Chapter Three


The Spirit-to-Spirit Technique

The first time I taught my signature Spirit-to-Spirit technique to a large audience, a woman raised her hand and stated, “So, we could basically replace all our other healing techniques with this one?” I said, “Pretty much.” I did add that my other signature technique, Healing Streams of Grace, would top it off.

As an energy worker, I begin every session with Spirit-to-Spirit. It creates a buffer between myself and a client, it supports the most optimum agenda and outcome, it guarantees I receive only accurate intuitive information, and it lets me leave the session behind when it’s done. Spirit-to-Spirit is so universal that I’ve received rave reviews from members of all professions, including accountants, medical doctors, homemakers, veterinarians, speakers, farmers, and others. No matter the career, Spirit-to-Spirit establishes boundaries and activates the user’s best self. It also allows the user to step aside and bring in a greater power while maintaining a sense of self.

Spirit-to-Spirit is equally empowering on the personal front. Even if you’ve only a split second to spare, you can access it to receive guidance, erect energetic boundaries, and reenergize. It’s also an ideal (and quick) process for making decisions, dealing with a psychological trigger, and activating healing, among other activities.

I’m excited to fully introduce you to this technique because I’ve seen what it can do. To introduce you to Spirit-to-Spirit, I begin this chapter by showcasing the objectives achieved by this technique. I then present the technique’s almost too-simple three steps. Finally, I present two Spirit-to-Spirit exercises.

The first exercise shows you how to conduct Spirit-to-Spirit when connecting with someone or something outside of yourself. You can use this exercise when speaking to a group, conducting a client or patient session, meeting with your mom, or even training your dog. It can be conducted with a goal in mind—or no specific objective. In case you know what goal you want to achieve, the exercise lets you build in a statement of intention, which is a focused desire.

The second exercise shows you how to use Spirit-to-Spirit for a personal reason or when alone. As with the first exercise, you can conduct Spirit-to-Spirit with a goal or without one. You’ll be shown where and how to set an intention into the process, if you desire one.

An important part of Spirit-to-Spirit involves accessing your intuition, which we discussed in Chapter Two. In the two outlined versions of Spirit-to-Spirit, I’ll include a smattering of the four different ways of being intuitive, inviting you to practice each. I won’t go overboard; I simply want to acquaint you more thoroughly with your own intuitive faculties. As we move deeper into the book, you won’t be walked through the various styles literally but simply asked to trust whatever shows up intuitively.

Along the way, I’ll continue to dole out stories that suggest a few of the hundreds of ways you can use Spirit-to-Spirit. Be creative! There are probably as many ways under the sun to use this technique as there are rays of the sun.

What Can Spirit-to-Spirit Accomplish?

Years ago I was searching for a single technique that could accomplish several goals. I was tired of using dozens of techniques to accomplish the following objectives:

My search took me into dozens of cultures and places around the world. I studied with healers, shamans, and intuitives in jungles, deserts, islands, and mountaintops. I delved into thick and mysterious books; a few were hundreds of years old. Other tracts were small, tattered, and thin, probably only read by a handful of individuals. I attended a biblical seminary and participated in Lakota-style ceremonies. I learned how to perform Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, hypnosis, transpersonal psychology, Huna (Hawaiian) healing, and more. But I didn’t feel any closer to discovering a single, simple, and elegant practice until one night when I had a dream.

In the dream I was told by guidance that there were only three steps necessary to accomplish the goals that I had set forth, and these were available for people regardless of their spiritual or religious beliefs, purpose, or training in healing or intuition. Then I was shown the three steps, which took all of a few moments to learn.

Stunned, I asked what I should call the technique. I was told to keep it simple. Since the three steps all involved calling upon a form of Spirit, I uncreatively called it “Spirit-to-Spirit.”

Since using this process, I’ve seen that it meets all the goals I had set and more. It can be used when you are alone or with a group; when praying, meditating, speaking, teaching, or hanging out; and when seeking guidance or trying to control your temper. I use it constantly.

Next, I want to share the three steps of Spirit-to-Spirit. You might think they are too easy, but that’s one of the reasons that they work. All truths are essentially simple.

