more scum accumulates, and the meat is softened so as to readily separate with the use of the fork, the vegetables should be put in, the seasoning done, and the necessary amount of hot water added if too much has boiled away. A common camp-kettle will be found an excellent utensil for making soups, as the lid is heavy and will keep the steam in. An earthen pipkin or jar, if of a long and narrow make, widening a little at the centre, is perhaps one of the best vessels for soups, and is universally used by foreign cooks, who insist that “it renders the gravy clearer and more limpid, and extracts more savor from the meat, than when made in tin or copper.” The glutinous matters contained in the bones render it important that they should be boiled with the meat, as they add to the strength and thickness of the soup, although the meat should be cut off the bone and divided into small pieces, removing the fat. The following thickening is indispensable to all rich soups: A tablespoonful or more of flour, mixed to a smooth paste, with a little water and enriched with a teaspoonful of good butter or beef dripping; it should be well stirred in. If making a rich soup that requires catsup or wine, let it be added immediately before the soup is taken from the fire. Soup may be colored yellow with grated carrots; red with tomato juice; green with the juice of powdered spinach, and brown with carefully scorched flour kept ready for the purpose. The use of any of these is undoubtedly some improvement, both as to look and flavor. The soups contained in the following pages have been thoroughly tested, and their merits contrasted with numerous others of a similar character. They were found to be more palatable, nutritious, easily made and superior as a whole; they but need good ingredients.


THIS soup can be made from trimmings of beef or other meats. Put the bones, skin and all the rough residue of any joint into a saucepan, with a quart and a half pint of cold water, one large carrot cut and scraped, two large onions sliced and fried brown in one ounce of butter, and one very small head of celery washed and cut up. Let it stew two hours; take two potatoes peeled and sliced, a salt-spoonful of salt, a half salt-spoonful of black pepper, and a half salt-spoonful of mixed mustard. Let it simmer slowly three-quarters of an hour longer. Remove the bones and strain all through a sieve.


SELECTING a small shin of beef of moderate size, crack the bone, then remove the tough outside skin, wash, and place it in a kettle to boil with six or eight quarts of water and two table spoonsful of salt. Let it boil about four hours, until it becomes perfectly tender, then take it out of the liquid. If necessary, add more salt to the liquid; then two onions cut in small pieces, eight turnips cut in quarters, one carrot sliced small, one large tablespoonful of sugar, a little sweet marjoram and thyme rubbed fine, and one red pepper cut in very small pieces. Thicken this moderately with flour and water made into the consistency of thick cream, and stir in while boiling. Care must be taken not to make the soup too thick with this mixture. About three-quarters of an hour before the soup is served put in eight potatoes cut into quarters. Then make some very small dumplings with a quarter of a pound of flour, two ounces of butter, a little salt, and sufficient water to make a dough. These dumplings require about ten minutes to boil. When put into the soup, they must not be much larger than a nutmeg. When all are done, just before going to table, add some parsley chopped very fine. If noodles should be preferred to dumplings, take a quarter of a pound of flour, a little salt and as many yolks of eggs as will make it into a stiff dough. Roll it out very thin, flour it well, and let it remain on the pie-board to dry; then roll it up as you would a sheet of paper, and cut with a sharp knife into slips as thin as straws; after all are cut, mix them lightly together, and to prevent them from adhering keep them well floured.

A very nice relish for either breakfast or tea can be made as follows: Before adding the vegetables, remove the meat (either beef or veal) from the kettle, and, mincing tolerably fine, put it into a stew-pan with a piece of butter; season with salt, black or cayenne pepper, mixed with vinegar, to taste; set over a slow fire, stir well together, and send to the table hot.


CUT up the fowl, cutting each joint, and wash the parts; boil one hour, then stir in thickening, pepper, salt and parsley enough to season; put in a few dumplings, made of half a pound of flour mixed with a quarter of a pound of butter; divide this dough into equal portions, and roll them in your hands into little balls the size of a nutmeg; let it then boil a quarter of an hour, or until the flesh of the fowl becomes loose on the bones; the yolk of three or four eggs, stirred in, will add richness to the taste; boil ten minutes longer, and then take it up; remove the flesh from the bones of the fowl, and divide into pieces of a size to suit, mincing the livers and gizzards; place the parts of the fowl in a tureen, pour in the soup and serve.


