Abgott, Luther’s, 61
About the Freedom of a Christian, Luther, 229
Abrahamsen, Edith, 10
Absolute good and bad, 182
Academic ideologies, in Luther’s day, 86–90
Academic-theologic school of Luther biography, 25–26, 29–31, 32, 37, 40, 50, 63, 64, 74, 78, 84, 92, 95, 139, 202, 204
anxieties of, 113
identity crisis, 14–15
indoctrination in, 134–135
see also Young people
Adulthood, identity in, 111–112
Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants, Luther, 236
Aichhorn, August, 8
Albrecht von Brandenburg, 226
Anality, Luther’s, 79, 122, 244–250, 255
Angels, 61
Angelus Silesius, 264
Anne, St., 61, 91, 119, 173
Anthropocentrism, Renaissance, Luther’s faith as counterpart of, 213
childhood, 113
Luther’s, in middle age, 237–238, 241–250
metaphysical, 110–115
Aristotelianism, 184–186, 207
Occamist version, 86–90
Aristotle, 77, 86, 88–89, l82
Armament, in Luther’s day, 55
Art, Luther’s lack of interest in, 173
Atonement, mood of, 75
Augustine, St., 43, 156, 183–184, 185, 204, 211
Augustinians, 93
character of, 126–137
Luther’s joining of, 23, 24, 92, 95
Luther’s mission to Rome for, 170–176
see also Monasticism
Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, Mass., 7, 8
Authoritarianism, Luther’s unintentional furthering of, 252
Autonomy, psychosocial, 122
Back-talk, Luther’s, 66
Barefeet, Order of the, 81
Benedictines, 93
Bible, translations of, 224–225, 233, 259
Biblical interpretation, Luther’s, 199–200
Biel, Gabriel, 137, 138, 163
Body-mind harmony, Greek identity of, 180
Boehmer, Heinrich, 31
Bonaventura, 164
Bowel and bladder training, cultural significance of, 247–248
Brandenburg, von, Albrecht, 226
Brinton, Crane, 110, 111
Broadstreet incident, 80–81
Brosin, Henry W., 7
Brothers of the Common Life, 80, 127
Brown, Vicar, 82
Buchanan, Scott, 10
Burckhardt, Jacob, 36
Calvin, John, 97, 239
Caning, see Corporal punishment
Capitalism, Luther’s influence on, 35
Carthusians, 93
Case history, historical relationship, 13–16
Catholic Church:
abuses in, 224, 226–227
ideological monopoly, 178, 181
Luther’s conflict with, 222, 224–233
Occamism and, 86–90
Catholic school of Luther biography, 31–33
Ceremonialism, 186
Charles V, Emperor, 231
Chastity, Luther’s attitude toward, 162
Childhood lost, Luther’s, 99
Childhood and Society, Erikson, 141
Choir singing, Luther’s learning of, 79–80
heroic era, 177–179
identities in, before Luther, 178–191
Luther’s import for, 13, 15
medieval philosophy, 182–191
organizational era, 180–191
Renaissance era, 191–195
spiritual and political identity crisis, 15
Church, the, see Catholic Church
Church-state, 240
Cistercians, 93
Class lines, 76
Clement VI, 188
Clerical-scholastic school of Luther biography, 26–27, 29, 31–33, 74, 82, 92
Clinical thought, ideological trends and, 18
Cloaca, locale of revelation in the tower and, 204–206
Cochläus, Johannes, 25
Codex Juris Civilis, 90
Collingwood, R. G., 18
Commercialization, in religion, 224–226
Communication, in Luther’s day, 55
Communion, father-child relationship and, 124
Communism, Franciscan, 191
Concupiscence, Luther’s problem of, 158, 162, 163
Luther’s, 155, 157–158, 164
monastic, 133
Conflict, inner:
significance of, 16
Luther’s new emphasis on, 212
Conscience, 214–218, 242, 254
achieving peace of, 112
Bible as, 225
Luther’s concept of, 195, 231
need for disciplined, 263
Consistorial Councils, 238
Contemplation, 127
Conversion, 41, 96
Copernicus, 178
Corinthians, Paul’s Epistle to the, 211
