“Just who the Hell are you, and how the fuck do you know what we don't want to do?” the elder Anderson demanded as Will approached.
“Oh, hey, no offense meant,” Will said as he held up his hands. “She's your catch, and you can all do what you want with her. I'm just sayin' that you've got one of the world's tightest pussies strung up there, and it would be a shame to let it go unused.”
“And how do you happen to know that?” one of the other Andersons demanded.
“Oh, sorry,” Will chuckled. “I should've introduced myself. I'm Will Longstreet. I caught that tight pussy there last year in a competition up on the north side.”
“I heard about that,” the elder Anderson said. “Heard about you before, Mr. Longstreet, and I have to say it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Tom Anderson, and these are my brothers, Barry and Simon.” He held out his hand, and Will shook it.
“Please, call me Will,” he said. “I've heard quite a bit about you fellows too. Got to say, I'm impressed.”
“Can we please get on with this?” Martina complained.
Tom looked at her coldly. “You just sit down and be quiet, woman,” he said. “We're talking.” He turned back to Will. “Surprising we haven't met before,” he said.
“Not so surprising,” Will shrugged. “We hunt different types of females. You fellows like the athletic little ones, right? Me, I got a thing for the tall ones.” He pointed at Alexa. “She kinda falls in between our preferences. Why'd you go after her, if you don't mind my askin'?”
“She showed up my brothers just outside one of the southside hamlets some days ago,” Tom replied. He went over to Alexa and began stroking her bare flesh. “We had some time, so I figured we should run her down and teach her a lesson. Tight pussy, you say?” His hand slid down across Alexa's toned belly and tickled at her labia, just about where her clitoris lay hidden. Alexa squirmed.
“Tightest I ever had,” Will replied. “She's really flexible, too.”
“You trained her?”
“A bit,” Will shrugged again. “Didn't have as much time as I would've liked, since it took me so long to catch her. You fellows planning on keepin' her a while?”
“Haven't decided yet,” Tom answered. “Though we do plan on putting her through her paces tonight.” He looked into Alexa's eyes and grinned wickedly. Alexa whimpered, then shuddered as his fingers caressed the length of her slit. Then he seemed to think of something and turned back to Will. “But what are you doing out here?” he asked.
“Like I said, I got a thing for tall women,” Will replied. “Like that one sittin' over there.” He gestured towards Martina, who suddenly looked alarmed. “Why's she along?”
Tom barely gave the tall blonde a glance. “She heard who we were after and said she wanted to come along and help,” he said. “Claimed she knew her. She wasn't much real help, though.”
“So she's not really a part of your team?” Will asked. Alexa saw Martina begin to get to her feet, moving slowly.
“Nah,” Tom said. “We let her tag along to see what she'd do to this one if we caught her. Seems like she's got some sort of grudge.”
“Uh-huh,” Will nodded sagely. He turned to look directly at Martina, and for the first time Alexa saw that he was wearing some sort of bulky pistol in a holster at his hip. Last year, he'd brought her down with an anesthetic dart in her ass, fired from an air rifle. She guessed that he'd switched to an air pistil.
“You fellows attached to this tall blonde female at all?” Will asked casually as his hand went to the pistol.
“Nope,” Tom Anderson shook his head. “Not our type.”
Things suddenly moved very, very quickly. As Martina whirled to run, Will drew the pistol and fired. Alexa heard a loud 'Pop!', saw Martina jump and heard her screech as the dart hit her right in her tight, round rump. It didn't stop her from running off into the woods though, and since it was getting dark now she was soon out of sight. Will casually holstered his pistol.
“Shouldn't you be chasing that female now?” Tom asked.
“She can't go far,” Will answered. “Anyway, I got a friend out there waitin' to grab her.”
Another angry female screech split the air and Will smiled. “See? She's not goin' anywhere. You fellows mind if we stay and share your campfire for the night?”
Alexa would have smiled if the stick wedged between her teeth would have allowed it. She might be in for a rough night, but now so was Martina.
“Hell, why not,” Tom said. “You can tell me a bit about what kind of training you gave this tough little bitch.” He gave Alexa's rump an open-handed swat, and she yelped.
