Oh, to be a Chimpanzee!

When the sun is shining brightly

She will swing from tree to tree,

Grasping at the branches tightly.

Oh, to be a chimpanzee!

A luscious fig, or juicy flea

She will find and share politely

With a friend or two or three.

She’ll build a nest for sleeping, nightly

High, where she won’t have to flee

From leopards who are stepping lightly.

Oh, to be a chimpanzee!


Chimpanzees sleep for about nine hours a night. Each day, they find a sturdy tree with two strong branches and make a new sleep nest out of leaves and twigs. Sometimes chimps will even make a pillow out of some of the softest leaves. These sleeping nests keep them safe from predators. While chimps are very social animals, they will almost always sleep alone; the only exception is when a mother is nursing her young. Although chimps are usually active during the day, they can also be active on moonlit nights.