That night, after he said good night to his mom but before he shut off his reading light, Gabe found himself thinking about Ashley and Eric and Zack and himself and camp. He thought about Eric’s little sister and how she idolized Eric and copied everything he did. As glad as he was to be finally getting a brother, it would have been so much easier to have a baby brother, one who grew up admiring him and never made him wonder if he was a nerd.
Zack likes me so far, he reminded himself, so I can’t be a total geek, right? And I’m going to have tons of non-nerdy things to report from camp. He wouldn’t have to lie when he wrote to Zack; he’d just have to be careful. And logical.
He got out of bed and unzipped his backpack, which was on the floor next to his suitcase. He slid out what was going to be his Logical Reasoning notebook and opened it to the very last page. Since he hadn’t started the class yet, he wasn’t totally sure of how to do a logic proof, so he just did his best.
Problem: Am I a nerd who only has nerdy adventures?
Hypothesis: No.
To organize the proof, he made a chart and filled in the first row with evidence.
1. I’m going to sleepaway camp for six weeks! |
1. It is the Summer Center for Gifted Enrichment. |
That was a good, honest start. His summer was about to become one big logic problem. One awesome, fun, sleepaway, no-parents logic problem. He couldn’t wait.