“She's been put through a little bit of everything,” Will replied as he looked Alexa over. “She don't much care for anal, but she'll take it if she's got to. Tight pussy, like I said. And she's got a real talent for cock sucking, but ain't quite got the knack of swallowing down yet. But it's been a little while since I last seen her, so she might have learned a thing or two on her own. One thing you probably oughtta know is that she's got a bit of an exhibitionist streak, but she can get real shy about havin' other people watch her get fucked.”
“Interesting,” Tom mused. He slipped around behind Alexa and reached around her to fondle her breasts. She squeaked when he pinched her nipples. “Now you've got me wanting to find out just how tight her pussy is. You know any tricks for getting her warmed up?”
“I don't know anything that might apply in this situation,” Will answered with a shrug. “Like I said, she's a bit shy about gettin' fucked in front of an audience.”
“I guess we'll just have to do it the old-fashioned way, then,” Tom said, almost directly into Alexa's ear. “Just relax, female,” he went on in a softer, more intimate tone as his hands slid down between her legs. Alexa squirmed, protesting, even though she knew it wouldn't do her any good.
A man came out of the darkening woods, carrying Martina's limp form slung over his shoulder. Martina's famously photogenic ass hid his face from view at first, but when he roughly dumped his prize onto the ground near Will, Alexa recognized Mike. He smiled at her.
“Got yourself into a real fix, didn't you?” he observed. “But, hey, you beat the old record, so you shouldn't feel too badly.” He looked her spread and naked body up and down. “Damn, you do look good!”
“Would you get back on the job?” Will asked as he stretched Martina out full-length on the ground. “Help me skin this long-legged bitch before she comes around.”
“I could have used some help carrying her back here,” Mike responded. “She's a big girl.”
“I was havin' a conversation with our hosts,” Will said without looking up as he crouched over Martina's recumbent form. He ripped open the blonde's shirt and then sliced her brassiere apart with a pocket knife..
Strung up between the two trees, Alexa watched as Will and Mike quickly stripped Martina down to her beautiful skin. She noticed that the volleyball player had some faint tan lines just before Tom Anderson's fingers started doing things to her pussy that made her gasp, shudder, and lose focus.
“I think she likes to watch,” Tom called out. “Hey, Barry, Simon, come on over and lend a hand. Get that gag out of her mouth for a start, and bring her some water.” He kept on fingering Alexa, gently but firmly as his brothers came over to help. One of them held a water bottle to Alexa's mouth after his brother had removed the gag and she'd worked a cramp out of her jaws.
“You do like to watch, don't you?” Tom asked with a hint of a smirk on his face. Alexa merely nodded after she'd gulped down all of the water she was offered. There were rough male hands all over her body now, stroking, fondling and squeezing, and muscular male bodies pressing up against hers from in front, from behind, and from the side. As distracting as all that physical contact was becoming, it wasn't quite enough to make her tear her gaze away from what Will and Mike were doing to Martina. They had bound her wrists together over her head and tied them off to the trunk of another small tree. The tall blonde's ankles were also tied together. The two men had stretched her out full-length on her back and seemed to be looking for a good place to anchor their prize to. Martina had only recovered a little from the effects of the tranquilizer dart, so her struggles were feeble. Even as she felt her body beginning to respond to all the attention it was getting, Alexa wanted very much to see what was going to happen to Martina. In fact, watching that blonde bitch getting what was coming to her only added to her growing arousal.
“Well,” Tom went on as his fingers kept probing and stroking her, inside and out, “it does seem to be helping you along here, but when I fuck a female I like to be the center of her attention. Simon, go get that blonde's shirt and bring it on over here, would you?”
Alexa wondered absently about why he would want Martina's shirt, but then Tom hit an especially sensitive spot. She shuddered, threw her head back and hissed through clenched teeth.
“That's more like it,” Tom said with a nasty little chuckle as he tickled that very same spot again. Again, Alexa shuddered and hissed. The other Anderson brother, who had to be Barry, was still roughly fondling her breasts, squeezing her nipples and pulling on them. Her vision got blurry just before it went away completely. She panicked about that for a moment until she realized that Martina's shirt had been pulled over her head and was somehow being tied in place. She tossed her head, trying to dislodge it, but it was no good.