Corporal punishment, 63–64, 68–69, 78–79
Luther’s boyhood experience of, 63–67
mutilation of child’s spirit through, 70
Corpus Christi procession incident, 37, 168
Cotta family, 81, 82
Counter-Reformation, 224
Cranach, Lucas, 175, 267
Crises, psychosocial, of life cycle, 254–259
identity, see Identity crisis
Crotus Rubeanus, 84
Crumb-seekers, 81–82
Darwin, Charles, 45–46, 177, 178
Demonology, 59–61, 187, 246
devils personified in medieval architecture, 248
Luther’s concern with, 26, 243–250
Denifle, Heinrich (the Priest), 26–27, 29 31–33, 74, 82, 92
Descartes, Rene, 183, 191
Devils, see Demonology
Devotion, young people’s need for, 41–42
De Votis Monasticis, Luther, 49, 259
Dirt obsession, 61–62
Disciplining of children, 68–70
see also Corporal punishment
Documents of Luther’s Development, 72
Dominicans, 93
Doubt, Luther’s description of, 256
Dürer, Albrecht, 213, 228
Duty, satisfaction of, 112
Earnest Exhortation (etc.), An, Luther, 235
Eck, Luther’s controversy with, 228–229
Ego, 214–218
as body-ego, 247
Renaissance and, 193
Ego-chill, 111, 112
Ego and conscience, 214–218
Ego-dominance, 216–217
Egomania, 184
Ego-strength, 217
Eisenach, 80–82
Eisleben, 51
Emissions, 159–160
Epilepsy, 94
Erasmus, 43, 97, 147, 175, 193, 197, 228, 233
Eremites, Augustinian, 92
Eremitical seclusion, 127
Erfurt, Augustinian monastery at, 23, 25, 87, 126, 170, 234
Erfurt, University of, 24, 82–92
Occamism in, 86–90
Erikson, Joan, 8, 10
Eucharist, 140–143
Eucharista, meaning of, 142
Existential, use of term, 22
God’s, Luther’s new recognition of, 207, 211–213
significance in identity development, 115–119
in classical psychoanalytic technique, 151
Faith, 254
capacity for, 112
of infants, 265
Occam’s, 191
reformulation of, as Luther’s basic work, 257
importance in identity development, 123–125
Luther’s, see Luder, Hans (father of Martin)
moral authority and, 77
property concepts related to, 69–70
Father image, 46
Father transference, Luther-Staupitz relationship, 167–168
Ficino, 191–193, 194
Field Foundation, 7, 10
First Mass, Martin Luther’s, 138–140, 143–145, 164, 202, 212
Fit in the choir, Luther’s, 23, 47
as fact or legend, 37
Freudian interpretation, 28–29
identity crisis aspect, 36–40
the priest’s interpretation, 26–17, 31–33
the professor’s interpretation, 25–26, 29–31, 34
the psychiatrist’s interpretation, 27–28, 33–35, 38
as revelation, 37–38, 39
Smith’s interpretation, 28–29, 33
Fliess, Freud’s letters to, 207, 223
Florence, 171, 191
France, in waning middle ages, 74–75
Francis, St., 87, 127, 162
Franciscan communism, 191
Franciscans, 87
Frankenhausen, battle of, 236
Frankfurt, University of, 9
Fraticelli, 87
Frederic, Elector of Saxony, 174, 197, 227, 228, 231, 234
Freedom, Luther’s idea of, 235
Free will, 112, 184
Freud, Anna, 8
Freud, Sigmund, 8, 9, 10, 21, 43, 45–46, 50, 51, 86, 122, 162, 177–178, 193, 207, 214, 216–218, 223, 245, 246, 256, 258
Luther compared with, 251–253
on neurosis and religious thought, 265
Fromm, Erich, 239
Fuggers, the, 226
Galatians, Book of, cited, 242
Gandhi, 262
Generativity crisis, 243, 259, 260
Geographic space, mastery over, in Luther’s day, 55
German language, Luther’s use of, 66, 233
German mysticism, 189
importance of Luther’s Bible in, 233
strategic position of, 225
Gerson, Jean, 138, 157
Goethe, cited, 230, 257
Grimm, Jacob, 233
Grisar, Hartmann, 32
Guadalajara, 266
Guanajuato, 267
Guilt, Luther’s description of, 258
Gutenberg, Johannes, 225