CUT up one chicken, and fry it to a light brown, also two slices of bacon; pour on them three quarts of boiling water; add one onion and some sweet herbs tied in a bag; simmer them gently three hours and a half; strain off the liquor, take off the fat, and then put the ham and chicken (cut into small pieces) into the liquor; add half a teacup of okra, also half a teacup of rice. Boil all half an hour, and just before serving add a glass of wine and a dozen oysters with their juice.


PUT into a stew-pan the leg or neck and breast of lamb after washing; add water (according to the quantity of soup you wish to make), a large teacupful of rice, six or eight turnips pared, washed and cut into small pieces, two onions cut fine, a little sweet marjoram, salt, black and red pepper. Boil over a slow fire about one hour; then add six or eight white potatoes, cutting them into quarters and washing them; put in a tablespoonful of white sugar, and when nearly done add a little parsley minced fine; place the meat on a dish, garnish with parsley, put the soup in a tureen and serve hot.


TAKE two quarts of yellow split peas, or two quarts of dried white beans; soak them in cold water all night, and drain them in the morning; add a small quantity of salt and pepper, with a head of celery cut fine, and place them in a soup-pot with four quarts of water, and boil them slowly till they are all dissolved; stir them frequently. Have ready a large quantity of fresh vegetables such as turnips, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, onions, cauliflowers and asparagus tops. The vegetables requiring the longest boiling should be put in first, cutting them all into small pieces; the addition of some bits of fresh butter rolled in flour will give richness and flavor to the soup. When the vegetables are boiled quite tender put the soup into a tureen and serve up hot.


TAKE a quart of split peas, wash them, and put them into the soup-kettle with two quarts of cold water. Boil one hour, then add a piece of lean salt pork, about three-quarters of a pound, and boil two hours longer. When nearly done, add a few thin slices of ham, a few split crackers and some pepper and salt. Stir the soup frequently while boiling to prevent its burning. Should it become thicker than is desirable, pour on boiling water and stir. Put the soup into a tureen and serve hot. A more simple method is to take the liquor in which a joint of beef has been boiled, and, after skimming it well, put in the peas, which have been soaked and boiled. Flavor with a little mushroom sauce.


PUT into a kettle, containing three quarts of water, three pints of dried white beans; let them simmer, and when they begin to shrink drain them in a colander; put them again into the kettle with three quarts of boiling water, then add two pounds of pickled pork after washing; cook slowly, and if necessary add a little salt and pepper, and send to the table hot.


PUT into a soup-pot, with some bits of boiled ham, a knuckle of veal and a set of calf’s feet, adding a little pepper, allowing a quart of water to each pound of meat; let it boil until the meat is ready to fall from the bone; strain and pour the liquid into a clean pot. If you have plenty of milk at hand, use no water. Take a tough fowl, and, cutting it into pieces, let it boil with the veal and feet. When the soup is well boiled and the shreds all strained away, have ready some young and tender ears of sweet corn, which have been cooked by themselves in another pot; cut the grains from the cob, mix the corn with fresh butter, season with pepper, and stir it in the strained soup; boil a little longer, and serve.


CUT into small strips about a half pound of good white tripe which has been thoroughly boiled and skimmed in a pot by itself; boil in another pot a neck of mutton and a pound of lean ham, with a gallon of water; boil slowly, and when skimmed sufficiently, add two large onions sliced, four potatoes quartered and four sliced turnips; season with a very small piece of red pepper, taking care not to make it too hot; then add the boiled tripe. Make a quart bowlful of small dumplings of butter and flour mixed with a very little water, put them into the pepper-pot and boil about three-quarters of an hour; take out the meat, letting the tripe remain, and pour the soup into a tureen.


SEASON two quarts of strong veal broth with two onions, a bunch of parsley, salt and pepper; strain it, and have ready a chicken cut in joints and skinned; put it in the broth with a tablespoonful of curry powder; boil the chicken till quite tender. A little before serving add the juice of a lemon and a teacupful of boiling cream. Serve boiled rice to eat with this soup. Always boil cream before putting it in soup or gravy. (A recipe for making Curry Powder will be found under the head of Sauces.)


TAKE a quart of gravy soup, break two ounces of Naples macaroni into pieces of little more than an inch long, putting them, by degrees, into a small portion of the boiling soup, to prevent them from sticking together, and let them boil until quite tender, but not soft or pulpy—from fifteen to twenty minutes if quite fresh, but nearly half an hour if at all stale. Vermicelli is used in the same manner. Either will improve the consistency of the soup if the quantity above stated be added; but it is useless and does not look well to see, as at some tables, only a few strings of it floating in the tureen.