“She's ready,” she heard Tom say. “Let's see how tight this pussy really is.”
She felt fingers spreading her pussy lips now, and something thicker, blunt and just as hard as those fingers, probing along her exposed slit. She quit struggling. It was going to happen now, no matter what, and she was almost aching for it anyway. She felt the cock pushing up into her. She couldn't see it at all, but it felt thick as it began to stretch her. She bore down, trying to make it as difficult as possible for him to penetrate her completely. She heard him grunt, grab her ass roughly, and use the leverage to ram himself home. Now he felt long as well as thick. Alexa moaned and let her head loll back. She couldn't see anything anymore, but she could feel everything, including those hands still mauling her tits, and she could hear the sounds of someone being whipped, accompanied by Martina's cries of pain.
Tom – it had to be Tom, since he was clearly the leader of his little gang of siblings – began pumping her, strong and hard and rhythmically, making Alexa grunt breathily with each strong thrust.
“How tight is she, brother?” one of the other Andersons asked.
“Pretty damned tight,” Tom grunted as he began thrusting faster and harder. “I'll get 'er loosened up for you, don't worry.”
Alexa moaned again. She'd rarely had any gang-bang fantasies, but what was happening to her was just as rough and brutal as anything she'd ever imagined. She wondered if Will or Mike were watching what was being done to her, but that was no more than a brief and hazy thought that flickered through her mind. She surrendered with a deep groan as Tom kept plowing away. It didn't feel as if he was making any special effort to bring her to climax, but he didn't really have to. Everything that had been done to her, everything that was being done to her, had her so aroused that she barely felt the ropes at her wrists and ankles, or how tired her arms and legs were. The only sensation that mattered was that thick cock thrusting over and over again into her.
When she came, she lost what little self-control she had left. It felt as if her body had unleashed its own private earthquake as she cried out, over and over again, as Tom kept on fucking her. Her tremors and cries only stopped when Tom thrust himself as deeply into her as he could and gripped her ass painfully as he groaned and shuddered himself. He let her go only after some long and motionless moments when almost all that Alexa could feel was his warm, moist breath on her neck and shoulder. Then he pulled out of her and stepped away, leaving her feeling suddenly chilly.
“Tight?” Alexa heard one of the brothers ask Tom.
“Tight,” Tom replied simply. “Really tight. Next!”
Alexa braced herself, waiting to feel another hard male body press up against her. She had all but forgotten about the one who had been behind her all this time, mauling her breasts. When she felt his cock between her legs she had a moment of panic that she was about to be used anally after all, but instead whoever it was began to take her from behind. She was still wet and sensitive from Tom's hard fucking, and this new angle teased and tickled her in different places than he had. Alexa cried out. Faintly, as if from a far distance, she heard Martina crying out as well, either in pain or in pleasure. Alexa neither knew nor cared which it was. The hands on her breasts slid down to grasp her by her hips. She tried to make it easier for whoever was using her now by arching her back for him, but the ropes held her too tightly for her to alter her position much. Still, it was enough to do her a lot of good. She could feel another orgasm building almost immediately. Whichever Anderson brother was fucking her this time came before she did, but managed to keep going just long enough. Her orgasm this time was weaker than her first, but still strong enough to make her shudder and gasp. Her legs felt rubbery when he pulled out of her, but the ropes at her wrists kept her from falling, painful as that was to her shoulders. Then the third Anderson brother came in for his turn, taking her from in front, fucking her harder and faster than the first two, slapping her bruised and stinging ass as he pumped her. Alexa felt completely used up before he was finished. At the same time she realized that she wasn't going to come for a third time and all of this vigorous activity was making her start to feel sore all over. When her latest assailant gripped her tightly and groaned, all she could do was sigh in relief that her ordeal was over for now. The last Anderson pulled out of her and stepped away after giving her ass one last hard slap. Alexa could hear the crackling of the campfire, Martina's muffled whining, and her own breath starting to come in ragged gasps as the shirt wrapped around her head suddenly felt suffocating. Were they going to leave her strung up like this all night? She didn't think she'd be able to stand that, as much as she hated the thought of chickening out in front of Martina.