Harnack, Theodosius, 31
Hartmann, Heinz, 8
Hartmus, Larry, 10
Headley, John, 10
Henry VIII, King of England, 241
Historical identity, 220–221
evaluation of moods of periods, 75
forces of, and human mind, 20–21
ideology and, 22
Lutheran writing trends, 31
Luther’s case important event in, 15
Hitler, Adolf, allness-or-nothingness of, 105–110
Hoehn, Dorothy F., 10
Holy Roman Empire, world situation, 54–56
Homo religiosus, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40
integrity crisis in, 261
Hospitals, Florentine, 175
Huizinga, cited, 74–75, 187–188
Humanism, 84, 192, 193, 198
Huss, Jan, 224, 229
Id, 218
derived from God, 183–184
development of, 54, 115–119
Divine Wrath as, 76
elements of (Luther’s), 33
Higher (God), 177
negative, see Negative identity
nonexistence awareness and, 110–115
Roman Church ideological dogma and, 181–182
territorial, 56
Identity of an age, 74–75
contribution of religion to, 177
Identity crisis, 254, 259
adolescent, 261–262
characteristics of, 41–42
Luther’s, 22, 36–40, 47, 145, 242, 260
of Northern Christendom, 15
regression ensuing from, 102–104
Identity diffusion, 155, 259
dimensions of, 99
time aspects, 100–101
academic, 86–90
effectiveness of, and identity of an age, 177–178
postadolescent origin, 20
systems of conversion, 133–135
use of term, 22, 41–42
world-image in Luther’s time, 76
young people’s need for, 41–43, 118–119
Indians, American, 69, 96, 141
psychology of, 133–135
sincerity of, 96
Indulgences, 188, 226–227
identity development in, 115–119
life crises in, 255
Initiative versus guilt, as crisis, 257–258
Integrity crisis, 259, 260–263
Intellectualism, 127–128
Interpretation of Dreams, The, Freud, 46
Intimacy, physical, as characteristic of identity diffusion, 101–102
Intimacy crisis, 259, 260
Introspection, 252–253
Islam, 55
Isolation, 259
Italy, 175
Luther’s insensitivity to Renaissance in, 171–175
significance of a trip to, 170
James, William, 41, 120, 121, 215
Jesus of Nazareth, 261
footprint of, 173
Luther’s attitude toward, 236
patriarchal law, 180
Joyce, James, 136, 160–161
Jubilee of 1500, 226, 227
Judaism, 219
Judas’s silver coins, 173
Just life, Luther’s redefinition of the, 207, 213–222
Juvenile delinquency, 68, 114–115
Katherine of Bora (Luther’s wife), 71, 161
Kierkegaard, Soeren, 13, 14, 15, 59, 71, 150, 214, 240, 241, 243, 252
Knight, Robert P., 8, 10
Knox, John, 239
Kubizek, August, on Hitler, 105–109
Language, German, 66, 233
Lao-tse, 262
Lateran Church, 173, 174
Latin, 77–78
Latin-schoolboy, Luther as, 82–83
Luther’s study of, 90, 91, 94
relation of faith and, 257
Roman concepts of, in Luther’s time, 70
Lay-brothers, 126
Leaders, ideological, fears and answers of, 109–110
Lectures on the Galatians, Luther, 229
Lectures on the Psalms, Luther, 15, 24, 195, 200–204, 211, 213, 221, 229
Lectures on the Romans, Luther, 211, 221, 223, 229
Leipzig, University of, 165
Leonardo da Vinci, 108, 192, 194
Libido, 158, 162
Life crisis, 8
Linz, Austria, 105–108
Literacy, 225
Lord’s Prayer, Luther’s translation, 233
Lostness, man’s total, 183–184
Luder, Hans (Gross-Hans) (father of Martin), 24, 26, 28–29, 30–31, 33–34, 38, 57
ambitions of, 54, 56, 66, 77, 90
conflicts with Martin, see Martin-father conflicts
at Martin’s first Mass, 138–139, 144–146
Martin’s letter to, from the Wart-burg, 232
Martin’s monasticism and, 94–96
as miner, 51–53
as peasant, 51
temper of, 57–58
Luder, Hans (son of Martin), 237, 241
Luder, Katherine (wife of Martin), 71, 161
