THE NEXT MORNING JOE GETS A CALL FROM ORI, A CONTRACTOR he’s worked for in the past. Ori’s regular painter quit on him, and he asks if Joe can put together a crew by tomorrow to paint the interior of a house he’s flipping in Sherman Oaks, a cash job, under the table. Joe drives out to look at the place and gives a low enough quote that he knows Ori will jump at it.
He hires two brothers from Michoacán to help him. They’re better painters than he is and have all the gear he doesn’t. The three of them bust their asses and finish the job in four days instead of the five Joe estimated. After paying for materials and settling with Max and Juanito, Joe has two grand left over and a promise from Ori of more work.
He calls Grady about replacing the window on the F-150. Grady says he’ll do it for fifty bucks if Joe tracks down the glass. Joe finds a place in Reseda that has it for seventy dollars, and it takes Grady all of fifteen minutes to drop the new window in. A buddy of his is selling a twenty-year-old Civic for cheap. Joe calls the guy and talks him into letting him put five hundred dollars down and paying the rest in two weeks.
He spends the next morning washing and detailing the F-150, then calls Keith’s wife. He tells her about Keith asking him to pick up the truck at Applebee’s but leaves out the dope and the gun. He apologizes for holding on to the vehicle for so long, explaining that he freaked out after Keith died and got paranoid about cops.
“I’m an ex-con,” he says, “so that’s where my mind goes.”
Keith’s wife’s as cold as ice, but she assures him the police won’t be involved. Mollin agrees to follow him out to Norco, where the wife lives, if Joe will buy him a meal at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Duarte on their way back.
Keith’s house is in a new development spread over the top of a rocky ridge with a view of the 15 freeway. Joe can’t recall if he’s met the wife before. She doesn’t look familiar when she answers the door. He apologizes again for keeping the truck and says he’s sorry about what happened to Keith.
“He was a good guy,” he says.
“So I hear,” the wife replies.
She walks out to the F-150 and circles it like she’s looking for damage, even opening the door and peering inside the cab.
“I filled it up and washed it,” Joe says.
“Thanks,” she says.
The Duarte Spaghetti Factory is in an old schoolhouse. Mollin’s a big fan of the chain. He’s been to the ones in Salt Lake City, in Phoenix, in San Diego. He always orders the same thing, the Manager’s Special with meat sauce and mizithra cheese. He and his sons used to come out here once a month, but now the boys are too busy. He doesn’t make the trip by himself because he’s uncomfortable eating in restaurants alone.
“I always imagine people looking at me and thinking, ‘What’s up with that pathetic piece of shit?’” he says.
“Is that what you think when you see someone eating by himself?” Joe asks him.
“Sometimes,” he says.
“You’re forty-two years old,” Joe says. “What the fuck do you care what anyone thinks about you?”
Mollin asks again about Austin. It was a good trip, Joe tells him. Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Sixth Street.
“So the honeymoon went okay,” Mollin says.
“The honeymoon went fine,” Joe says.
“And your girl found somewhere to stay?”
“She’s all squared away.”
Joe gets Mollin talking about the restaurant again. The one in Fullerton’s in an old train station. The one in Riverside was once a packing shed.
“I used to go to the Hollywood one with my mom,” Joe says.
“That was my favorite,” Mollin says. “I was so bummed when it closed. There’s condos there now.”
Joe starts looking for work, texting everyone he knows and hitting a couple bars a day to see if they’re hiring. He confines his search to the Valley, because if he’s at a joint over the hill, who’s to say Danny Bones won’t come strolling in some night? When Mollin gets home from Subway, the two of them lift weights, watch TV, and play video games, with Joe keeping it to one or two beers most evenings.
One of the bars he stops into is the Scoreboard, the sports bar that used to be McRed’s, where he worked years ago. The manager calls two days later and asks if he’s available to fill in for a bartender who’s sick. Joe shows up and kills it, stepping in like he’s been working there for years. He picks up another shift a few nights later, and the next week the manager offers him a full-time position.
He works Tuesday through Friday nights and opens Sundays at eleven a.m. The place serves food, and he’s comped one meal per shift. The manager, Antoine, doesn’t let the staff drink on duty, and Joe’s fine with that. The rule keeps him in good enough shape that he’s able to squeeze in painting gigs. Taking them means waking up at six a.m. after getting to bed at three and then grabbing another couple hours of sleep before reporting to the bar, but he’s in no position to turn down work.
His cash reserve grows quickly, even after he gives Mollin a little something for letting him bunk at the house. He pays off the Civic, sells it to the barback at the Scoreboard, and buys a truck, a 2008 Ranger, for his painting jobs. He moves out of Mollin’s house and into a single in Van Nuys, closer to the bar. The building’s an ugly seventies cracker box, but the apartments have been refurbished, and there’s parking. The other tenants are mostly Mexican families. Joe slips the old one-armed cholo who acts as the building’s unofficial security guard a twelve-pack of Tecate every week in exchange for keeping an eye on his place when he’s away, so nobody steals the TV and microwave he springs for.
And he gets laid. It’s nothing he works on, just something that happens. Lola, a single mom from Honduras, is the designated driver for a bachelorette party at the bar one night. Joe gets to talking to her and mentions his new apartment. He’s been sleeping on the floor because he’s reluctant to buy furniture after losing more couches than he can count due to being evicted from places or having to move out in a hurry. Lola offers to help him decorate. She picks out a sofa bed and coffee table at Ikea, and sheets, towels, and dishes at Target. Then they go back to the apartment, get stoned, and break in the bed. The sex isn’t great, but it’s good enough for his first time since Emily. He worries Lola will want something serious afterward, but three days later she texts she’s getting back with her daughter’s father.