The Three Steps of Spirit-to-Spirit

As stated, there are only three steps in the Spirit-to-Spirit technique. I’m going to describe each step, define the particular meaning of the word spirit used in that step, and state which goals are met by each step.

1: Affirm Your Personal Spirit

In this step, the word spirit refers to your unique spark of divinity. To affirm your spirit is to intentionally align your essential self with only the highest good. By doing this, you are assuming full connection with the Spirit, upgrading your personal and perhaps prejudicial agendas so they are of the highest order, and giving permission for Spirit to provide your more human self with healing and insight. You are also immediately provided the energetic boundaries needed for whatever task is at hand.

2: Affirm Other Spirits

In this step, the word spirit has two meanings. It refers to the divine essence of one or more living beings and also otherworldly beings.

The purpose of this step is to activate the divine spirit within others. In regard to the living, you don’t have to be in their physical presence. You can silently affirm a friend when on the phone with them or simply focus on the subject.

Implicitly, when affirming another being or a group, you are also acknowledging the otherworldly beings linked to them, as well as yourself. We all have spiritual guides, which can include angels, the deceased, power animals, the souls of plants, or fairy beings, among others. When you acknowledge these spirits, you affirm that only the most transcendent can engage with your process. This activity filters out negative entities or dark forces. Know, too, that Spirit-to-Spirit can be performed when you are alone and focused on yourself. In this case, this second step involves affirming only your spiritual guides, as there aren’t any concrete beings present.

Know that this step does not give you control over others. Others’ personalities, issues, or needs don’t disappear; instead, their best selves are brought forward. This action helps others transform manipulative agendas into positive ones and step away from interference that might be influencing them.

3: Affirm the Spirit

In this step, Spirit represents God, the Holy Spirit, Allah, the Greater Spirit, the Goddess, the Divine, the Greater God, or whatever term you might use for the Higher Power. This is the most critical of all three steps.

Performing this step is equivalent to surrendering your will to the Spirit’s will. It allows your best self to partner with the Spirit to bring about the most optimum outcomes. It bolsters confidence in the intuitive information you receive and the actions you feel led to take. With this step, the Spirit provides protection for you and all others involved in a situation, and you can rest assured that all will be well.

Let me give you an example of how these three steps work.

An Example of Spirit-to-Spirit

One of my students is a massage therapist. Before learning Spirit-to-Spirit, she ended her working day completely exhausted, depressed, aching, and angry. She knew that she was absorbing her clients’ pain and suffering, but she didn’t know what to do about it. She was also scared that if she stopped taking on their energy, her clients might quit coming to her. “Maybe the only reason I’m a good massage therapist is that I take on their problems,” she wondered.

I suggested that she start every session with Spirit-to-Spirit. She only needed to take a moment and she could perform it silently, quickly affirming her own spirit, the spirit of a client and all involved spiritual guides, and that of the Spirit. At this point she could conduct the massage, knowing that the Spirit was in charge of all aspects of the work.

My student glowed when she returned to class a month later. She shared that since using Spirit-to-Spirit, she hadn’t absorbed clients’ energies. “Not only that,” she remarked, “but my intuition has exploded. I receive whatever empathic sense I need, and each client has reported improvement.”

Next, I encouraged the student to use Spirit-to-Spirit in her personal life. At first she was nervous; her mother had been extremely religious—and mean. “I don’t want to sound like a religious extremist,” she reflected, wringing her hands.

I explained that Spirit-to-Spirit can be carried out as quietly in our personal lives as in our professional lives. She agreed to implement Spirit-to-Spirit whenever she was angry with her small son, who was three years old and a handful.

Yet another month passed and she returned to the class. Everyone wanted to hear her report. She disclosed that whenever her son threw a tantrum, she ran through a quick Spirit-to-Spirit. During the first couple of weeks, he continued with his full-blast explosions, but she didn’t react. “Last week,” she revealed, “he started a tantrum and then stopped and stared at me. Then we both started laughing.”

As you can see, Spirit-to-Spirit benefits ourselves and others because we’re held in bigger hands than our own. Do you want these same gains for yourself? I’ll demonstrate the two exercises after showing how you can use your intuition to perform an affirmation. To be powerful, an affirmation has to be more than a cursory statement. A true affirmation deeply engages all aspects of ourselves toward an endeavor. Our intuition connects our body, mind, and soul. When we affirm a commitment to our spirit, others’ spirits, and the Spirit through our intuition, we unify all aspects of the self within that goal.

