To my greatest blessings, John and Marcia Baker, who raised me in a Christian home filled with unconditional love and support.

I’m grateful to my Lord and Savior for publication after twenty-four years of prayers to see my work in print. Thank you to my mother, Marcia Baker, the most patient person in the world, for listening to me read my books out loud for over two decades. Thanks to computer expert and sister extraordinaire Beth Zehr for creating my Web site and for taking on my computer challenges at all times, day and night. Also thanks to niece Brittany for her huge contribution to my Web page. Thanks to my other invaluable computer assistants who help me at a moment’s notice: Gary Kerr, Doug Zehr, Brooke Conlee, Bloomington Geek Squad. Thanks to writer Lisa Norato, confidante, critique partner, and true friend for riding out the entire tenure of my writing endeavors with me.
I owe tremendous thanks to numerous kind people in Arthur for patiently answering questions, having me in their homes, relating true stories during wonderful buggy rides, and allowing me special insight into a way of life that has my full respect, admiration, and fascination. Thanks to my Amish go-to girl, who prefers to remain anonymous, while faithfully reading my early copies, cover to cover, and for helping Emma to follow her heart. I owe a debt of gratitude to hundreds of writers in the RWA who reviewed my partials and offered input to hone my stories. Last but certainly not least, I’d like to give special thanks to my supportive agent, Tamela Hancock Murray, who stuck by me and rooted for me, and to my fabulous editor, Selena James, and everyone at Kensington Publishing who have been part of the production of this story.