see also Luther, Martin, marriage of
Luder, Little Hans (Klein-Hans) (uncle of Martin), 57
Luder, Margareta (mother of Martin), 30–31, 52, 54, 66, 81, 138, 174, 175, 257
nature of influence on Martin, 71–73
punishment of Martin, 67–68, 72
superstitious nature of, 59, 72
Luder, Martin, see Luther, Martin
Luder family, 51, 57
moralistic paternalism, 122–123
Luther, Martin, passim
anxiety and depression of middle age, 241–250
appearance, 196
attitude toward God, 70–72, 121–12 2
as autobiographer, 16, 53–54
bodily-functions preoccupation, 188, 205. 237. 244–250
capacity for love, 250
change from retentive to explosive nature, 205
character of, 61
characteristics of theological advance, 213
conflicts of, 50
on his conversion, 97
Cranach’s portrait of, 175
demonic thoughts, 187
devil image, 122
dirt obsession, 61–62
as doctor of theology, 24
events of childhood, 50–53, 63
events of middle years, 225–226
events of youth, 23–24
excessive vindictiveness, 241
on faith of infants, 265
family life, 237–238
fanatic leadership, 99
fit in the choir, see Fit in the choir
freedom concepts, 235
freedom of speech and vulgar license, 206
Freud compared with, 251–253
identifying with Paul, 181
identity crisis, see Identity crisis
ideological influences affecting, 178–195
infantile traumata milieu, 62–63
initiative-versus-guilt crisis, 257–258
integrity crisis, 261–263
intimacy crisis, 259
“kidnapping” of, 231
language ability, 47
as lecturer and preacher, 165–169, 196–201, 206, 220, 223
life as case history, 13–16
marriage, 232, 234, 237, 250
masculine nature of religious influence, 71
meaning of author’s use of name, 15
moratorium, 109
mother’s influence as evidenced in personality, 73
obscenity, 246
Occamism’s influence on, 87–90
as peasant, 51–53
poetry of, 258
as reformer, 222, 223–250
seizures of, 37
sex life, 158–163
superstitions, 58–61
syndrome of conflicts, 15
temper, 57
totalisms, 205, 216, 217
unhappy childhood, 28
unsolved personal problem, 221
warnings against violence, 235
the Word as weapon of, 230
world situation and life of, 55
young manhood of, see Martin
“Luther’s Early Development in the Light of Psychoanalysis,” P. Smith, 28
Magdeburg, Luther at school in, 80–81
Magister Artium, Luther as, 90
Manifesto of the Twelve Articles, Peasants’, 235
Mannheim, Karl, 22
Mannish man, concept of, 207–208
Mansfeld, 51, 57, 248
Manual labor, 127
Mariano de Genazzano, 170
Mark, Book of, cited, 23, 25, 26–27
Luther’s, 90, 91, 232–234, 237, 250
of priests, 129, 234
Martin (Luther in young manhood), 15
anxiety attacks, 143–144, 148
as an Augustinian monk, see Martinus, Father
Biblical-thought interpretation, methods of, 199
cleanliness training in infancy, 248
college studies, 82–92
conflict with father, see Martin-father conflict
conversion, 93–94, 97
corporal punishment inflicted on, 63–67, 78–79
death of brothers, 95
as doctor of theology, 169
education of, 77–91, 128
father’s marriage plans for, 90, 91
in ideological-historical universe relationship, 77
infancy crisis, 255–256
law study, 90, 91
as Master of Arts, 90
monastic vow, 92
music, 79–80, 83, 102, 131–132, 244
mysticism, 164
as preacher, 196
preoccupation with individual conscience, 73–74
relations with girls, 101–102
sadness, 39–40, 90–91, 97, 119, 153, 238
as schoolboy, 82–84
self-consciousness, 101
as streetsinger, 81–82
substitute fathers of, 125, 167–169
superego, 77
trip to Rome, 143, 147, 169–176, 219.