Performing an Affirmation

How do you perform an affirmation? There is actually nothing to it. Most people don’t believe me, however, until they experience the ease of affirming.

Another word for affirmation is recognition. To affirm a spirit, spirits, or Spirit, all we have to do is to recognize or acknowledge them. Acknowledgment can be done with any of the intuitive styles, which were presented in Chapter Two. In the upcoming exercises I will frequently reflect ways to incorporate the different styles through each of the three main steps of Spirit-to-Spirit. The fifth style, the mystical, integrates these four approaches.

As a reminder, the intuitive ways of knowing are as follows:

Physical Intuition: If you are a physical intuitive, you will sense truth in your body, recognized as physical sensations, emotions, or “knowings.”

Spiritual Intuition: Spiritual intuitives relate to spirit/s or Spirit through the ineffable connection of love. Through the affirmation process, you might sense a loving presence or be filled with grace. You might be prompted to embrace your inner wisdom or be overtaken by a rush of wisdom. The end result is an awareness of unity.

Verbal Intuition: If you’re a verbal intuitive, you have it easy: you don’t actually need to sense something to create an affirmation. Simply state the affirmation. Aloud or internally, formulate a statement, such as “I affirm (my spirit/others’ spirits/the Spirit).” If you want, you can write it down. You might also hear a guide or Spirit formulate the statement for you.

Visual Intuition: If you’re a visual intuitive, I suggest you create an image that you can internally concentrate on when making an affirmation. Common examples include a light, lamp, or candle; a picture of the sun or a star; or the beaming of a bright light running through you. You can also employ a prop. A friend of mine has drawn the name of God in Arabic on paper and laminated it. She visually focuses on it to affirm the Spirit.

Mystical Intuition: You can use any or all of the above messages or develop your own approach. The other word I use to describe this blended intuitive form is shamanic. Shamans are priestly healers who employ all the spiritual gifts to access the various dimensions and planes of existence. If you are a mystical intuitive by nature, you are basically a shaman.


A healing





This exercise shows you how to perform the three steps of Spirit-to-Spirit when interacting with another person, being, or group. You can enter the exercise with a goal or without one. If you desire a goal, you’ll be shown where to set an intention or focused desire.

What if you want to focus on an exchange with something or someone that isn’t physically around you? Perform the following version of Spirit-to-Spirit before a phone call or writing an email. You can simply imagine that the person is with you. You can also hold a picture of them or an object that represents your relationship, such as a piece of their jewelry or an article of their clothing, or write their name on a slip of paper.

Know, too, that it doesn’t matter how many people you are going to associate with. Each is an individual. Imagine that the steps in Spirit-to-Spirit, especially the second step, will apply to everyone present. Neither does it matter if the interactions involve a non-person or a deceased person. You will conduct the three steps of Spirit-to-Spirit exactly as if associating with a person.

Now you can continue with your three steps, following a short preparation.

Preparation/Intention: Think about the being or beings you are going to interact or engage with. They may or may not be present. Take a few deep breaths and quiet yourself. You can conduct the next three steps internally. If you have a goal, shape it into an intention, such as “I would like to create this type of communication” or “I would like to accomplish XYZ.”

Step One: Affirm Your Own Spirit. Focus on your chest area and acknowledge the fact that you are—and have always been—a divine light. Sense, see, or internally acknowledge this shimmering light.

Step Two: Affirm Others’ Spirits. Focus on the subject/s. Now affirm their spirit/s and then the otherworldly beings in attendance.

You might sense the goodness of these others in your body or become aware of the others’ lovability and worthiness. If verbal, create a statement like this: “I acknowledge the vital goodness of everyone I’m engaging with, seen and unseen.” If you are visual, ask to intuitively perceive the shine of the others’ true spirits. If you are mystically gifted, you can use any or all of the intuitive faculties to affirm the others’ spirits.

Step Three: Affirm the Spirit. This step involves turning the entire situation over to the Spirit.

