
Chapter Five


Gwydion didn’t know how he made it through the next couple of days. His thoughts drifted toward Kirby a dangerous number of times. He managed to keep his attention on work when needed, but it was fortunate the need was infrequent.

So many thoughts played through his mind. There was the question he always asked himself—what was the best way to tell her I’ve loved you in so many past lives. Does that make my infatuation with you any less creepy?

It didn’t matter he’d had several chances at that moment. He’d never quite figured it out. Once again, he’d play things by ear.

And then there was the explosion that she and everyone around her lived through. That had been her doing—he had no doubt. As a Valkyrie, she didn’t just escort warriors to Valhalla, but she decided who lived and died in battle.

She hadn’t wanted those innocent people to die, and part of her knew how to prevent it. She was getting closer to realizing who she was.

If she hit that point without being mentally prepared, it would be horrible for her. It wasn’t a great experience anyway. He’d witnessed it twice. All of her memories, from all of her past lives rushed back. Including each and every time she died.

She’d be forced to relive that, and if she was this close to the discovery, he wanted to prepare her.

The evening of their date rolled around. They’d picked a night where they could both request a little free time the next day. They tried to choose when several soldiers were heading into Kuwait, but not so many that they’d leave stations unattended.

She would meet him there, to draw less attention than them riding into town together.

During the last hour long stretch before he saw her, he fidgeted like a schoolboy. He arrived early at the restaurant another doctor recommended, unable to wait any longer.

Kirby was already there. She wore a loose cotton blouse that covered her arms, and beige slacks. There wasn’t an official dress code in the city, but they’d been asked to be respectful of the local culture.

It didn’t matter that her clothing hid her figure. She was captivating.

“Shall we?” He nodded toward the entrance.

She joined him inside.

The lighting was dimmer in here, with shades covering the windows, and dark wood adorning the dining room. He told the host they had a reservation, and they were seated immediately.

Most of the cloth covered tables were empty. Even in the nicer parts of town, businesses suffered from the war.

“You speak Arabic?” Awe filled Kirby’s question.

“You thought my tongue was only good for one thing?”

“I figured it had other uses... But bilingual.”

“And then some.” He’d lost count of how many languages he spoke. He itched to reach across the table and touch her. Hold her hand. Run a foot up the inside of her leg. He should really let his dick stop thinking for him, and use this opportunity to get to know her again. “Is this public meeting place your nefarious plan to get me to keep my hands to myself?”

She looked at ease here. All easy smiles and light laughs. “Nefarious? If we’re pretending you didn’t suggest the restaurant, then yes that’s exactly my plan. But I have to admit... I’m getting worried.”

The waiter interrupted with two bottles of sparkling water, and to explain the specials.

It was tempting to send the man away, so Gwydion and Kirby could keep talking. On a more practical note, the sooner they finished their meal, the sooner they could walk across the street to the hotel.

Waiting fifty or more years between each meeting hadn’t taught him any patience. He looked at Kirby, who watched him with a lost look. “Do you like spicy?” he asked.

“Innuendo aside? Yes.”

“May I order for you?”

She furrowed her brow, and then nodded. “Please.”

Gwydion told the waiter they’d like the kebabs and biryanis, and the man left them again.

“Worried about what?” Gwydion gave Kirby his full attention again.

“That my plan to keep your hands off me might actually work.”

He chuckled. “Would you be less concerned if I told you I have a reservation across the street?”

“In the stunning five-star hotel?”

“That’s the one.” He didn’t care about the luxury for himself, but she deserved the best.

She raised her eyebrows. “On an Army salary?”

“I come from money.” His own.

“Noted and I’m coming back to that. As for the hotel, presumptuous much?” Her tone was playful.

“Always, but especially after the conversation where we agreed Let’s pick a day where we no one will miss us if we don’t come back the next morning.

So many assumptions.” Her smile grew.

“The way I see it, we’ve only hit the tip of the iceberg for fantasies, and we’ve got all weekend to tick a couple more items off.”

“How long is your list?”

Growing longer with each second I talk to you. We’ve got preacher’s daughter... Taboo workplace hookup...” He ticked each one off on a finger.

Her laughter, light and carefree, sang to his soul.

“Excuse me. So sorry to interrupt, my huntress. Gwydion, it’s been a long time.”

