Abbott, Greg, 124–25, 166
abolitionist movement, 47–49, 67–68, 73
Abrams, Stacey, 16–17
accountability, 23–24
ACLU, 157
Adams, Abigail, 66
Adams, John, 38–39, 46, 197, 199
“Address on the Right of Free Suffrage” (Luther), 40
African Americans
disenfranchisement of, 34, 35, 58–62, 86, 182
elected officials, 53, 61, 62, 102, 130, 182
military service, 48, 52, 53
in women’s suffrage movement, 67, 69, 72, 77–78, 79, 80
See also African-American suffrage; voter suppression; voting access
African-American suffrage
early Republican Party and, 51, 52
Fifteenth Amendment and, 55–57
racist violence and, 52, 54–55, 58–59, 98–99
Reconstruction and, 50–51, 53–54, 58
women’s suffrage and, 76–77
age qualifications, 108
Alito, Samuel, 143
Amar, Akhil Reed, 199
American Anti-Slavery Society, 47–49
American Suffrage: From Property to Democracy (Williamson), 40–41
American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA), 71–72
Ames, Adelbert, 59
Anderson, Carol, 60–61
Anthony, Susan B., 64
automatic voter registration (AVR), 155–56, 174, 176–77
Bannon, Steve, 145
Barr, William, 139
Barrett, Amy Coney, 136, 208–9
Bayard, James, Jr., 56
Berman, Ari, 9–10, 17, 92–93, 114–15, 169
Bevel, James, 101
Biden, Joe
Bilbo, Theodore, 91
Birth of a Nation, The, 49
Blackmon, Douglas, 59
Black Reconstruction (Du Bois), 50
Blackstone, William, 37
Blackwell, Henry, 76, 77
Blair, Henry, 76
Blight, David, 52
Bork, Robert, 206
Boutwell, George, 55, 56
Boynton, Amelia, 4, 101
Breyer, Stephen, 132
Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee, 143
Brown v. Board of Education, 89
Bruce, Blanche, 53
Burn, Harry, 84
Bush, George W., 15, 17, 200, 202
Bush v. Gore, 206
Caesar, Love, 190–92
Calhoun, John C., 184
campaign finance, 119
Campbell, Bertha Pitts, 79, 80
Capitol insurrection (Jan. 6, 2021), 15, 140–42
Carlson, Tucker, 22
Catt, Carrie Chapman, 78, 85–86
Chaney, James, 98–99
Cheney, Liz, 144
Churchill, Winston, 23
Citizens United v. FEC, 119
City of Mobile v. Bolden, 168–69
Civil Rights Act (1964), 90–91
civil rights movement
anniversaries, 3–4, 5–6, 10, 17, 19, 87–88, 96, 104
Chaney-Goodman-Schwerner murders, 98–99
Civil Rights Act (1964), 90–91
Evers assassination, 87, 88–89, 95–97, 103–4
federal government involvement, 89–90, 91–92
filibuster and, 184–85
Freedom Summer, 97–98
heroism of, 113
Jimmie Lee Jackson and, 6–9, 10, 101, 129
modern-day, 217–18
as revolution, 102–3
Selma march, 4–5
Senfronia Thompson and, 165
Emmett Till murder, 94–95
university integration, 89–90
voting attempts, 91
See also Voting Rights Act
Civil War, 47, 48, 52, 53
Clardy, Travis, 167
Clark, Jim, 100
Clinton, Hillary, 109
colonial era, 31–32
Commentaries on the Laws of England (Blackstone), 37
Compromise of 1876, 59–60, 199–200
District of Columbia and Puerto Rico representation, 187
election of 2010 and, 10, 111, 120
election of 2014 and, 125
evolution of, 195–96
Fifteenth Amendment and, 55–57
For the People (Freedom to Vote) Act and, 178–79
misrepresentation in, 15–16, 179–83, 187
reconciliation process, 187, 189
reform needs, 179
Voting Rights Act reauthorization and, 108–9
women’s suffrage and, 82–85
See also gerrymandering; Senate
Congressional Committee, 82
Constitutional Convention. See founders
Daley, David, 118, 120
Declaration of Independence, 25, 33, 36, 66
“Definitive Case for Ending the Filibuster, The” (Klein), 186
Delta Sigma Theta, 79
accountability and, 23–24
case for, 22–25
current crisis, 215–16
current fragility of, 12–13, 16
equality and, 25
founders’ disbelief in, 38, 136, 197–98
hope for, 219–21
precarious nature of, 62–63, 218–19
Republican disbelief in, 14–15, 21–22, 142
Trump administration subversion of, 133–34
voting as core of, 14, 23, 24–25, 153–54
Democratic Party
