Healing Streams of Grace
After developing Spirit-to-Spirit, I knew there was still a void in my medicine kit. How best to enable transformational change? Through research and experimentation, I developed the missing technique. It’s called Healing Streams of Grace, and I’d like to introduce it to you through an example.
A couple of years ago I received an email from a former client, a successful attorney. I had worked with Jerry, as I’ll call him, three times the previous year. He was a career success but a flop romantically. Basically, he kept meeting, dating, and marrying various versions of his mother, a verbally abusive narcissist.
Before we leave childhood, our chakras are programmed by our surroundings and our reactions to them, as well as other factors discussed in Chapter Two, such as past lives and ancestry. Once we leave home, what we’re exposed to becomes what we attract. In Jerry’s case, this meant he was the cog that fit another’s wheel—the wheel being a rendition of his mother.
In order to break his relationship pattern, Jerry had undergone years of therapy, including cognitive analysis, hypnosis, and emotional trauma release. But to date he’d enjoyed zero functional relationships.
During our first two sessions, Jerry and I mainly talked. In the third session, I began the session with Spirit-to-Spirit, which I always do, and then asked the Spirit to connect this man with the Healing Streams of Grace needed to clear his dysfunctional energetic patterns and bring in the relationship that the Spirit would desire for him. The process took two seconds. I didn’t have to do anything; neither did my client. Both of us were willing to let the Spirit direct these streams of energy. Jerry was willing to turn the outcome over to the Spirit.
Within a month Jerry had met two different women. Both women were friendly, but one was shyer.
He decided to date Woman One, the most overtly friendly woman. However, his car wouldn’t start before the first date, so it never happened. When he tried to reschedule, his phone wouldn’t work. He got the message and took out Woman Two. Within a few months he found himself in “a relationship better than any I could have imagined.”
The force creating this shift were the Healing Streams of Grace, rays of energy that emanate from the Spirit. Whereas Spirit-to-Spirit establishes the foundation for the highest outcome, energetic boundaries, and appropriate agendas, the Healing Streams of Grace are composed of active energies that stimulate actual change. Not everyone is granted a miracle, as was Jerry. Then again, Jerry had gone through years of emotional processing, which probably enabled a quicker response from the universe. Healing streams of grace don’t allow us to bypass our emotions or life lessons, but they do promote a flow of powerful energy between ourselves or others and the Spirit, and because of that, almost anything can happen.
In this chapter I will first explain the Healing Streams of Grace, covering what they are, how I discovered them, and what you can accomplish by using them. In this discussion I’ll differentiate between the two basic types of Healing Streams of Grace, which I’ll also refer to as healing streams, streams of grace, and streams. These two types are universal and personal.
I’ll then present two exercises. The first exercise showcases the universal streams, and the second technique incorporates the personal streams. After the first exercise I’ll show several different ways to direct the streams, such as when performing healing and manifesting; releasing entities, cords, and curses; establishing energetic protection; charging a physical substance; interacting with the chakras; dealing with difficult people; and interacting with situations in which you feel powerless. The second exercise will reveal how to open to a personal stream of grace and enable a direct and unique bond to the Spirit.
I promise you, you’ll love this technique. Quite simply, it will fill your world with grace.
What Are Healing Streams of Grace?
We know the world is full of smog, fog, and darkness. What is sometimes harder to perceive are the beautiful streams of light and love—or grace—that are available to everyone all the time.
My definition of grace is love empowered, or love that creates more love. We are on this planet to generate love. If we’re born into circumstances less than loving, or worse, hateful, we are charged with learning how to transform the hatred into love. If we’re in a relationship replete with love, the same is asked of us. The lovely flower that is our relationship is to be matured into an even more beautiful blossom.
Love isn’t a simple thing. It doesn’t come in one size, nor can it easily be defined, standardized, or compartmentalized. That’s the magnificence of love. Because love is eternal and ineffable, it doesn’t obey the rules of the darkness. It can survive and sometimes even thrive inside of cruelty and fear. Love is the flower in-between the cracks of a bombed-out sidewalk. It’s the single mother who prevents her son from joining a gang. It’s the hundred-dollar tip left to a waitress who needs exactly that sum to pay her college tuition.
After forming Spirit-to-Spirit, I sought an equivalent process to enable transformation and healing, even in the worst of situations. I wanted a process that could be used with all other techniques to empower them toward the highest outcome. My search included studying the famous great healers and spiritualists from across time whose results could only be called miraculous.
