Chapter Ten


The Four Zones of the Soul

Many life issues originate in the soul. As simple as this statement is, the concept is complicated. After all, our soul has journeyed nearly everywhere and “everywhen.” Fortunately, there are four main zones, or planes of existence, that the soul experiences in regard to a single lifetime. Knowing about these zones and the types of issues you can work through points you to the origin of a soul-based challenge.

In this chapter I first acquaint you with the four stages that a soul journeys through in a single lifetime. The purpose is to help you analyze these zones in terms of your current life. By focusing Spirit-to-Spirit and Healing Streams of Grace on the applicable zone, you can make substantial changes in your life. The exercise at the end of this chapter will guide you through each zone so you can check each one out and return to any of them at a later date.

The Four Soul Zones

We know that life is complicated. To help us better understand what our life is supposed to be like, therapists organize our development in stages. If we have an issue, we can use this information to track a challenge back to its originating stage and “fill in the holes.” We can perform the same operation by examining the four developmental stages a soul passes through during every incarnation. I also call these stages the “zones of existence.”

In general, the first zone occurs before conception, the second zone happens during embryonic development, the third zone actives right after birth and relates to the overall lifetime, and the doorway into the final zone is available when the body is dying or after death. We can access any of these zones anytime, however, which is what I do if a client is dealing with certain critical issues, whether physical, psychological, or spiritual.

What are these four zones and their related issues? Let’s take a look.

Zone One: The White Zone

Before conception, the soul enters the white zone to negotiate a soul contract. I call this arena the “white zone” because it psychically looks like a big white room to me.

A soul contract works like all business contracts in that it lays out what is going to happen and when. The caveat is that the terms relate to an upcoming life. Through the negotiation process, we forge agreements with many of the souls (people, animals, and guides) we will interact with during the upcoming life. We also select major events, such as accidents, career paths, diseases, romantic relationships, and other life situations. I call these preselected desires “destiny points.” Only specific events are decreed; life dictates its own terms. Typically, a soul contract isolates situations that will help us work through our karma, or spiritual lessons. We arrive at this contract with the help of the Spirit or a specialized guide.

All sorts of problems originate in the white zone—or, rather, during life because of the white zone. In a nutshell, the original contract agreements might not be operational or beneficial or even able to be fulfilled. Life is chaotic. Events might unfold (or not) that make it impossible to fulfill a destiny point. I’ll give you a few examples, all of which I’ve seen with my clients.

Imagine that you decided to be childless in order to learn how to self-parent, but then you changed your mind in adulthood. You might now have difficulties getting pregnant. Pretend that you preselected a certain set of parents and then your mother-to-be married the “wrong” man. Consequently, you are plagued with a sense of depression that you can’t decipher.

Other common mishaps relate to romance.

Romance frequently begins in the clouds. In the white zone we might agree to meet and date, marry, and even divorce another soul. These predestined agreements are replete with problems. Sometimes the penultimate partner fails to appear. Other times the “soul mate” is unlikable or might reject us. I’ve even seen situations in which the desirable “other” didn’t even incarnate.

Soul plans often fail to match reality. Because of this, I help individuals visit the white zone if there are situations that are really “off,” if they sense an empty space that is “supposed” to be filled, or when they can’t make peace with what has or hasn’t happened. The goal is to update the negative parts of our soul plan and thus change our life circumstances.

Zone Two: The Gray Zone

After conception, our soul departs the white zone and hurtles through the gray zone, which separates the white zone and the body. The soul usually doesn’t enter the body until well into the second trimester or even at birth. Rather, the soul hovers around the body after passing through the gray zone, interacting with guides and visiting with the parents-to-be.

The gray zone is essentially a void that erases past life memories. The gray energy within it causes a sort of soul amnesia in relation to past and in-between lives. Our current soul contract remains intact, but we forget about it. With our memories obliterated, we can deal with situations with fresh eyes. (Memories are reawakened again after death and can often be retrieved through journeying.)

There are many issues that can arise because of the gray zone. These primarily involve entity attachment and memory challenges.

Entities frequently linger in the gray zone, souls that were formerly incarnated on earth and souls from other planets and dimensions. Those looking for an “easy way” into the world can attach to an incoming soul, consequently shifting the soul’s destiny or causing interference. Sometimes a dark force can even prevent a soul from incarnating completely, which can cause dissociation and even pathological responses to life. For instance, the interfering soul might “steer the ship,” causing sociopathic-type behaviors.

Also, the memory erasing can create problems. If too many remembrances or patterns are erased, the incoming soul might be overly naïve and vulnerable to manipulative people or beings. Sometimes there is an incomplete erasure and former memories can interfere with the current destiny. As an example, I once worked with a young girl who recalled being buried alive in Greece. She was constantly visited by night terrors as sheer darkness triggered the horror of dying in the dark. Once we helped her process the memory, she began sleeping like a baby.

Bottom line, I examine the gray zone if someone seems lost and overly naïve, pathologically undeveloped, has felt a presence haunting them since they were young, or experience unnecessary or intrusive memories from the past.

Zone Three: The Red Zone

The red zone is comparable to an extra energy body that runs alongside the physical body. It is similar to an auric layer in that it exists outside of the physical body and is composed of subtle energy. As compared to an auric layer, however, it is thicker and more dense. It is also activated just before or during birth, as are the auric layers. However, it is not linked to a chakra, as is an individual auric field.

This energy body is like a “gas tank” that magically refills in order to provide life energy to the subtle and physical body. The fuel is comprised of subtle elements from the environment, which are converted to a vital energy that stokes both subtle and physical structures.