Congressional underrepresentation of, 180, 193
end of Reconstruction and, 59, 61
For the People Act and, 178–79
institutional reform and, 218
Southern voter suppression and, 93
white primaries, 93
DeSantis, Ron, 157
Dickinson, John, 37
disabilities, people with, 108, 151, 155
District of Columbia statehood, 187, 190
Dobynes, James, 7
Doolittle, James, 56
Dorr, Thomas Wilson, 33–35
Douglass, Frederick, 46, 48–49, 57, 68, 76, 77
Du Bois, W.E.B., 49, 50
Ducey, Doug, 139
Dupree, Jack, 54
early Republic
early voting, 159–60
Eastland, James, 98
Eighteenth Amendment, 82
election administration
Election Day
election of 1800, 197, 199
election of 1876, 59–60, 199–200
election of 2000, 174, 200, 202, 206
election of 2010, 10, 110–11, 118, 119–20, 193
election of 2012, 115–16, 120, 122, 193
election of 2014, 125
election of 2016, 127–28, 200
election of 2018, 193
election of 2020
election administration activism, 149–53
For the People Act and, 178
importance of, 134
Texas Republican victories, 163
Trump coup attempt after, 15, 135–36, 137–42, 203
voter fraud accusations, 173
election of 2024, 146
Electoral College
early Republic, 40, 197
end of Reconstruction and, 199–200
founders on, 136, 197–99
reform needs, 154
reform proposals, 200–204
slavery and, 198–99
Trump coup attempt and, 136–40, 203
Elliott, Robert Brown, 57, 61
Ellis, Rodney, 152
Ellsworth, Oliver, 40
Enforcement Acts, 55, 57–58
equality, 25
Evers, Charles, 91, 94, 102
Evers, Medgar, 87, 88–89, 90, 91, 95–97, 103–4
Evers, Myrlie, 95, 96
Faulkner, William, 31
Federalist Papers, 38, 184
Fifteenth Amendment
City of Mobile v. Bolden and, 168–69
drafts of, 55–57
Enforcement Acts and, 55, 57–58
voter suppression in spite of, 60, 61–62, 92
Voting Rights Act and, 108
women’s suffrage and, 71, 77
filibuster, 183–87
Fischer, Trey Martinez, 164–65
Foner, Eric, 50, 53
formerly incarcerated enfranchisement, 157–58
For the People (Freedom to Vote) Act, 178–79
Fortune, Emanuel, 54
founders, 35–36
Fourteenth Amendment, 52–53, 58, 71, 92
Fox News, 22, 110
Framers. See founders
Franklin, Benjamin, 39–40
Franklin’s Jackass, 39–40
Freedmen’s Bureau, 53–54
Freedom Partners, 157
Freedom Summer, 97–98
Freedom to Vote (For the People) Act, 178–79
Gage, Matilda Joslyn, 64, 75, 77–78
Garcia, Adrian, 152
Garland, Merrick, 125, 208
Garner, Eric, 4
Garrison, William Lloyd, 47–48, 57
Gerry, Elbridge, 37–38, 117, 118
early Republic, 38, 117, 118
methods of, 116–17, 191, 193–94
reapportionment and, 117–18
recent Republican efforts, 10, 16, 116, 118–20, 144, 190–95
reform efforts, 14, 192–93, 194–95
reform needs, 154
Trump administration on, 131–32
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 11, 125–26, 132, 136
Give Us the Ballot (Berman), 9–10, 17, 92–93, 114–15, 169
Goebbels, Joseph, 173
Goodman, Andrew, 98–99
Gore, Al, 137, 174, 202
Gorsuch, Neil, 131
Graham, Lindsey, 141, 144
grandfather clauses, 93, 165
Grant, Ulysses S., 55
Great Compromise, 181, 183, 198
Griffith, D. W., 49
Grimké, Angelina, 67, 85
Grimké, Sarah, 67
Grovey v. Townsend, 93
Hamer, Fannie Lou, 97
Hamilton, Alexander, 183–84, 187
Hare, James, Jr., 100
Harper, Frances, 86
Hayes, Rutherford B., 59, 199
Hemingway, Ernest, 74
Henry, Patrick, 117
Hidalgo, Lina, 152
Hinojosa, Gina, 164–65
History of Woman Suffrage, 74
Holder, Sharon Malone, 102
Hollins, Chris, 149–52, 162, 163–64, 167
Hood, James, 89
House of Representatives, See also Congress; gerrymandering
“I Have a Dream” (King), 96–97
immigrants, 56
institutional reform, 154, 177
Jackson, Andrew, 42
Jackson, Jimmie Lee, 6–9, 10, 101, 129
James, LeBron, 108
Jefferson, Thomas, 197, 199
Jentleson, Adam, 184, 185, 186, 215–16
Jim Crow
John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, 164–65, 171–72, 173, 176, 177, 178
Johnson, Andrew, 52