The days fall like dominos, and before he knows it, it’s the Sunday before Christmas. He wakes up with the slightest smear of a hangover. He stopped by Mollin’s last night to gift him with a bottle of Maker’s and ended up hanging out long enough to make a big dent in it. Mollin told him he was thinking about selling the house and moving to Vegas.
“Dude, no,” Joe said. “We’re the last of the Burbank Mohicans.”
“Shoulda put a ring on it,” Mollin replied.
Joe readies himself to head out and open the bar. He showers and shaves, scrambles some eggs, and drinks a Bud Light and tomato juice.
Fonso, the old vato, is in his usual spot next to the front door of the building, his chair in a patch of sun on this chilly day. He’s fifty-five but still dresses in a flannel shirt, pressed khakis, and Cortezes like he did when he was a teenager.
“Feliz Navidad, motherfucker,” Joe says, and hands him his weekly twelve-pack, a white bow affixed to the box.
“Thanks, ese,” Fonso says. “You want to hit this?”
Joe waves off the spliff. He always turns down Fonso’s weed. The guy talks way too much about angel dust, and Joe suspects he might dip his joints.
Football Sundays are busy from opening until the last game ends. This week Antoine is behind the bar with Joe. He’s thirty, a clean-cut Black dude who went to USC and is now studying law online. He once showed Joe photos of himself from a catalog, wearing a turtleneck and tight pants. Joe suspects he’s gay but hasn’t given it much thought. He likes sharing shifts with him because he’s all business, no bullshit.
The Scoreboard draws a different crowd than the Short Stop. Older, less hip. Fathers and sons come in, husbands and wives, whole families. This week there are lots of Santa hats, reindeer antlers, and ugly sweaters, but Joe’s favorite Sunday regular, an old man everybody calls Mister, isn’t down with that kind of foolishness. He takes his football seriously, showing up at noon every week and staying all day, sipping nonalcoholic beer. He has money on every game and is constantly phoning his bookie. Someone said he used to be an engineer at Lockheed, someone else said a college professor.
“Another O’Doul’s?” Joe asks him.
“Not until this quarter ends,” Mister says nervously, as if delivery of a beer at the wrong moment will jinx things for him. He’s got a gambler’s superstitiousness, ordering the same food every week—wings for lunch, a cheeseburger for dinner—and switching snapbacks from game to game, depending on which team he’s betting.
Joe steps into the alley behind the bar for a cigarette. He plans on stopping at Von’s on his way home and is putting together a list when his phone chirps. He’s surprised to see a text from Emily. It must be a glitch in the system, an old message showing up months after it was sent. Part of him wants to delete it without opening it. He only recently stopped thinking about her at least once every day, and he can’t see any good in going backward. Before he can fully form this thought, though, another part of him taps the text.
It’s a video, stuff she shot during their trip, with an old Neil Young song, “Like a Hurricane,” playing over it. There’s him pumping gas. There’s the fire in the hills and Barstow. There’s Emily filming herself staring out the truck’s window at the desert. He chokes up but keeps watching. Vegas neon, sunset at the Grand Canyon, lightning in Lubbock. He was always looking straight ahead during the journey, focused on getting where they were going, but she was there to catch everything he missed, like a second set of eyes. When the video finishes, he’s full of new regret.
He turns his brain off, though, and bulls his way through the rest of his shift. Night has fallen as cold and clear as fate by the time he leaves the bar. He drives aimlessly for a while, knowing only that he doesn’t want to go back to his apartment, where the neighbors’ fucking and fighting coming through the walls might finally break him. He ends up on the 101, then gets off on Las Virgenes headed toward the coast.
The dark, winding route downcanyon requires all his concentration. There are no taillights to follow, nobody else on the road. The gnarled scrub oaks and mesquite thickets flash like bone in the high beams. A buddy of his, drunk, hit a deer out here. The collision totaled his car and nearly killed him.
Joe knows he’s getting close to Malibu when he starts seeing Christmas lights through the trees, houses decorated for the holiday. He drives south on PCH. He hasn’t been out this way since that day with Emily. He pulls off the road at County Line and parks in the same lot they did.
Stars crowd the sky above the dead black ocean. Even so, it’s so dark, he can barely make out the waves below. He feels like he’s poised on the edge of the earth. A bunch of seagulls appears out of the darkness. He’s never seen them flying at night and wonders if it means a storm is coming. He’d like to know such things.
He watches the video again. There’s a shot of him and Emily reflected in a mirror in their room in Lubbock. They’re in bed, him drinking a beer, her filming. She must have told him to smile and wave, because all of a sudden he does. Look at those happy people, he thinks, then remembers that by Lubbock, things were already coming apart. What he’s watching are people wishing they were happy, people wanting to be happy, people pretending. The video ends with a single bat flapping out from under the bridge in Austin and spiraling up into the sky as the screen fades to black.
If Emily’s sending him a coded message like the ones the lovers exchanged in Anna Karenina, he can’t decipher it. “What do you do?” someone asked him once. “I put out fires,” he replied. “Every day. With my bare hands.” But maybe life won’t always be like that. Maybe someday he’ll have time to think, to piece together the puzzle of him and Emily, and then maybe he’ll go looking for her.
Before driving back to the Valley, he texts her. Where are you? After a few days he stops waiting for a reply. Christmas passes. December turns into January. Winter warms into summer. His mom gets sick and gets better. He wrecks his truck and buys another.