in Wittenberg, 165–169, 195–196
Martin-father conflict, 49–50, 155, 156, 236, 243
beginnings of Luther’s preoccupation with conscience in, 73–74
choice of monkhood as profession and, 91–96, 144–146
fear-hate-love aspects, 63–67
influence on Luther’s attitude toward God, 58, 63, 94–95, 139–140, 164–165
influence on Luther as reformer, 222
in life crises, 255–258
Luther’s concept of filial suffering and, 212
Luther’s passivity and, 208
Luther’s theological redefinitions and, 77, 203
punishment and its effects, 63–67
sociological context, 96–97
see also Martin and Luder, Hans (father)
Martinus, Father, 23, 78
break with the Catholic Church, 49–50, 224–233
entering of monastery, 91–92
first Mass, 24, 26, 138–140, 143–145
inner struggles of, 143–158
as novice, 130–137
ordination, 82
preparation for priesthood, 137–138
profession of, 136–137
reception of, in monastery, 129–130
regimentation of time in monastic system, 101
as simple monk, 126
Martyrdom, Luther’s, 243
Marx, Karl, 177, 220
Marxism, 35
Mary (Mother of God), Luther’s attitude toward, 71–72
first, as a graduation, 138
Luther’s attitude toward, in Rome, 174’175
psychology and theology of, 137–143
see also First Mass, Martin Luther’s
Masturbation, 29, 160
Maturity, 111–112
corporal punishment of children and, 69–70
psychological, 213
Maximilian I, Emperor, 228
Mead, Margaret, 10
“Meaning it,” as reaction with total affect, 208–210
Mein Kampf, Hitler, 105
Melancholia, 40, 120–121
Melanchthon, Philipp, 40
Metabolism of generations, 253–260
Mexico, 266–267
Michelangelo, 171, 173, 175, 192, 194
Middle Ages, waning of, 74–77
Migrants, Luders as, 51–52
Miners, in Luther’s day, 53, 56, 58–59, 61
Missa, meaning of, 142
Monasticism, 31, 43, 98
aim of, 109
as career, 93
discipline of, 153
educational influences, 80
eremitical-conventual dimension, 127
history of, 126–127
Luther’s monkhood, see Martinus, Father
maturity aspect, 218
moratorium provided through, 43, 132–133
mysticism versus intellectuality, 127–129
neurotic strain intensified through, 150, 153–154
priesthood in, 137–138
regime of, and psychological rationale, 130–135
Moods, of historical periods, 75–76
Moral Philosophy, Luther’s chair of, at Wittenberg, 165–169
characteristics of, 100–104
failure to survive, 99–100
Luther’s, 97
monasticism as, 132–133
over-commitment and, 43–44
psychiatric treatment as, 100
use of term, 43
More, Sir Thomas, 250
Morelos, statue of, 267
crisis of infancy and, 255
double nature of role, 70
identity development and, 116–119
Luther’s, see Luder, Margareta
Mother image, 46
Murphy, Gardner, 10
Murphy, Lois, 10
Music, Luther’s, 79–80, 83, 102, 131–132, 144
Mutianus Rufus, 84
Mysticism, 127–128, 164, 187, 189–190
Nationalism, 55–56, 233
Negative conscience, 193, 195, 214, 216, 218, 219, 221, 222, 242, 244, 263
Negative identity, 52–53, 102
Netherlands, waning middle ages in, 75
New Humanists, 84
Newman, Cardinal, 41
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 10
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 36, 53, 97, 115, 193, 219–220, 233
Ninety-five theses, Luther’s, 24, 54, 193, 222, 227–228
Nominalism, 89, 187, 189–191
Nothing, God as, 264
Nullbrueder, the, 80
Nuremberg, monastery at, 170
Occamism, 86–90, 109, 163
Oedipus complex, 46, 73, 123, 257
On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, Luther, 229
On the Dignity of Man, Pico della Mirandola, 192, 194