Her fears were unfounded. After a few minutes, they cut her down, dragged her a little ways away from the trees and laid her down on a blanket spread out on the ground. They left the shirt wrapped around her head so that she still couldn't see, but from the feel of it she was lying on her own blanket. She stretched out on it with a groan. Not only her shoulders were complaining but her legs as well, and her pussy felt just a teensy bit raw. They left the cloths wrapped around her wrists and ankles, and also the ropes knotted around them, but didn't bind her. She wondered why for a moment before realizing that she was in no shape to try to run away. Even if she tried, the first thing she would have to do was try to get that damned shirt off, and if the Andersons saw her trying to do that they could put a stop to it pretty quickly. And, even if she could somehow get the shirt off without being stopped, she certainly wasn't going to run off into the woods, at night, with neither clothes nor shoes. She felt exhausted, and hungry, and thirsty, but for the moment all that she wanted to do was lie still and feel the warmth of the fire. Maybe in a little while she would ask for water. Maybe. For now it was enough to just lie here.
She must have dozed off. The next thing she knew she was awakened by the sharp sting of a leather belt across her ass. She yelped and began to get to her feet, but strong hands stopped her once she had gotten up on her knees. She felt someone loosening the shirt from around her neck and held still. As soon as the shirt was off, she could see Martina on the other side of the campfire, still stretched out on the cold, hard ground. She was on her back, her nipples sticking up prominently. Her eyes were open, but she didn't look in Alexa's direction at all. Instead, she was focused on Will as he prepared some food.
As fit as she was herself, Alexa had to admit that Martina had a magnificent body, with just the right combination of softness and definition to make it obvious that she was an athlete but just as obviously a desirable woman. There was a narrow stripe of dark blonde curly hairs between her round and solid thighs. Mike sat beside Will, using a spoon to eat something off of a tin plate. He didn't look in Alexa's direction either. For some reason, she found that annoying, but then maybe, since she was the prey of the Andersons, he just didn't want to look at what he couldn't have.
But... why was he traveling with Will? How had the two of them met? Had Will talked him into coming along after Martina?
There were too many questions, and Alexa's train of thought was interrupted when one of the Anderson brothers – she thought it was Simon – put a hand on the back of her head and offered her a water bottle.
“Man, I really hate short hair like yours,” he said as he held the bottle to Alexa's mouth so that she could drink. “Gives you nothin' to grab hold of.”
“Maybe that's why she keeps it that short,” Tom observed from nearer the campfire. “You'd have caught her days ago if it wasn't that short, wouldn't you?”
“Probably,” Simon shrugged. He took the bottle away and offered Alexa a strip of jerky. She bit into it much more eagerly than she'd wanted to, but once her thirst had been quenched she realized just how hungry she was. She couldn't tell from the texture or the taste what kind of meat it was, only that it was chewy and had been soaked in barbecue sauce before it had been turned into jerky. She quickly wolfed down not just the first piece she was offered, but two more pieces after that. She was hoping for a fourth, but it wasn't forthcoming. Instead she got another gulp of water and that was it. Left to herself. She laid back down again. She didn't know how long she'd been dozing, but it couldn't have been for more than a couple of minutes. She still felt tired. In fact, she felt even more tired now than she had before her nap.
She saw Will get up, go over to Martina, and crouch down next to her. She heard Martina whimper and moan, and wanted to see what was going on, but the campfire and Will both obscured her view. She could see Martina's long legs clearly enough, as the tall blonde raised first one knee slightly, then let it fall and raised the other knee slightly with a jerk. Stretched out as she was, there didn't seem to be much more that she could do, but why was she doing it at all? What was Will doing to her to make her react? Rather than get up on her hands and knees for a better view, Alexa just rolled onto her side, her back to the fire, and started to doze off again.
A crack across her rump with the leather belt woke her again, and just as abruptly. She glared up at Tom, who stood over her holding the belt. It was Martina's belt, not hers. She was about to say something, but the look in Tom Anderson's eyes suggested that maybe she shouldn't, no matter how angry she might be at the moment. She turned away from him and curled up on her side again, listening to Martina's muffled and feeble complaints about something. She couldn't tell if they were muffled because Will had a hand clamped over her mouth or something stuffed into her mouth, but she was too tired now to care enough to try to see.