One of my main sources of inspiration was James Rogers Newton, MD, who healed thousands of individuals during the 1800s. His successes weren’t attributed to his medical training but rather to his activities as a healer, or “miracle maker.” He become so famous that he saw up to one hundred patients a day in a healing practice he opened in Ohio in 1858. Thousands testified to his miraculous healing prowess (World Research Foundation, “Dr. James Rogers Newton”).
Newton’s only technique was to gaze on his patients with love (Collins, “Extraordinary Healing Power of Love”). Believing that everyone is one through the Father, Newton described himself as a medium. He explained that the angels and the deceased were available at all times, ready to deliver the healing energies continually provided by God. Indeed, it was a Welsh patient who best described Newton’s spiritual healing energy, spying threads of light between himself and Newton during a healing. (Newton 102, 113, 258).
That Welshman hasn’t been the only person that has equated unconditional love with streams of light. Bruno Groening, a well-known healer who practiced during the mid 1900s, also believed in God and said that the Creator’s universal energy was continually available. He called this energy a “healing current” or a “healing stream” (Kamp, “Bruno Groning—A Revolution in Medicine”). Yet another famous healer, Phineas Quimby, who lived in the early to mid 1800s, was known as the Father of New Thought. His basic assumptions were that the “real self” is made of spiritual matter. Diseases and problems are a product of false thinking, but the loving power of the Creator can penetrate these illusions and create healing (Cornerstone Books, “Phineas Parkhurst Quimby”).
I determined that these individuals and hundreds of other sources had made the same observation: there is a Creator that continually provides healing streams of energy formed from divine love. I added the word “grace” to the formula because of a comment made by a shaman.
I had watched a Peruvian shaman in the Amazon heal a woman of a pus-filled infection during a ceremony. He had danced and sung and waved a wooden wand around. Over the next couple of hours the wound stopped seeping and began to close. Later I asked the shaman what had actually caused the woman to heal.
“Grace,” he said. “Just grace.”
Years later I amazed a class by administering Healing Streams of Grace to a woman who had a staph infection near her eye. I asked Spirit to bend the light supporting the infection so only the transformative light of the Healing Streams of Grace would enter the area. The next day the woman returned to class with the bandage off. She showed us a picture of what her eye area had looked like before joining the class. It had been inflamed and full of pus. Within twenty-four hours, the skin had closed and was healthy.
“It’s the power of grace,” I explained to the class. “It’s not me. These are healing streams available to us all.”
How Do Healing Streams
of Grace Work?
As near as I can tell, Healing Streams of Grace are composed of the essence of all good things in this world and every other, including the heavens. There are healing streams made of grass, stars, breath, and earth. There are others formed from the echoes of the angels’ songs and still others crafted from beautiful poetry. No matter what ingredients combine within them, the Healing Streams of Grace are ultimately streams of divine consciousness that create loving outcomes.
The best way I can describe the streams is pictorially. Visualize the Spirit as a sun. Our individual spirits are sparks coming off the sun. The Healing Streams of Grace are rays continually emanating from this sun. There are two main types.
Universal Healing Streams of Grace, generated by the sun (the Spirit), are constantly replenished. These beam wherever needed. If a child skins his knee—and he knows to ask for help—the streams would surround the knee. They would cleanse, soothe, and stitch tissue, drying a few tears while they were at it. (And in the first exercise provided in this chapter, you’ll learn how to support a child in wielding the healing streams!) Healing streams can be requested for another person or being as well. Maybe the injured child runs into the house, not even thinking to ask for the streams. Mom can request healing streams to be sent to the knee. Since the Spirit is essentially in charge of the streams, they will only be attached if the Spirit approves. If for some reason that child doesn’t require them—or instead needs streams for another reason, such as his emotions—only what is right will occur.
If a need has never existed before, the Spirit will customize streams for the situation. For instance, many of us are now experiencing the detrimental effect of the electromagnetic pollution caused by technology. Most likely, this is the first time that humans have had to contend with this challenge. Why wouldn’t the Spirit formulate new streams of grace, updating the medicine bag so we can adapt to (and maybe even benefit from) technological fallout? I’ll provide a short adaptation of a basic Healing Streams of Grace exercise to deal with exactly this issue.
Succinctly, the universal streams operate in these ways:
As well, each of our spirits is connected to the Spirit through personal streams of grace. These tailored bonds guarantee the flow of love between a spirit and the Spirit. No one else is linked to our personal streams. Ultimately the personal streams assure that we are personally nourished and protected, enabling us to embody our true selves in everyday life. We are so loved that the Spirit provides for each of us in ways particular to our personalities.