Johnson, Luci Baines, 17
Johnson, Lyndon B., 9, 97, 98, 99–100, 102, 107
Kagan, Elena, 122, 131–32
Katzenbach, Nicholas, 89, 99–100
Kavanaugh, Brett, 136
Keenan, Cody, 219
Kemp, Brian, 138
Kennedy, Anthony, 121–22
Kennedy, John F., 89–91
Kennedy, Ted, 169–70
Keyssar, Alexander, 42, 43, 44–45, 52–53, 55, 108
Kill Switch (Jentleson), 184, 215–16
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
“I Have a Dream” speech, 96–97
Selma march and, 8
Albert Turner and, 129
Voting Rights Act and, 9, 99–101, 102, 104
King, Samuel Ward, 34
King, Steve, 10–11
King, Susan A., 74
Klein, Ezra, 186, 189–90
Koch brothers, 119
Ku Klux Klan
civil rights movement and, 7, 9, 95
late nineteenth century rebirth of, 62
Reconstruction era, 50, 54, 57–58
LaFayette, Bernard, 4
Langer, Bernhard, 128
Latino Americans, 114, 119
Lee, Cager, 6–8, 10
Lee, Mike, 21–22
Leonhardt, David, 182
Lepore, Jill, 37, 42, 162
Lewis, John
death of, 17
on democracy, 54
heroism of, 113
Selma march and, 4, 9, 12, 101, 123–24
on voter suppression, 112
on voting rights, 218
Voting Rights Act and, 102, 124
Lincoln, Abraham, 47, 52, 54
literacy tests, 42, 56, 60–61, 92, 129
Lockwood, Belva, 75
Lopez, Maria de, 78
Lost Cause, 49
Lozier, Clemence, 73
Luther, Seth, 33, 35, 40, 46
lynching, 93–94, 185
Madison, James, 38, 117, 181, 182, 184, 198
Malone, Vivian, 89, 102
Manchin, Joe, 179, 189
Marshall, Thurgood, 169, 205
Mason, George, 39
Mathias, Charles, 169–70
McCain, John, 110
McCarthy, Kevin, 144
McConnell, Mitch, 109, 110, 141, 144, 186–87, 208
McDaniel, Mark, 191
Mississippi Freedom Vote, 97
Morris, Gouverneur, 36
Moses, Bob, 97
Mott, Lucretia, 67–68
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, 184
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF), 205
NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), 114
Nash, Diane, 4, 101
National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA), 76, 77
National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs, 78
National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC), 14, 192–93
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC), 201–4
National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA), 71
Native Americans, 31, 66, 107
Newkirk, Vann, 119
Nineteenth Amendment, 81–86
Nixon, Richard, 108
North Carolina A&T, 190–92
Northwest Austin Municipal Utility District No. One (NAMUNDO) v. Holder, 121–22
Obama, Barack, and administration
backlash against, 10, 22, 110, 186
on democracy, 216–17
election (2008), 109–10
midterm elections of 2010 and, 10, 110–11
reelection (2012), 115–16, 120
Selma march anniversary and, 3, 13, 17
Supreme Court and, 125, 206, 208
Voting Rights Act enforcement, 113–15, 119
Oliver Wolcott, 32
One Person, No Vote (Anderson), 60–61
online voter registration, 156–57
Orange, James, 6–7
Orbán, Viktor, 22
O’Rourke, Beto, 166
Pak, Byung, 138
Panic of 1873, 58
Park, Maud Wood, 82–83
Parks, Rosa, 102
Paul, Alice, 79–81
Paul, Rand, 185–86
peaceful transition of power, 127–28, 135–36, 146
Pence, Mike, 140–41, 203
Pettus, Edmund, 9
Phillips, Wendell, 52, 53, 57
police violence, 4
political polarization, 193
polling locations, 160–61
poll taxes, 59–60, 92, 114–15, 165, 172
preclearance, 11, 113–15, 122, 169, 171–72
preregistration, 156
property qualifications, 32, 33, 36–40, 42–46
Puerto Rico statehood, 187, 190
racist violence, 52, 54–55
Raffensperger, Brad, 137–38, 144, 145
Randolph, Benjamin, 54
Rankin, Jeannette, 81–82
Ratf**ked (Daley), 118
Reagan, Ronald, 108, 169, 170
Reconstruction, 47–58
abolitionist movement on, 47–49
African-American government officials, 49, 53
African-American suffrage and, 50–51, 53–54, 58
end of, 13, 51, 58–62, 199–200
Enforcement Acts, 55, 57–58
Lost Cause propaganda on, 49
racist violence during, 52, 54–55