They kept letting her doze off for a while, only to wake her up with another stinging lash from Martina's belt. Alexa felt her nerves and her temper both beginning to unravel as the sleep she so badly wanted and needed kept getting interrupted. She knew that the Andersons were doing this to wear her down. There wasn't anything she could do about it except wait to find out what new abuse they might have in mind. Finally, it took two swats with the belt to wake her up. She didn't even bother getting up that time. She only rolled onto her back to look up at Tom.
“Up on your hands and knees, female,” he ordered. “It's time for round two.”
Alexa obeyed, whining the whole time. She was still hungry, she was very tired, and her ass was painfully sore. If she refused to obey, she was sure that it would end up even more painfully sore. She assumed the position, her head hanging down from sheer sleepiness and fatigue. Being taken from behind while she was on all fours didn't usually do much for her, but men seemed to like it. She was so worn out, though, that she doubted that any position, or even any toys, would do her any good. She just wanted them to fuck her and get it over with, provided that they at least used some kind of lubricant. Then maybe she could get some sleep. As one of her captors – she didn't give a damn which one it was – pushed her legs a little further apart before kneeling down behind her and feeling her pussy, she turned her head to look over where Martina was. The volleyball player wasn't stretched out on the ground any more. Instead, it looked as if she'd been tied hand and foot and tethered by her neck to a tree. She was lying on a blanket, and she seemed to be fast asleep. Will and Mike lay near her, and they seemed to be asleep as well. She envied them.
“Gonna need the stuff,” the Anderson behind her commented. “She's dry.”
A moment later, Alexa felt some kind of gel being rubbed onto and into her pussy. It tingled faintly at first, and then started to warm up. Will had used something very similar on her last year, so she knew what to expect. The tingling sensation kept getting stronger, penetrating deeply into her. She shifted her weight, biting back a moan that her body wanted her to make but she didn't want to let out. The stuff was effective at getting her own lubrication going, but it would just keep warming and tingling until she was fucked, and after too long it could become uncomfortable. Supposedly it would stop on its own after a while, but she didn't know how long a while it would be. Some men used it on their captive females and then made them beg for sex in order to get relief, or so Will had told her.
She felt hands groping under her to fondle her breasts, not too roughly, though all of the Andersons seemed to like squeezing her nipples. Then the hands slid back along her flanks to her hips and she started to brace herself. By now she was about ready to beg for sex herself, but she didn't want to give them the satisfaction. Still, she moaned loudly as she felt a thick, hard cock start to slide into her.
“She's still kinda tight,” the man behind her commented. Then, with a grunt, he took hold of her and thrust himself as far into her as he could get. In spite of her resolve, Alexa moaned again, raising her head. When she did that, another Anderson lowered himself to his knees right in front of her. All she was sure of was that it wasn't Tom. She was too tired to care which of the other brothers it was.
“Hi, there,” he said with a grin as he unzipped his jeans. He ruffled her short hair with his free hand. “Don't you worry about a thing. Just open that pretty little mouth and let me do the work.”
She was just too exhausted to fight it. She opened her mouth and closed her eyes as he slid his cock in between her lips. All she could do was pray that he didn't try to fuck her too deep. Will had spent some time teaching her how to suppress her gag reflex, but she needed to be fully awake and alert to do that, and right now she was neither.
This was something entirely new to her. She'd seen videos of women getting it from both ends before, but she'd never experienced it for herself. Having a cock in her mouth and another in her pussy was strangely disorienting. She didn't know which sensation to concentrate on. And, while the man behind her and the man in front of her were taking things slow and easy, at least for now, they weren't in sync at all. Alexa held still, kept her eyes closed, and moaned softly around the cock in her mouth. She was no longer the daring prey who had set out to beat the old record. She'd done that, but now she was a captive female in the hands of skilled hunters of females. They would train her, and teach her, and probably sell her at auction. In the meantime, getting fucked at both ends simultaneously was something very new to her, and it was starting to feel not so bad. She moaned again as the Anderson brothers fell into sync with each other at last.