Figure 3 gives you a visual of the universal and personal healing streams of grace.
Many of you might wonder why we have to call upon the healing streams in order to access their power—or why, if they are composed of divine love, these streams aren’t automatically applied to us or to a situation. One of the paradoxes of healing is that at some level, we have to call for and allow in the healing power of love. Consider the fact that the New Testament only features thirty-three healings conducted by Jesus. We have to presume that not everyone requesting a healing was healed or at least weren’t altered in the way that they desired.
The truth is that we have free will. We have to deeply desire and give permission to be changed. Entrenched issues of unworthiness or unloveability can cause us to unconsciously block the healing streams. In fact, most of the famous healers I’ve studied suggest the same. We have to be willing to receive love for that love to enter and enable transformation. Because of this, the requested healing streams might first have to work in the subterranean depths of our psyche, preparing us for physical change.
The gift of free will can, at some level, also feel like a curse. We must ask in order to receive. But when we ask for transformation and really mean it, the healing streams can help us make gigantic strides.
An Example of a
Universal Stream of Grace
I could share thousands of examples showcasing the properties and power of the healing streams. Sometimes their effects are magical and mysterious. The surgery works. The cancer heals. You find it easier to deal with a challenging person. Sometimes the streams simply shift reality so the right help comes to you.
As an example of the last statement, I was once at the dog park with my two dogs, Lucky the lab and Honey the golden retriever. Honey hurt his paw and lay down, whimpering. Lucky stood by, whining. At that moment the skies opened up and started raining. I had no idea what to do, and I was pretty miserable as I stood there trying to figure it out.
I always conduct Spirit-to-Spirit before asking for Healing Streams of Grace. In fact, I never employ the streams (nor use any other exercise) without first using Spirit-to-Spirit, for I want the Spirit and only the Spirit directing the streams. So I performed Spirit-to-Spirit and requested Healing Streams of Grace.
A woman jogged by and, despite the sleeting rain, stopped. She said she was an animal chiropractor. Could she help? As soon as she asked the question, the rain stopped.
She set Honey’s paw, after which he could limp out of the park. When we got in the car, the rain started again. At home Honey continued hobbling but got consistently better. Within two days he was bounding around at the park again, catching balls and barking with delight. I gave the credit to the streams of grace.
How might you experience these streams? I’ll share my experience next.
What Do Healing Streams of Grace Look, Feel, and Sound Like?
When I intuitively perceive Healing Streams of Grace, I feel like I’m in Wonderland. Every stream consists of multiple layers of color, sound, and shape. Some of the streams are thin and ethereal and others are thick and solid, like the trunk of a tree.
Some rise from the earth like ground fog and others blink into existence like sparks in the dark. There are long and short streams, vertical and horizontal, and others that form geometric shapes or rainbow hues.
On a visceral level I often react physically or emotionally to the streams when I’m accessing them for myself or others. The sensations are wide and varied. They can stimulate heat, warmth, freezing cold, or chill. They might cause tingling and itching or dancing and laughing. I might sense joy, fear, sadness, or despair. I hear the same reports from my clients. Sometimes a reaction occurs right away and other times, days later.
Once in a while the Healing Streams of Grace are delivered verbally. I once worked with a client who had experienced birth trauma as an infant. As soon as the streams entered, she started sobbing. She heard the “music of the angels,” poetic lyrics assuring her that she was loved and wanted. My client’s life changed dramatically. Because her self-esteem increased, her demeanor changed. She started dressing more boldly and displaying the creative side of her personality. Within a year she was offered a new job and was enjoying an amazing boyfriend. As she stated, “If the angels wanted me, although my mom didn’t, I deserve to be happy.”
Pay attention to your own experience of the Healing Streams of Grace. Take note and see if there are consistent patterns. If not, don’t worry about it. There are more Healing Streams of Grace than could ever be counted.
A healing
The Universal Streams
The universal streams are always available, no matter the circumstances, predicament, or opportunity. The following steps are simple and clear. They represent all you must do to attract universal streams of grace for yourself or for others.
Step One: Perform Spirit-to-Spirit. If you have an intention, establish it. You can frame an intention like this: “I would like Healing Streams of Grace to assist (myself/another) with achieving (insert outcome).” If you don’t have an intention, don’t worry about it. The Spirit will do whatever is needed regardless.
