
My initial thanks go to Damh the Bard and Cerri Lee for asking me to speak about this subject at one of their camps. Subsequently I got to spend a weekend with Cerri and the Cauldron Ladies at the banks of Lake Tegid, where we immersed ourselves in the tale. Your enthusiasm, passion, devotion, and commitment to this material served as the inspiration for this book, and I thank you all so much for including me in your magic.

Chris Hickman has been a gift from the gods, with tips and advice and being quick to respond when a mad author on the verge of losing the plot screams for help from the shadows! Thank you for your words, wisdom, insights, and help. Thanks to Sue Hickman and her steadfast friendship and help; you may be quiet, but you still pack a punch. Barrie and Kristal Jenks have been the most steadfast of friends, and their encouragement and belief moves me deeply; thank you for everything you do and also for running to the rescue—Barrie’s ability to conjure rescue methods are quite astonishing. Michelle Axe also came to my aid with tips and advice, with her broom ever at the ready; thank you for your wisdom and enthusiasm. Ian Gibbs has been a rock throughout the entire project, particularly when the fronds of my sanity wore thin and my confidence failed. Having Cerridwen and her clan constantly around the house is quite a challenge for even the most adept magician, and he has taken it all in stride; thank you. To Mark Doody, who is the finest Muggle I have ever had the pleasure to know: although this stuff is practically French to you, you have never wavered in your belief in me; thank you for your constant encouragement and for being my friend. Thanks to Chris Hurst for her invaluable inspiration in relation to the shadow; your words and insights are a joy to behold.

Angela Grant, my contact into the dusty world of libraries and Celtic studies, has been a font of wisdom and knowledge. Thank you for humouring me and answering what must, at times, have been the most frustrating of queries. You have been a gift from the gods.

My sincerest thanks to the hard-working, attentive, and patient team at Llewellyn Publications who have welcomed me into the family with open arms. Thank you for everything that you do; I am indebted to you all.

Last, but by no means least, my thanks and gratitude to the witch goddess and the prophet Taliesin, whose material and legend bring to my life the most joy and meaning.
