Jonathan Ames
You Were Never Really Here
A Man Named Doll
Olivier Barde-Cabuçon
The Inspector of Strange and Unexplained Deaths
Sarah Blau
The Others
Maxine Mei-Fung Chung
The Eighth Girl
Amy Suiter Clarke
Girl, 11
Candas Jane Dorsey
The Adventures of Isabel
Martin Holmén
Down for the Count
Elizabeth Little
Pretty as a Picture
Louise Mey
The Second Woman
Joyce Carol Oates (ed.)
Cutting Edge
John Kåre Raake
The Ice
RV Raman
A Will to Kill
Tiffany Tsao
The Majesties
John Vercher
Emma Viskic
Resurrection Bay
And Fire Came Down
Darkness for Light
Those Who Perish
Yulia Yakovleva
Punishment of a Hunter 280