Feel the presence of the Spirit. Acknowledge the Holy One’s divine comfort, power, and grace. If you are verbal, make a statement, such as this: “The Spirit is now in charge of every aspect of this situation and all interactions.” If visual, you might envision a dove, a white light, a rainbow, or the figure of Spirit you relate to, such as the Goddess, God, Kwan Yin, Mary, Christ, or Buddha. Allow the image to sweep through you and lift all burdens off your shoulders.

If you’ve established an intention before conducting Spirit-to-Spirit, know that during this step the Spirit will shape and form that intention so it reflects the best outcome for everyone. You can now interact with your subject/s as you desire. It is not necessary to close these steps, for the Spirit will continue to interact with you until you’ve finished the interaction and even beyond.

Extra Spirit-to-Spirit Tips

  • After kicking off Spirit-to-Spirit, continue to pay attention to any guidance you receive, knowing it comes from the Spirit. Sense how the words you need to hear or speak simply flow through you. Pay attention to any images shared with you. Feel how you are able to keep your heart open, no matter how others are speaking or acting. If you feel triggered, confused, or overwhelmed at any point, take a deep breath and quickly perform step three again, turning over the management of the communication or activities to the Spirit.
  • What do you do if someone else’s goal differs from your own? Say you want to quickly get through a tax audit, but the auditor wants to spend a lot of time combing through your records. You can still set an intention for yourself before performing Spirit-to-Spirit. When the other’s goal becomes clear, simply ask the Spirit to accommodate all goals. Sometimes it’s unethical to support another person’s objective. Perhaps they want you to help them bully someone else. Again, ask the Spirit to be in charge of the process, an activity which naturally occurs in step three, and follow where you are led.

Additional Insights and Scenarios

Interactive Spirit-to-Spirit

Following are a few ways you can apply Spirit-to-Spirit when interacting with another (or others) and examples of the same.

Coffee with a Friend

How might this exercise look if you are having coffee with a friend? Before entering the coffee shop, take a moment and flip through the three steps. If you have a specific goal in mind, focus on it before you conduct step one, the affirmation of your own spirit.

What happens if your friend has a specific need that comes up during the conversation? You can actually conduct another Spirit-to-Spirit. Simply create a goal—such as “I’d like to know how to help my friend with this”—and affirm your spirit, your friend’s spirit and her helping spirits, and the Spirit. Remember, you’re turning the process and outcome over to the Spirit in step three and will be shown intuitively how to support your friend.

A Challenging Situation

What if you are walking into a troublesome situation? Spirit-to-Spirit is perfect for that scenario. Just use it; you don’t even have to believe it will work. I’ll give you an example.

Years ago I went to my aunt’s funeral. I loved my aunt and her family but I struggled with one of my relatives, who I knew was attending. For years she had been extremely mean to me. She yelled when in person, gossiped behind my back, and in general acted frightfully.

I was shaking so badly when driving that my car wandered a bit. Sitting in the parking lot, I was sweating and my breath was shallow. With little faith in the process, I performed the three steps of Spirit-to-Spirit anyway. Before starting Spirit-to-Spirit, I simply asked to be the best person I could be at this event.

As I walked toward the front door of the funeral home, I sensed a swirl of spiritual support around me. I stopped quaking. I began to breathe deeply. Not only did I feel the Spirit, but also dozens of angels.

When I stepped into the lobby, I saw my angry relative. With complete composure I walked up to her, said hello, and told her that she looked beautiful. She was so stunned, she didn’t yell! I felt calm throughout the entire event and ultimately did what I had come there to do: I honored my aunt’s soul.

Professional Setting

Spirit-to-Spirit is a must-use in a professional setting, no matter your career. Here is a striking example of its power.

During a seminar I taught Spirit-to-Spirit to a police officer, who called me a few weeks later to relay a story. The officer was called to the home of an active domestic violence scene. He walked into a living room where a man was waving a gun around the room, pointing it first at his wife and then at his small son. The police officer had no idea what to do. He was new on the job and his mind went blank. After quickly performing Spirit-to-Spirit, he found himself talking to the gunman about the gunman’s childhood. The gunman revealed that he had grown up in the projects and that his father had killed himself. Eventually the gunman laid down the gun, deciding he didn’t want to continue his father’s violent legacy.