The one using her mouth came first, holding her head tightly between his hands as he jerked and groaned and shot his cum down her throat. Alexa couldn't help coughing and gagging when that happened, but she kept her mouth open, drooling around his cock, until he was finished and pulled out of her. He patted her on her head. He didn't say anything, so Alexa wasn't sure if she should swallow or spit. She'd already had to swallow some of his load, so she lowered her head and let what was left in her mouth dribble out onto the blanket. As she did that, she heard and felt the one taking her from behind come. She moaned again, in mild frustration, because she was nowhere near coming herself. But as a captive female, she was there to give men pleasure, or have them take it. She would receive the ultimate pleasure herself only if her captors chose to give it to her, either as a reward or just to see how she reacted.
The man behind her pulled out and patted her ass affectionately. It was still sore, and even that relatively gentle touch made her flinch and whine. As the two Andersons moved away, Alexa remained on all fours. There was one more Anderson to go, and she hadn't been told that she could move.
“Very nice,” she heard Tom say from somewhere close behind her. “I can see you've already had some training. Put your hands behind you.”
Alexa obeyed, shifting her weight back a little so that she didn't have to put the side of her face on the blanket. She felt Tom binding her, using the lengths of rope trailing from her wrists after they'd cut her down from those trees. He tied her securely, but not tightly.
“Up on your knees now,” he ordered. Alexa obeyed, settling back on her heels gingerly. Between the lingering twinges of pain in her ass and the lingering tingling of the lubricant in and on her pussy, it was very hard for her to pay much attention to anything else. At first she was only vaguely aware that Tom was standing in front of her.
“Look at me,” he ordered. Alexa tilted her head back to look up at him. She saw him start to unzip his jeans, and her gaze dropped to his crotch. She knew what was coming.
“No, keep your eyes on mine,” Tom said. He put his free hand under her chin and made her look up again. “You just keep looking at my eyes, female,” he said. “You don't look away for any reason, and you don't close your eyes except to blink. Do you understand me, female?”
“Yes, Master.” The words came out before she'd even had time to think about them, and hearing them in her own tired, slightly breathy voice sent a decadent thrill running along her spine. She shivered, and opened her mouth wide, waiting for Tom to fill it with his cock. When he did, sliding it slowly along her tongue, she began to close her eyes.
“Open!” Tom barked, and Alexa's eyes flew wide. She looked up at him and whimpered in apology. She always gave head with her eyes closed. Having to do it this way made her feel somehow more naked than she already was. She waited, staring up at Tom, wondering how she must look to him with his cock in her mouth.
“This time, you do all the work, female,” Tom said as he put his hand on the top of her head. “You suck, you lick, and when the time comes, you swallow. Understand?”
Alexa nodded.
Alexa began slowly, moving her head back and forth, using her tongue to feel out the sensitive underside of his cock. It felt almost unnaturally large, hard and warm, and it tasted faintly of her own pussy from earlier. She began to drool. Her tongue tip could feel his pulse. And all the time, she had to keep her eyes fixed on his. There was an intensity in his gaze that was exciting and a little frightening at the same time. Alexa sucked and licked, moving her head a bit faster. Tom gave her little feedback, so she was never quite sure what he liked. A long time ago, though, a school friend of hers had told her that there was no such thing as a bad blowjob, at least not so far as a guy was concerned. So she sucked and licked, even though there was no change of expression on Tom's poker face.
Then, abruptly, he grabbed her head in his hands and held her perfectly still as he spurted into her mouth. It happened so abruptly, and without any warning, that she squealed through her nose. Tom held her in place until sometime after he was finished, and then pulled out. Alexa kept looking up into his eyes.
“Swallow,” he ordered. Alexa suddenly realized that her mouth was still open. She closed it and swallowed, trying to make it as visible and as noisy as she could. Then she waited.
“Show me,” Tom said. Alexa opened her mouth wide so that he could see she had swallowed it all.
“Good girl,” he said, finally smiling. “You can go to sleep now, female.” He ruffled her hair before walking away.
Alexa turned her head to look towards where Will, Mike and Martina were. All three of them were awake, with Martina, looking as tired and worn as Alexa felt now, kneeling between the two men. Alexa looked into Martina's eyes, gave her a crooked smile, and then laid down on her side, her back towards them. There was a lot about what had just happened that she wanted to think about, but sleep came over her in a soft, dark rush.