PUT on, in four gallons of water, ten pounds of a shin of beef, free from fat and skin, six pounds of a knuckle of veal, and two fowls; break the bones and cut the meat into small pieces; season with one ounce of whole black pepper, quarter of an ounce of Jamaica pepper, and the same of mace; cover the pot very closely, and let it simmer twelve or fourteen hours, and then strain it. The following day take off the fat and clear the jelly from any sediment adhering to it; boil it gently upon a stove without covering the sauce-pan, and stir it frequently till it thickens to a strong glue. Pour it into broad tin pans, and put in a cool oven. When it will take the impression of a knife, score it in equal squares. Stand it in a south window or near a stove. When dry, break it at the scores. Wrap it in paper, and put it closely up in boxes. There should always be a large supply of this soup, as with it and catsup no one will ever be at a loss for dressed dishes and soups.


CUT up two hares, put them into a pot with a piece of bacon, two onions chopped fine, a bundle of thyme and parsley, which must be taken out of the soup before it is thickened; add pepper, salt, pounded cloves and mace; put in a sufficient quantity of water, stew it gently three hours, thicken with a large spoonful of butter, brown flour or glass of red wine; boil a few minutes longer, and serve with the nicest parts of the hare.

Squirrels make equally as good soup, prepared in the same way.


TAKE the nicest part of a thick brisket of beef, about eight pounds; put it in a pot with everything directed for other soup; make it exactly in the same way, only put it on an hour sooner, that you may have time to prepare the bouilli (i. e., the beef which has been boiled in the soup). After it boils five hours, take out the beef, cover up the soup, set it near the fire to keep hot. Take the skin off; have the yolk of an egg well beaten, dip a feather in it and wash the top of your beef; sprinkle over it the crumbs of stale bread grated, put it in an oven previously heated, put the top on with coals enough to brown it, let it stand nearly an hour, and prepare your gravy thus: Take sufficient quantity of soup and vegetables boiled in it, add a tablespoonful of red wine and two of mushroom catsup, thicken with a little butter and brown flour; make it very hot, pour it in your dish, and put the beef on it; garnish with green pickle cut in thin slices, serve up the soup in a tureen with bits of toasted bread.


Kill the turtle at night in winter, and in the morning in summer. Hang it up by the hind fins, cut off the head and let it bleed well. In dressing, separate the bottom shell from the top with great care, lest the gall-bladder be broken. Put the liver in a bowl of water; empty the entrails and lay them in water; if there be eggs, lay them in water also. It is proper to have a different bowl of water for each. Cut the flesh from the bottom shell and lay it in water; then break the shell in two, put it in a pot, having washed it clean; pour on water enough to cover it; add one pound of middling, with four onions chopped, and set it on the fire to boil; let it boil steadily three hours; if the water boils away too much, add more. Wash the top shell nicely after taking out the flesh, cover it and set it by. Parboil the fins, clean them nicely, taking off all the black skin; put them in water; cut the flesh taken from the bottom and top shell in small pieces; cut the fins in two, lay them with the flesh in a dish, sprinkle salt over, and cover them up. When the shell, etc., is done, take out the bacon, scrape the shell clean and strain the liquor, one-third of which put back in the pot, reserve the rest for the soup; take out all the nice bits, strain, and put them in the gravy; lay the fins, cut in small pieces, in with them, and as much of the flesh as will be sufficient to fill the upper shell; add to it (if a large turtle) one bottle of wine, cayenne pepper and salt to your taste, one gill of mushroom catsup, one gill of lemon pickle, mace, nutmegs and cloves pounded, to season high. Mix two large spoonfuls of flour in one pound and a quarter of butter, put it in with thyme, parsley, marjoram and savory, tied in bunches; stew all these together till the flesh and fins are tender; wash out the top shell; put a puff-paste around the brim; sprinkle the shell over with pepper and salt; then take the herbs out of the stew. If the gravy is not thick enough, add more flour and fill the shell. If there are no eggs in the turtle, boil six new-laid eggs for ten minutes, put them in cold water a few minutes, peel and slice them and place them on the turtle; make a rich forcemeat, fry the balls nicely, and put them also in the shell; set it in a dripping-pan, with something under the sides to keep it steady; have the oven heated as for bread, and let it remain till nicely browned. Fry the liver and send it in hot.