success of, 50–51
Reconstruction Act (1867), 53
redistricting. See gerrymandering
REDMAP, 118–19
Reid, David, 44–45
Rein, Bert, 122
religious restrictions, 32
Republican Party
backlash against Obama and, 110, 186
Capitol insurrection and, 141
dedication to voter suppression, 10–11, 14–15, 111–12, 142–43, 163–64, 167–68
disbelief in democracy, 14–15, 21–22, 142
election administration control attempts, 15, 144–45, 203
election of 2010 and, 10, 110–11
Electoral College and, 15–16
filibuster use, 186–87
formerly incarcerated enfranchisement and, 157–58
For the People Act and, 179
gerrymandering and, 10, 16, 118–20, 144, 191, 193
pre-Civil War African-American suffrage and, 51
Reconstruction era, 49, 52, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60
stolen Supreme Court seats and, 125, 131, 136, 154, 208–9
VRA reauthorizations and, 108–9, 169
Revels, Hiram, 53
Revolutionary War, 48
Rhode Island Suffrage Association, 34–35
Right to Vote, The (Keyssar), 42, 52–53, 55
Roberts, John, Jr., 11, 121, 122, 124, 131, 169–71, 211
“Rock, Paper, Scissors: How We Used to Vote” (Lepore), 37
Roe v. Wade, 208
Rollin, Charlotte, 72
Rove, Karl, 111
Rucho v. Common Case, 131–32
Rutledge, Edward, 39
same-day registration (SDR), 156
Scalia, Antonin, 121, 125
Schwerner, Michael, 98–99
Schwerner, Rita, 99
SDR (same-day registration), 156
secret ballot, 37, 42
segregation. See Jim Crow
Selma march (1965), 4–5
anniversary of, 3–4, 5–6, 10, 17, 19, 123–24
conception of, 8–9, 101
impact of, 104
Albert Turner and, 129
Sen, Amartya, 24
filibuster, 82–83, 183–87, 188–90
misrepresentation in, 15–16, 179–83, 187
Supreme Court nominations and, 206, 208, 209–10, 211
Trump impeachment and, 134
See also Congress
Seneca Falls Convention (1848), 68–69
Serwer, Adam, 133–34
Sessions, Jeff, 130–31, 132
Shaw, Anna Howard, 71
Shelby County v. Holder
John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and, 171, 172
Northwest Austin Municipal Utility District No. One (NAMUNDO) v. Holder and, 121–22
Supreme Court politicization and, 207
unconstitutional nature of, 122–23, 124
voter roll purges and, 175
voter suppression in wake of, 11–12, 125–26, 143, 160, 164, 168
Shellabarger, Samuel, 55, 60
Shephard, Alex, 133
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 52
Sinema, Kyrsten, 179, 189
Congressional misrepresentation and, 180, 199
Electoral College and, 198–99
founders and, 36, 38
Fourteenth Amendment and, 52
literacy and, 61
property qualification elimination and, 43–44, 46
women’s suffrage and, 69
Smalls, Robert, 53
Smith, Abby, 73–74
Smith, Julia, 73–74
Sorensen, Ted, 90
Sotomayor, Sonia, 132
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 101
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 64, 67–68, 71, 78
Statue of Liberty, 75–76
Sterling, Gabriel, 138–39
Stewart, Potter, 168
Stewart, William Morris, 56
Stone, Lucy, 71–73, 76
Strange Career of Jim Crow, The (Woodward), 93
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 101
Sumner, Charles, 52
Supreme Court, 205–13
life tenure on, 209–12
Obama administration and, 125, 206, 208
politicization of, 206–8, 210
reform proposals, 210–13
Republican-appointed justices on, 15, 136
Republican stolen seats on, 125, 131, 136, 154, 208–9
reverence for, 205–6
support for Trump administration, 134
Trump coup attempt and, 136
See also specific cases
Terrell, Mary Church, 78, 79
Thompson, Senfronia, 165–66, 167
three-fifths compromise, 180, 199
Tilden, Samuel, 59
Till, Emmett, 94–95
Till, Mamie, 95
Trickey, Erick, 117
Trump, Donald, and administration, 14
coup attempt, 15, 135–36, 137–42, 203
election of, 127–28, 200
followers of, 138–39, 140–41
gerrymandering and, 131–32
impeachment, 134, 141
incompetence of, 132–33