There are many problems that can occur with the red zone. These include blockages caused by family programs, attachments to beings that steal our red zone energy, and an absorption of others’ psychic energies. When the latter occurs, there is no room for the incoming subtle elements. Problems with the red zone frequently present as severe fatigue, lack of energy, or any of the conditions that involve these symptoms, such as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue.

Zone Four: The Black Zone

Nearly every culture wonders what happens after we die. One opportunity we’re given either right before or after we die is entrance into the black zone.

I perceive the black zone as a meeting space in which we visit with all the souls that we’ve connected to when alive. This space is sacred ground. The purpose of gathering is to bestow forgiveness.

We can only answer for our own soul. It is here that we can ask forgiveness from others, give it to others, and grant it to ourselves. Even if others have already passed or are alive, an aspect of their soul is invited to the meeting.

While this zone is mainly available to the dying or just-deceased, it can be visited anytime. I guide individuals into this zone if they are struggling with forgiveness issues of any sort. For instance, I often work with individuals who were abused and can’t find it in their heart to forgive the abuser. The goal isn’t to make the previous abuse okay; rather, it’s to release the energetic attachments that inevitably form between the victim and the abuser.

Another major forgiveness theme is self-forgiveness. I often find that it’s harder for people to forgive their own negative actions than to release others from their harmful behavior. Ultimately, grace is about mercy, a gift that we must give others but also ourselves.


A healing




Journey into the Four Zones of the Soul

This guided meditation will help you access each of your four soul zones. In this journey, conducted within your thymus in accordance with the style introduced in Chapter Seven, you’ll remain open to whatever the Spirit wants to show you in each zone. After you’ve conducted this journey, you can quickly slip into any of the four zones at a later time with a particular intention.

Step One: Conduct Spirit-to-Spirit. Find a quiet, comfortable place and conduct Spirit-to-Spirit. Affirm your own spirit, others’ spirits, and the Spirit.

Step Two: Center in Your Eighth Chakra. Ask the Spirit to guide you into the bodily site for your eighth chakra, which is your thymus. Become aware of the darkly lit ocean of energy around you and the twinkling of beautiful stars above you. Standing upon a glistening white floor, you can perceive four hallways at the same equidistance as are the directions on a compass. Each of these short pathways ends with a door. They are labeled with the four names of the zones: White Zone, Gray Zone, Red Zone, and Black Zone.

Step Three: Visit the White Zone. With the Spirit accompanying you, enter the white zone. You find yourself in a white room. A spiritual guide sits at a white table and points to a chair on the other side of the table. You take a seat.

The guide sets a contract on the table and rifles through it before showing you a page that you need to see. The guide points out a passage, which you read. The guide then explains the pertinent information and why you might want to rewrite this passage. With the guide’s assistance, you alter this passage, after which the Spirit seals the contract with Healing Streams of Grace. Healing streams are also provided to support the resulting transformation. When ready, exit the white zone and return to the center of your thymus.

Step Four: Enter the Gray Zone. You enter the doorway marked Gray Zone and find yourself in a swirling gray fog. The Spirit surrounds you in a bubble made of Healing Streams of Grace to keep you safely cocooned in light.

The Spirit points out the challenges that started affecting you in the gray zone. Are there attachments? Memories that should have or shouldn’t have been erased? Allow the Spirit to send you the Healing Streams of Grace required to address any concerns, and then exit the gray zone, returning to the center of your thymus.

Step Five: Assess the Red Zone. It’s time to walk through the doorway labeled Red Zone. You find yourself in an office, which is the control room for the red zone. There is a desk in front of you. You sit in the desk chair and turn on the computer monitor on the desk.

On the monitor appears an image of your body, which is surrounded by a layer of red. This is your red zone. The Spirit helps you examine this zone, showing you where it’s too thick, too thin, creased, or otherwise disturbed. You also check for attachments, holes, and puncture wounds, as well as areas that leak vital energy or hold unhealthy energy. The Spirit also points out which subtle elements are entering the zone from the environment and which are blocked.

After completing your assessment, allow the Spirit to guide you in making changes in your red zone by using your mouse and watching the monitor. As the zone is repaired, you’ll observe the transformation on the screen but also feel the alterations. When finished, subtle energies will be flowing freely into your red zone, converting into life energy for your physical and subtle bodies. Sit back and invite Healing Streams of Grace into and through your body, mind, and soul. These lock in the red zone changes. Exit this zone when you are ready.

Step Six: Touchdown in the Black Zone. There is one more door to walk through. It is labeled Black Zone. With the Spirit as your companion, enter this zone through the center of your thymus. This is a realm in which anything is possible if one is merciful.

Every soul that you’ve met or will meet in this lifetime is present. Ask the Spirit to show you if there is a soul requiring forgiveness. As this information becomes clear, allow the Spirit to guide you through the necessary process. Then ask if there is anyone you need to request forgiveness from. The Spirit delivers your request. Whether or not the party agrees to forgive you, you can forgive yourself for the ways you’ve infringed upon others. Ask what change you have to commit to, and then, finally, check to see if there is a need to self-forgive. Request assistance from the Spirit if you need it. Know that all forgiveness is delivered through the Healing Streams of Grace delivered by the Spirit to all concerned parties. The bond between the Spirit and the forgiven is strengthened as mercy is delivered.

When finished with the black zone, return to the center of your thymus.

Step Seven: Closing. Bask in the sense of renewal and joy, then ask the Spirit to return you to your everyday life with love and grace.


There are four stages, or zones, that a soul goes through in relation to a specific life. These are the white zone, in which the soul creates a soul plan for that lifetime; the gray zone, which washes away past life memories; the red zone, an energy layer in the auric field that converts subtle elements to life energy; and the black zone, a state available for making peace with others. You can journey into any of these zones to release pertinent issues and access related gains.