The police officer swore that he only knew what to say because of Spirit-to-Spirit, which “sent words through” him. The keys to applying Spirit-to-Spirit in a professional setting include using it on the down-low, or secretly; in other words, perform it internally. Then trust that what you’re led to say or do—or refrain from saying or doing—will help all concerned.

Dealing with a Group

Group energy can be wonderful. I love teaching classes because the individuals in the group usually work toward a higher purpose, asking questions that illuminate truths for every person in the workshop. But some group energies are puzzling or sticky, such as:

Of course, the intention you set depends on your position in the group. Are you the leader, participant, authority, dependent, or rebel? No matter what, run Spirit-to-Spirit and concentrate on step three. Remain in contact with the Spirit before, during, and for as long as necessary after the group experience.

Dealing with a Negative Person

Sometimes other people can be super challenging. Sometimes we’re the challenging person. I always use Spirit-to-Spirit when I feel like I’m being mistreated, ignored, or defamed, or if I feel like doing something like that to another. As an example of dealing with a negative person, I once supported a client in using Spirit-to-Spirit with her mother, who was an extremely negative person. I’ll call this client Maxine.

Maxine had undergone years of therapy to try to cope with her mother, who was gracious to everyone outside of the family but never to Maxine, who was an only child. Typical interactions ended with Maxine angrily stuffing her face with donuts and muffins, using the carbs to stifle her pain. Finally Maxine decided she would conduct Spirit-to-Spirit before talking or seeing her mother, no matter what.

The first few times that Maxine interacted with her mother, she reported feeling frustrated but noticed that she had stopped craving the carbs. After a few months Maxine found her mood unflappable, not affected by her mother’s piercing criticisms. After about a year of using Spirit-to-Spirit, Maxine actually started to appreciate her mother’s finer qualities, like her keen intellect and attention to details. Though Maxine didn’t change, her attitudes did, as did her habits and patterns.

As might be expected, the key to employing Spirit-to-Spirit when interacting with a difficult person is to refrain from desiring change in the other person. If you’re the one interacting with the Spirit, the Spirit has the greatest chance of making a difference with you.

Dealing with an Attachment or Entity

In my work I am constantly exposed to clients’ dark forces and attachments. Once a client came to see me and said he was sure he had an entity attached to him. Immediately I established the intention of freeing him from the entity, conducted Spirit-to-Spirit, and felt the Spirit lift the entity off of him in step three. With situations like these, however, I usually also use Healing Streams of Grace, which are discussed in the next chapter, along with how to deal with entities and attachments.

A healing




Personal Focus

Spirit-to-Spirit is a beautiful process to conduct alone or for personal reasons. It can help you ground, focus, and engage with your best self. It can link you with spiritual guidance, healing energies, and help you manifest. And it works whether you know what you need or not.

The most frequent question people ask when they want to perform Spirit-to-Spirit alone is how to perform step two, which involves affirming others’ spirits. When performing solo, your “others” are invisible. We are all attended by lifelong spiritual guides. As well, the Spirit can assign spiritual guidance to assist us with specific tasks or concerns. When concentrated on yourself or when alone, step two recognizes the fact of being attended and assisted by angels and other supportive spirits.

Personally, I perform Spirit-to-Spirit every morning to establish an open heart for the day. I also use it when requiring a spiritual “booster shot” as the day goes on, and then again at night to relax. I use it to ask for omens and signs to aid in decision making. It also helps me meditate and pray, seek spiritual guidance, open to healing energies, set a manifesting intention, recover after a disturbing event, and more. Spirit-to-Spirit is your direct connection to the Spirit for any need.

As I walk you through this exercise, I’ll help you attune to the various forms of intuition within each step. And after you run through this version of Spirit-to-Spirit, you’ll be shown a few ways to apply it.

Preparation/Intention: There is actually no preparation necessary to conduct Spirit-to-Spirit for only yourself, unless you want to set an intention, such as “I would like to know how to deal with this upcoming situation” or “I would like signs to help me make a decision.” You can conduct Spirit-to-Spirit for yourself anytime, anywhere, and with no groundwork.

Step One: Affirm Your Own Spirit. Acknowledge the immortal self you are, have always been, and are becoming. If you are verbal, simply state something like this: “I uphold only my truest and highest nature.” If you are visual, picture the energies that depict your spiritual essence.