On Monastic Vows, Luther, 232
Once-bornness, 41, 117
Orality, as crisis, 255
Orozco, 266
Papacy, 76, 97, 224, 226
Luther’s relations with, 225, 228–230, 240–241
world situation, in Luther’s day, 54-56
Papal Rome (Vatican), 172
Paradise, 121
Pascal, R., 35
Passion, meaning of, 208–209
Passive identity, 189
Passivity, Luther’s concept of, 208–209
Patienthood, 13–14, 18, 99
Patres, 126
Patzcuaro, Lake, 267
Paul, St., 181, 207, 211
conversion of, compared with Luther’s, 93–94
epileptic attack, 205
Epistles, 200–201, 211
relics of, 173
Paulinian era of Christianity, 178–180
the Luders as, 51
Luther’s attitude toward, 52
superstitions, 58
Peasants’ War, 52, 235–237
Personality, crises and, 14–15
Peter, St., 173, 181
Phallic stage of psychosexuality, 258
Philosophus, Luther’s nickname, 83–84
Philosophy, Luther’s idea of, 86
Physics, Luther’s idea of, 86
Pico della Mirandolo, 192, 194
Pittsburgh smog, 62
Pittsburgh, University of, 7
Platonism, 182, 184–185
Politics, 109
Pope, Luther’s relations with, see Papacy
Pope’s Bull, 229–230
Po valley, 175
Prayer, 247, 252
Priest, the, see Denifle, Heinrich
Printing, invention of, 225
“Problem of Ego-Identity,” Erikson, 42
Professor, the, see Scheel, Otto
Protestantism, 209–210
diabolical preoccupation, 249
freedom concepts, 235
Luther’s influence on, 35
organizing of, 238–239
revolutionary puritanism, 234
Psalmody, Augustinian, 131
Psalms, Book of, cited, 202–204, 221
Psalms, Luther’s lectures on the, 15, 24, 195, 200–204, 211, 213, 221, 229
Psychiatrist, the, see Reiter, Paul J.
Psychiatry, 100, 246
Luther biography as interpreted by, 27–28, 29, 33–35, 40, 63, 73, 74, 78, 84, 92, 160, 197, 204–205, 237, 242
Psychoanalysis, 33
asceticism demanded in, 151–153
disavowal of Preserved Smith’s interpretation of Luther, 29
Freud’s originating of, 252
“meaning” as understood in, 210
memory screens, 54
parallels of psychic-distress recovery with Luther’s redefinitions, 206–222
psychosexuality in childhood and youth, 113
religion and, 21–22
Renaissance interpretation as ego revolution, 193
therapy and ethics, 18–19
training of candidates in, 151–154
treatment of young patients, 17–21
use of term, 16–17
Psychology, 21
Psychosexuality, phallic stage, 258
Psychosis, Luther’s manifestations of, see Psychiatry
Punishment, see Corporal punishment
Puritanism, revolutionary, 234
Randnoten zu Lombardus, Luther, 163
Ranke, von, Leopold, 31, 233
Rapaport, David, 8, 10
Reading, Luther’s, 79–80, 85–86
Realism, 187–188
Realism-nominalism conflict, 89
Reason, 112, 254
Reformation, 266
Luther’s importance for, 224–250
Reformer, Luther as, 222, 262
Regression, in identity-seeking, 102–104, 115–116
Reiter, Paul J., (the Psychiatrist), 27–28, 29, 33–35, 40, 63, 73, 74, 78, 84, 92, 160, 197, 204–205, 237, 242
Relics, religious, 173–174, 187, 227
commercialism, 173–174
face significance in, 118–119, 121–122
father-mother aspects, 263–266
identity of age and, 177
organized, and faith, 257
psychoanalysis and, 21–22
Renaissance, 76
as ego revolution, 193
Luther and the, 171–176
man’s identity in the philosophy of the, 191–195
as characteristic of identity diffusion, 102
young people’s need for, 41–42
nature of, 37–38
repudiation associated with, 205
Revelation in the tower, Luther’s, 24, 39, 158, 201, 203–206
Revolutions, 266–267
Riesman, David, 10
Riesman, Evelyn, 10
Riformazione, in Florence, 171