Now conduct Spirit-to-Spirit, first affirming your spirit and then others’ spirits. Then affirm the Spirit, as taught in the previous chapter.
Step Two: Ask for the Healing Streams of Grace. Ask that the Spirit select the Healing Streams of Grace required for your request. Know that the Spirit will choose and customize the streams and connect them to you or to others. Then let go; allow the Spirit to take full charge. Request that you’ll be provided additional instruction as needed, through omens, signs, or intuitive messages that you will easily recognize.
Step Three: Gratitude. Thank the Spirit for providing the healing streams—and trust the process.
Additional Insights and Scenarios
Customizing the Universal
Healing Streams of Grace
It’s extraordinarily easy to customize the healing streams for specific concerns. All you have to do is create specific intentions, remembering that the Spirit will shape the agenda and outcome to serve everyone and everything involved. To customize, simply create an intention before performing Spirit-to-Spirit.
Know, however, that you don’t necessarily need to create an intention. It’s enough to have or feel a need—or cry “help” from your heart. The Spirit will hear the unheard and know what you don’t know.
Following are typical scenarios you might experience and sample intentions. To explain these intentions, I first describe a common scenario, then share sample intentions, and, finally, provide an example.
Performing Healing
Whether you are administering a healing for yourself, another being, or a group, you can always use Healing Streams of Grace. It doesn’t matter if the subject is present or not.
You can creatively come up with your own statement of intention or adjust the following request:
“I ask Spirit for healing streams to deal with the causes of (insert the problem).”
Notice that I specifically request that the Spirit address the causes of the problem. Allopathic medicine tends to treat symptoms. Wholeness is achieved when we attend to the origins of a challenge, not only the surface appearance. The only healer that can assure optimum results is the Spirit. The Spirit will decide what truly makes us whole, which may or may not align with our opinion.
As an example, I used healing streams on a young girl who had been medically diagnosed with depression. Her father didn’t like the fact that she was put on prescription medications. He brought her to my office, and we asked for streams of grace for his daughter.
He came to see me a few weeks later. His daughter was doing great, he reported, but he was upset with the outcome of the healing. Right after our session, the girl’s pediatrician questioned the original diagnosis and referred the girl to a neuropsychologist, who administered a battery of tests and determined that, in fact, the girl had attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). After weaning the girl off the depression medications, the specialist put her on ADHD meds. As a consequence, the girl was prospering.
The father had thought the girl would be “cured” by the streams of grace and taken off all allopathic medications. Instead, she was correctly diagnosed and treated accordingly. Sometimes healing comes in ways we don’t anticipate.
Opening to Manifesting
We all have dreams we’d like to manifest. Healing streams of grace assist in this endeavor by shifting the subtle energetic system, as well as our psychological programming and behavior. Consequently, we behave differently and also attract new situations. When seeking to help ourselves or another person, group, or being with manifesting, you can use a statement such as this:
“The Spirit now administers the Healing Streams of Grace needed to assist in manifesting (insert desire) in alignment with the highest needs of all concerned.”
Want to even more effectively supercharge your manifestation? Return to Chapter One and examine the illustration on page 33 or the chakra chart beginning on page 34. Select the chakra related to your dream and create an intention like this:
“I affirm that the Spirit is sending Healing Streams
of Grace to the (name of chakra) to enable me
to manifest (insert the desire) in alignment
with the highest needs of all involved.”
When it comes to manifesting, it’s important to know that the Spirit will help manifest desires that benefit everyone concerned, not only a single person. Time and time again, I’ve watched several lives improve although only one person requested the streams. For example, I recently applied the healing streams to a teenage boy who was estranged from his father. Within a short amount of time, the boy felt empowered to discuss his frustrations with his father, who broke down emotionally and entered therapy. Because of the counseling, the boy’s father made peace with his own estranged father, who was a recovering alcoholic.
As another example, I once used Spirit-to-Spirit and then Healing Streams of Grace to manifest a new babysitter. I had one week to find a replacement for our current sitter, who was moving. I was sitting in a play area at a mall and another mother started talking. She shared the name of a daycare operator she had just met—a woman I had known when I was a child. Within another two hours, I had my new sitter. This sitter was in dire need of a replacement for a child who was leaving her care. She couldn’t afford a gap in her income.