Step Two: Affirm Others’ Spirits. This step connects you to your spiritual guides. Ask to fully bond with the spirits that surround and support you. You might sense a supportive link with these beings or use a statement like this one: “I am fully supported by the beings of Spirit that attend me.” Use your visual intuition to picture these beautiful beings and perceive their love and light streaming to you. If you are mystical, any or all of these intuitive faculties will come into play.

Step Three: Affirm the Spirit. Know that all is being made well through the power and grace of the Spirit. Drop into the comfort of being loved and protected. If you asked the Spirit to assist you with an intention, trust that the Spirit will do this, and remain open to guidance and assistance.


Additional Insights and Scenarios

Personal Focus

There are thousands of reasons to perform a basic Spirit-to-Spirit for just yourself, with no goal in mind. Most of the individuals I’ve taught this process to inform me they receive the following benefits:

Because of these benefits, I recommend performing the simple Spirit-to-Spirit exercise with your guides once or twice a day and at night, leaving the results open-ended.

Following are a few additional ways you can employ Spirit-to-Spirit for yourself.

Opening to Signs and Omens

Once in a while we could all use a nudge in the right direction. Using Spirit-to-Spirit to ask for signs is an ideal way to receive guidance and input.

Signs are revelations or sightings that deliver a message or advice. They can originate in the natural environment or within a psychic space. For instance, you might want to know if you should sell your house or not. The Spirit might respond by having you overhear a conversation at a coffee shop in which someone is telling their friend that they should move. Or perhaps three real estate flyers are delivered in your mailbox that day. These are indications received environmentally.

Psychically, a deceased ancestor might appear in a dream, show you a map, and point to a geographic area. Perhaps a voice speaks and tells you what to do. Whatever occurs, Spirit-to-Spirit can be instrumental in opening to signs.

If you are interested in employing Spirit-to-Spirit for receiving direction, I recommend that you establish a set amount of time in which to obtain insight—such as three days, a week, or a month—and then pay attention to extraordinary events during that time frame.

As an example of the effectiveness of this process, I worked with a man who couldn’t decide if he should remain in a stressful marriage or not. I suggested that he use Spirit-to-Spirit to gain insight before our next appointment. He returned two weeks later with a well-scribbled journal. (Previously, he’d never kept a journal.) There were dozens of insights he felt he’d received from the Spirit in his waking and dream time. In the end my client left his marriage, but he did so in an upstanding way.

You can establish an intention for receiving a sign with a focus like this: “Within two weeks I will receive and recognize a sign to help me make a decision” or “I would like to know what to do about XYZ within a month.”

When Praying

Praying involves talking with God. You might want to be heard or share a need. You might want to request a specific action from the Spirit or even lodge a complaint. It’s okay to be real; for instance, you might set an intention such as “Spirit, I want to tell you why I’m angry with you.”

Know, too, that prayers have a way of evolving. You might ask the Spirit to send you a puppy and then be directed to volunteer at a local shelter. If you feel like praying about anything, use Spirit-to-Spirit and remain in the flow.

When Grieving

Loss is intertwined with life. Spirit-to-Spirit can carry us through a grieving process and right into the light at the end of the tunnel.

Usually we don’t have to establish a goal when grieving. We can simply conduct Spirit-to-Spirit whenever we feel sad, despairing, angry, or just plain loss, and allow the Spirit to attend us. Sometimes we might need help with our grieving process. Maybe we’re stuck in the past and can’t get over a long-ago trauma. (If this is the case, you might also want to read through Chapter Nine, which is devoted to clearing and recovering from trauma.) Maybe our emotions are locked away or taking control. Why not ask for assistance from your invisible spiritual team, as well as from the Spirit? Statements such as the following can open the door for supportive interactions between yourself, your guides, and the Spirit.

Mourning involves several stages, including denial, anger, bargaining, depression (sadness), and acceptance. The Spirit will walk you through them all.


Spirit-to-Spirit is a fundamental process that can be used for all situations. It can be employed during interactions with others or for personal use, for a stated purpose or without a goal. Whether or not you engage Spirit-to-Spirit with an intention, the three steps are the same. You affirm your personal spirit, affirm others’ spirits or your own spiritual helpers, and finally affirm the Spirit.
