


My heart is so full there aren’t enough words to express my gratitude.  God is amazing. He uses my little gift and makes it great.  All praise to Him and, any good that blooms from this work, the glory is all His.

God, I thank you for this book and the friends I’ve discovered in it and through it.  I praise you for my family who have been patient and encouraging.  Thanks for E & Z who talked plot points and ideas out with their mama.  Thank you, dearly, for my hard-working husband. I pray You will help me to pay back his kindness with interest.

Father, my family is amazing.  Those who live near and far.  Thank you for designing me to be a part of this blood line and legacy.  Help me walk with integrity.

Lord, my spiritual family is ever present and ever uplifting.  Thank you for each of them.

God bless my homeschool mama friends and every reader who dares to try out this book.  From CHS, Small Group, Blog Life and throughout the world.  Bless them each with a tender gift, designed just for them.

Thanks for sending Patti E to me.  She rescued my work.

Thanks for my amazing street team members. They offered the audible encouragement as You did the spiritual.

Thank you, Sovereign Lord Almighty.  You are too good to me. Thank you with all my heart.