Releasing Attachments
When I was being trained in energy healing, I was told to “cut the cords,” or sever the connections, between myself or others and dark influences. I introduced attachments in Chapter Two, explaining how cords, curses, and other energy bindings forge unhealthy contracts between the living and negative entities, energies, familial ancestors, other living beings, demons, and the like.
Plain and simple, don’t cut cords or simply hack away at an attachment. Chopped-off connections worsen matters and create additional problems. Mainly this is because the deeper issues or reasons for the bond haven’t been addressed. As strange as it seems, the parties involved usually believe that these contractual agreements are meeting their needs. If the underlying issues aren’t attended to and the cords are cut, the parties will attract similar mistreatment. Many times, the two original contract holders simply reconnect.
As a further explanation, picture a sawed-off electrical cord. Basically, it’s a live wire, with charged energy sparking out the gaping end. These charges will continue to emit and attract matching frequencies. Pretty soon the cord will rebuild, either with the original person or being or a similar one.
True healing transforms the toxic energy bound in or flowing within an attachment so it doesn’t attract similar negativity.
Healing streams of grace are the perfect solution for releasing attachments with mercy. The basic process is to ask Spirit to flow the streams inside and around the entire binding. The streams will neutralize the negative charges and also dissolve the “connection piece,” such as the cord or miasm. As well, healing streams will assist the involved parties with working through their issues. The result is the safe disintegration of the attachment and an invitation for transformation in a timely manner—Spirit’s timing, that is.
A sample intention, which can be used for self or another if releasing attachments, is as follows:
“I give permission for Spirit to dissolve
the attachments causing harm in a way
that enables true transformation and healing.”
I remember once working with a professor in Russia when I was teaching abroad. He had participated in a shamanic ceremony in the Ural Mountains. At his request, the shaman had cut a cord between the professor and his ex-wife. Since then, the professor’s ex-wife had become completely erratic. She was showing up at his home and workplace only to scream and yell, insisting that they get back together.
I asked for Healing Streams of Grace to fill in and surround whatever remained of the cord or the stumps leftover from the shamanic work. My client immediately felt calmer. He wrote a few weeks later and said that he and his ex-wife had a “normal conversation” not long after the healing. They had cried together and then wished each other the best. Since then, my client wrote, they hadn’t had any contact.
Dealing with Entities and Negative People—
Bubbles of Truth
For the most part, I help people release entities by using the previous exercise for releasing attachments. Sometimes releasing cords or curses isn’t enough. Sometimes we need to interact with the entity, negative influence, dark force, or hidden aspect of a problematic person in order to find out the reason that there is a connection.
In order to accomplish this goal, I ask the Spirit to form a “bubble of truth” by surrounding the entity with Healing Streams of Grace. Sometimes we’re dealing with a living person and believe an aspect of them is harming us. In this case, follow the same procedure and ask the Spirit to encompass the negative aspect of this person with Healing Streams of Grace. An entity or harmful source has to be truthful while cocooned inside this bubble, which is entirely composed of the streams.
At this point, I’ll ask questions of the interference. Ultimately, a victim wants understanding of the following from the interference:
Know that it doesn’t matter if an interfering entity or being is willing to be released from the bond. A victim always has the right to freedom; they just don’t know it. It becomes easier to surrender the interference to the Spirit, releasing one’s self from bondage, if you first figure out what wisdom can be culled from the interaction.
For example, years ago I worked with a psychiatrist who had struggled with insomnia since she was a child and believed that an entity was disturbing her at night. During a session I asked the Spirit to surround the entity with Healing Streams of Grace and to form a bubble of truth.
My client visualized this bubble, which makes all things appear as they really are. Within it appeared a small boy. The spirit boy and my client conversed. It seemed that this being was a “disappearing twin” and that my client’s mother had been pregnant with two children, but only my client had survived the pregnancy. (Up to 30 percent of all pregnancies might involve a twin that “vanishes” in the first trimester [Twin Preganancies and Beyond, “Vanishing Twin Syndrome.”]) The small boy was the soul that had been linked to the miscarried embryo. He hadn’t wanted to leave and had kept trying to engage with his sister.
Through the communication my client was able to forgive this soul for its intrusiveness. She also gained insight into the nature of love and learned that not everything that seems bad is actually bad. We asked the Spirit to take the soul to the other side so he could be fully loved and helped. The spirit boy left with a smile, carried on the wings of angels.
This example showcases one of the many benefits of creating a bubble of truth. Not only do Healing Streams of Grace reveal the entity or energy causing a disturbance, but it allows a conversation between beings, if needed. In this way, the bubble serves as a sort of “suitcase” in which the Spirit can transform the entity or remove it safely.