To prepare the soup, commence early in the morning; put on eight pounds of coarse beef, some bacon, onions, sweet herbs, pepper and salt. Make a rich soup, strain it and thicken with a bit of butter and brown flour; add to it the water left from boiling the bottom shell; season very high with wine, catsup, spice and cayenne; put in the flesh you reserved, and if it is not enough, add the nicest parts of a well-boiled calf’s head, but do not use the eyes or tongue; let it boil till tender, and serve it up with fried forcemeat balls in it. If you have curry powder (see receipt for it in remarks for Sauces), it will give a higher flavor to both soup and turtle than spice.


SCALD a calf’s head, and wash it clean; boil it in a large pot of water for half an hour, then cut all the skin off by itself; take the tongue out; take the broth made of a knuckle of veal, put in the tongue and skin, with one onion, half ounce of cloves, and half ounce of mace, half a nutmeg, all kinds of sweet herbs chopped fine, and three anchovies; stew it till tender; then take out the meat, and cut it in pieces two inches square; cut the tongue, previously skinned, in slices, strain the liquor through a sieve, melt half a pound of butter in a stew-pan, put in it half a pound of flour; stir it till smooth—if at all lumpy strain it; add the liquor, stirring it all the time; then put to the meat the juice of two lemons, and one bottle of madeira wine if you choose; season with pepper, salt and cayenne pepper pretty high; put in five meat-balls, eight eggs boiled hard. Stew it gently one hour, serve in a tureen; if too thick, add more liquor before stewing last time.


To boil a lobster put it in a fish-kettle and cover it with cold water, cooking it on a quick fire. Remove the small bladder found near the head, and take out a small vein found immediately under the shell all along the back of the lobster, and use the rest. Two lobsters will make soup for six or eight persons, and salad also. All the under shell and small claws are pounded in a mortar to make the soup; when pounded, put it into a pan and set it on the fire with broth or water. The meat is cut in small pieces, to be added afterward. The soup is left on the fire to boil gently for half an hour; then pour it in a sieve and press it with a masher to extract the juice. To make it thicker, a small piece of parsnip can be added and mashed with the rest into a pan, so that all the essence is extracted in that way from the lobster. When you have strained it, put a little butter with it, and add as much broth as is required. Put some of the meat in the tureen and pour the soup over it.


BOIL in three quarts of milk the meat of two dozen crabs cut in bits; add a little cayenne, nutmeg and powdered mace; thicken with butter mixed in flour; just before taking it from the fire, crumble into the soup half a dozen yolks of hard boiled eggs, and after pouring into the tureen strew over the surface the heart of a fresh green lettuce cut small.


PUT two quarts of oysters, liquor and all, in a pan, taking care to remove any particles of shell that may adhere to the oysters; set them on a stove to heat, but don’t let them boil or come very near to it. Drain all the liquor into your soup-kettle, and put in a pint of water and two quarts of new milk, half a pound of butter, a little whole allspice, pepper and a few blades of mace. When it boils, break up some crackers fine and put into the soup. Then add the oysters, which have been kept warm. Oysters should never be allowed to boil, as it makes them tough and shrinks them up; they should be scalded only. Salt should be the last thing to add in any soup where milk is used, which it is apt to curdle. Serve up hot.


HAVING put your clams into a pot of boiling water to make them open easily, take them from the shells, carefully saving the liquor. To the liquor of a quart of opened clams allow three quarts of water. Mix the water with the liquor of the clams, and put it into a large pot with a knuckle of veal, the bone of which should be chopped in four places. When it has simmered four hours, put in a large bunch of sweet herbs, a beaten nutmeg, a teaspoonful of mace and a tablespoonful of whole pepper, but no salt, as that of the liquor will be sufficient. Stew slowly an hour longer, then strain it. When you have returned the liquor to the pot, add a quarter of a pound of butter divided in four, and each bit rolled in flour. Then put in the clams (having cut them in pieces), and let it boil fifteen minutes. Send to table with toasted bread cut in dice. This soup will be greatly improved by the addition of small forcemeat balls. Make them of cold veal or chicken, mixed with equal quantities of chopped suet and sweet marjoram, and a smaller proportion of hard-boiled egg, grated lemon peel and powdered nutmeg. Pound all the ingredients together in a mortar, adding a little pepper and salt. Break in a raw egg or two (in proportion to the quantity), to bind the whole together and prevent it from crumbling to pieces. When thoroughly mixed, make the forcemeat into small balls, and let them boil ten minutes in the soup, shortly before you send it to the table. If you are obliged to make them of raw veal or raw chicken, they must boil longer. It will be a great improvement to cut up a yam and boil in the soup. Oyster soup may also be made in this manner.