Ambivalence washed over Gwydion at the familiar voice. He knew exactly who he’d see when he looked up. He turned to the new arrival. Talk about shitty timing. Not the worst, but close enough.

“Min. Wonderful to see you again.” He forced himself to sound sincere.



MIN TASTED THE PASSION and sex in the air before he even walked in the restaurant. One of the gifts that came with being a god of pleasure. He didn’t need to see Kirby to know exactly where she sat.

He strode past the host without pause, toward his huntress. Kirby watched Gwydion with adoration, unaware of Min’s approach. The two had already slept together at least once.

Gwydion hadn’t wasted any time. Not that Min blamed him. His huntress could love whomever she wanted, as long as he and she were side-by-side. A woman as fierce as Kirby should never be bound without her permission.

When he interrupted, he didn’t miss the ghost of irritation that passed over Gwydion’s face. This wasn’t a dinner between colleagues; it was a date.

The way she watched Min stole his thoughts. It had been too long since he’d seen her stunning face in person. Tasted those full lips. Heard that melodic voice.

He pulled out a chair. “I’ll only join you for a moment, and then I’ll leave you two to your evening.”

Gwydion clenched his jaw.

Kirby furrowed her brow. If she said no, Min would leave.

He very much wanted her to accept his self-invitation.



KIRBY DIDN’T KNOW WHO this arrogant man was. This gorgeous, sultry-voiced, arrogant man. His ebony skin was a stark contrast to his white suit, and if she stood, he’d still tower over her by at least six inches.

He’d interrupted their evening. He showed no remorse. And Gwydion hadn’t told him to fuck off yet. Then again, the men appeared to be friends, and until Kirby got to know Gwydion better, she was a fuck buddy at best.

Given all that, why couldn’t she stop staring at this Min? Her body was reacting the same way it had to Gwydion, with desire pulsing under her skin, and an irresistible pull that made her wonder if what they said about men with big feet was true.

“It sounds like you two need to catch up,” she heard herself say. What was she doing?

“Only if you stay.” Gwydion grabbed her wrist.

She sucked in a sharp breath at his grip. It wasn’t a request on his part, but she hadn’t planned on leaving anyway. “Of course. We’ve got that list to go through.”

Gwydion smirked.

Min raised an eyebrow, but didn’t look bothered otherwise. He settled into his seat, waved the waiter over, and ordered himself a sparkling water. Then he turned to her. “I’m Min.” He grasped her fingers and kissed the back of her knuckles.

“Kirby.” She was just put off enough by his assumption that she was able to ignore the twittery, swoony voice in her head.

“A stunning name for a fierce huntress.” It was the second time he’d called her that.

The way he studied her with eyes so dark they were almost black, sent delicious images dancing through her mind. Things she’d never tried. Never enjoyed the thought of—of him binding her. Spanking her?

She could almost feel the sting of his palm on her ass, and the phantom sensation reverberated along her skin.

She found the willpower to tug her hand away. “I’ve never hunted anything except the perfect slice of mall pizza.”

His lips curled into a hungry smile. “There’s time.”

Kirby’s senses were frazzled. She didn’t want to be interrupted. She wanted this weekend to get to know Gwydion, and find out what this pull was. She wanted Min to stick around so she could figure out what the fuck was going on there...

Despite Gwydion and Min’s familiarity, neither of them spoke.

The silence spurred her mind to bounce from one idea to the next. She drifted back to the simple first—wrapping her legs around Gwydion’s waist as he pinned her to the wall and drove inside her.

The imprint of brick ghosted on her back, but was washed away by the thought of Min blindfolding her. Stealing her sight so his smooth, seductive voice drilled deeper into her thoughts. Making the lack of touch as enticing as those sharp sparks where he licked along her neck, or took a belt to her backside.

She mentally cleared her throat. “How did the two of you meet?” She needed someone to talk, or she’d tumble into lust and never climb out.

If they joined her, that might not be a bad thing.

The men exchanged a glance she couldn’t interpret.

“That bar in... Where was it?” Gwydion said.

Min didn’t blink. “Belfast.”

“Right. It seems like centuries ago.”

“It was.”

They almost sounded like they believed that. For two people who had so much past, they didn’t seem to have a lot to say to each other. Maybe they’d already both said it all.

From the glances they swapped every few seconds, she doubted it.