on peaceful transition of power, 127–28, 135–36
reconciliation process and, 187
Sessions appointment, 130–31
subversion of democracy by, 133–34
Supreme Court support for, 134
voter fraud accusations, 128–29
Truth, Sojourner, 67, 69, 72
Tubman, Harriet, 78
Tucker, Todd, 182–83
Turner, Albert, 129–30
Tyler, John, 34
Van Langevelde, Aaron, 139, 144
Verrilli, Don, 121
Vietnam War, 108
Vivian, C. T., 7
vote-at-home option, 161
voter fraud
early Republic, 41
public belief in, 173
rarity of, 109, 173
Republican acccusations, 128–29, 132–33, 137–40, 145
secret ballot and, 42
Sessions and, 130
Voter Fraud Commission, 132–33
voter identification laws, 115, 172–74
voter registration, 154–57, 174, 176–77
voter roll purges, 174–77
voter suppression
effectiveness of, 92–93, 143–44
election administration control and, 144–45, 203
end of Reconstruction and, 59–61
filibuster and, 185
persistence of, 92
public protests against, 166, 170
Republican dedication to, 10–11, 14–15, 111–12, 142–43, 163–64, 167–68
Shelby County v. Holder and, 11–12, 125–26, 143, 160, 164, 168
Texas legislature blocking strategy, 164–67
Trump administration dedication to, 131
Trump coup attempt and, 15
voter roll purges and, 174–76
voter turnout inspired by, 143
Voting Rights Act enforcement and, 113–15
voting access
early voting and, 159–60
election administration and, 149–53
Election Day and, 159, 161–62
Fifteenth Amendment and, 58
formerly incarcerated enfranchisement and, 157–58
John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and, 164–65, 171–72, 173, 176, 177, 178
polling locations and, 160–61
vote-at-home option and, 161
voter identification laws and, 172–74
voter registration and, 154–57, 174, 176–77
voter roll purges and, 176–77
Voting Rights Act and, 61, 107–8, 129
Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act (1984), 108
voting by mail, 161
voting restrictions
Voting Rights Act (VRA) (1965), 9–10
African-American elected officials and, 61
bipartisan support for, 108–9
City of Mobile v. Bolden and, 168–69
gerrymandering and, 119
gutting of, 11–12, 121–23, 124–26, 143, 207
Jim Crow and, 24–25
Kennedy on, 90–91
King’s demand for, 99–100
preclearance enforcement, 113–15, 122
reauthorizations, 108–9, 169–70
signing of, 101–2, 107
voter registrations and, 107–8, 129
Malcolm X on, 101
voting rights expansion
Dorr’s rebellion and, 33–35, 45–46
property qualification elimination, 42–46
Wagner, Sally Roesch, 66
Walker, Seth, 84
Wallace, Chris, 127, 135
Wallace, George, 8, 17, 89–90
Warnock, Raphael, 189
War of 1812, 42–43, 48
African-American suffrage and, 42–43, 46
age qualifications and, 108
civil rights movement and, 89
women’s suffrage movement and, 81
Washington, George, 36, 40
Watson, Frances, 138
Weiss, Elaine, 83, 84
Wells, Ida B., 78, 79, 80, 86
Western expansion, 44, 46
Whig Party, 45
white primaries, 93
Williams, Jamall, 158
Williamson, Chilton, 40–41
Williams v. Mississippi, 92
Wilson, Henry, 56, 57, 60
Wilson, James, 198
Wilson, Woodrow, 79, 81
Wittes, Benjamin, 132
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, 75
Woman’s Hour, The (Weiss), 83
Woman’s National Liberal Union, 77–78
Woman’s Rights Convention (1850), 69
Women’s Suffrage Movement, The (Wagner), 66
women’s suffrage movement, 64, 68–86
abolitionist movement and, 67–68, 73
African-American disenfranchisement and, 86
African-American women in, 67, 69, 72, 77–78, 79, 80
backlash, 69–70
hunger strikes, 81
Nineteenth Amendment, 81–86
ongoing resiliency, 74–76
organizations, 71–72, 76, 82
racism in, 71, 76–77, 79–80, 86
Seneca Falls Convention, 68–69
tax resistance, 72–74
Tennessee campaign, 83–85
voting attempts, 72
Washington parade (1913), 78–80
White House picketing, 81
Woodward, C. Vann, 93
World War I, 81
X, Malcolm, 101
Xi Jinping, 22