Riggs (Austen) Center, Stockbridge, Mass., 7, 8
Rock-bottom, 103
Luther’s, 165, 212
Roman identity of world-citizenship, 180
Romans, Book of, cited, 201, 203
Rome, 172–173
Luther’s trip to, 143, 147, 169–176, 219
Rorer, cited, 204
Sadness, Luther’s, 39–40, 90–91, 97, 119, 153, 238
St. Mary’s, Luther as pastor of, 196
St. Peter’s (Rome), 173, 175, 226
Salvation, Luther’s concepts, 217
Savonarola, 171, 194
Saxony, 98, 165
see also Frederic, Elector of Saxony
Schalbe family, 81, 82
Scheel, Otto (the Professor), 25–26, 29–31, 32, 37, 40, 50, 63, 64, 74, 78, 84, 92, 95, 139, 202, 204
Schizophrenia, 103–104
Scholasticism, 128–129, 207
Schopenhauer, A., 162, 220
Self-abnegation, monastic, 127
Self-consciousness, as characteristic of identity diffusion, 101
Sensuality, Renaissance, 192
Service, self-denying monastic, 127
Sex, Luther’s concepts, 158–163, 218–220
Shame, Luther’s description of, 256
Shaping of the Modern Mind, Brinton, 110
Shaw, G. B., 44–45
Augustine’s concept, 184
Luther’s concepts, 212, 216, 217
Smith, Preserved, 28–29, 33, 73
Social Basis of the German Reformation, The, Pascal, 35
Social experience, bipolarity of recognition as basis of, 117–118
Sociology, 35, 52, 237
Sow stories, 32–33, 61, 197
Spalatin, 197, 229, 259
Spirituality, Luther on, 135
Staupitz, Dr., 17, 37, 149, 156, 165, 170, 230, 244, 259
Luther’s Wittenberg career and, 165–169
Stotternheim, 91
Streetsinger legend, 81–82
Superego, 214, 216
as collective mastery over the unknown, 60–61
in Luther’s day, 58–61, 72
Swearing, as elimination, 247
Switzerland, 175
Tauler’s mysticism, 189
Tawney, R. H., 35, 55–56, 239, 242
Taxation, Roman, 198, 222, 227, 228
Technology, in Luther’s day, 55
Terror, use by Church, 181–182
Tetzel, 227
Theology, 109
Luther’s redefinitions paralleled with psychic recoveries, 206–222
Thomas, St., 184–186, 187
Thomism, 185–186
Thunderstorm incident, 24, 26, 38–40, 59, 91–93, 145
Time, significance in identity diffusion, 100-101
Tischreden, Luther, 53
To the Christian Nobility of German Nationality, Luther, 229
Totalism, 103–104
Tower, revelation in the, 24, 39, 158, 201, 203–206
Trevor-Roper, H. R., 107
Tristitia, Luther’s, see Sadness, Luther’s
Troeltsch, Ernst, 35
Trust, basic, 118
Trutverter, 88
Twelve Articles, Manifesto of the, 235
Ulm, cathedral in, 175
Unamuno, de, Miguel, 132
Universe, nature of, as taught to Luther, 88–90
Usingen, 88, 89
Vallombrosa, 127
Varieties of Religious Experience, William James, 120
Vienna, Hitler in, 106
Vogelsang, Erich, 201–203
Voice, significance of, 124, 198, 207
Wars, Holy, in Luther’s day, 55
Wartburg, the, Luther in, 161, 231–234, 259
Weber, Max, 35, 239
Weniger, Frederick, 7
Western Psychiatric Institute, 7
Will, 254, 255
Will to live, melancholia and, 120–121
Witchcraft, 246
Wittenberg, 149, 165–169
birth of Reformation in, 227–250
church door incident, 222
monastery, 195–196, 234, 237
relics in, 174
university, 24, 165, 196, 227, 230
Women, effect of Lutheran revolution on, 71
Word, the: Luther’s affirmation of, as instrument of faith, 207–213
significance of, 230
Luther’s redefinition of, 218–220
patienthood and, 17–18
Worms, Diet in, Luther’s appearance before, 144, 230–231, 259
Wycliffe, John, 224, 229
Yale University, 9
Young patients, 17–21
Young people:
anxieties, 113–115
ideology need, 41–43
sincerity of conversions and indoctrinations, 96
Yurok Indians, 141–142
Zero Brothers, 80