Yggdrasill – the World Tree – has three roots, which lead to nine different realms of the universe. Let your imagination run free and draw your own World Tree with nine imaginary lands!
Choose a chapter from the book and write a review, saying what you like or dislike about it.
Thor has become a comic-strip superhero. Create your own comic strip, using your favourite character and episode from the book.
Ragnarok is the name given to the Last Battle between the Gods and the Giants. Make up a play about Ragnarok and perform it with your friends. Create costumes and props to make the scene of the Last Battle come to life.
You are a computer-game designer who has been commissioned to create a game based on Myths of the Norsemen.
Who would be the heroes and who the villains?
What would your pick-ups be?
What different levels could you have?
What would the game look like? Design some sample screens.
Research the Vikings on the Internet and in the library to find out more about the Viking era.