There are other uses for the streams as a bubble of truth. If I’m feeling unsafe because of darker or confusing influences, whether the beings involved are alive or not, I can insert myself in a bubble of truth. In this way, I can’t be manipulated, I can’t manipulate, and I’ll be safe. For instance, perhaps I’m not speaking my truth with my boss, who is abusive. Encompassed in a bubble of truth, however, I’ll feel more secure and able to communicate from a more honest place.
As well, I sometimes ask the Spirit to enfold someone else in a bubble of truth if it seems best for them. Imagine that you are concerned about a minor or an elderly person, and you aren’t in a position to help them. You can ask the Spirit to surround the other person in a bubble of truth for their own well-being. I did this once for the neighbor of a client of mine. The neighbor was an older woman. My client was sure she was being taken advantage of by her children. Within a few weeks another relative uncovered financial abuse and called the authorities.
I also suggest employing bubbles of truth if your own or another’s loved ones are being intimidated. A common ploy on the part of negative people and entities is that they coerce the living by threatening to injure a victim’s loved ones. A real-life example is the abusive husband or wife who tells their spouse that if they get a divorce, they’ll kidnap or injure the children. Entities also use this bully tactic.
How do you deal with this situation? Ask the Spirit to surround everyone and everything concerned with Healing Streams of Grace in the form of the bubbles of truth, which also serve as energetic protection. (Also see the next section, “Establishing Energetic Protection.”)
Intention statements for forming bubbles of truth are quite simple:
“I ask the Spirit to fully surround _________ in Healing Streams of Grace formed as a bubble of truth.”
Establishing Energetic Protection
You can always ask the Spirit to provide a bubble of truth for yourself or another if protection is needed, as you were shown how to do in the last section. I use the bubbles if the situation is deadly or severe. If the circumstances are merely annoying or troublesome, I simply ask the Spirit to encompass myself or another in the Healing Streams of Grace needed for energetic protection. An easy intention statement is this:
“Please, Spirit, provide _________ with
protective Healing Streams of Grace.”
I constantly draw upon protective streams of grace for a multitude of reasons. When visiting an ill friend in a hospital, for example, I might surround myself with the streams so I don’t pick up an infection. If a client is undergoing surgery, I request streams for them and the surgical staff so everything goes well. You’ll find thousands of applications for drawing upon the healing streams to establish boundaries and protection.
Charging a Physical Substance or Object
Healing streams of grace are fantastic “booster shots” for bolstering the positive effects of physical substances and decreasing any negative effects. Frequently I ask the Spirit to send streams into or through substances or objects for a number of reasons.
For instance, if a client is undergoing chemotherapy, I ask the Spirit to run healing streams through the medicine. This accomplishes two goals. The streams boost the beneficial effects of the medicine and limit the side effects. If a client is allergic to nearly every type of food—and believe me, I’ve seen this—I suggest that they bless their food with the streams before eating it, reducing the aftereffects.
Many of my clients sense the energy in objects. This can sometimes interfere with their enjoyment of a precious item. The streams can cleanse the disturbing energies from an object or substance and enrich the life-enhancing energies. You can even bless paperwork, such as when you are filing a report or mailing in your tax forms.
Formulating intention statements for objects and substances is simple. This is a sample:
“I request that the Spirit bless this object/substance/liquid with Healing Streams of Grace.”
Interacting with the Chakras
Chakras, which were introduced in Chapter One, are especially influenced by Healing Streams of Grace, as both are key players in the subtle world. There are two wheels, or components, to each chakra, and the inner wheel, in particular, is immediately responsive to these streams.
The outer wheel reflects our survival issues and programs. It is encoded by factors from our ancestry, genetics, family of origin, childhood, past lives, and culture. Most therapies or healing endeavors address the outer wheels. Change is slow on these wheels, for there are layers upon layers of wounds and dysfunctional beliefs. These wheels do, however, reflect the cause or nature of a problem or concern.
Rather than use the streams only on an outer wheel, I instead focus them on an internal chakra wheel. The inside wheel, which looks like a void or a vacuum full of light and love, reflects our spirit. This aspect of the chakra has a direct connection to others’ spirits and the Spirit. By sending Healing Streams of Grace through a chakra’s inner wheel, only the highest energies will influence the chakra. See Figure 4 to better understand the structure of a chakra.
As an example, I recently had a sore lower back. I’d been spring cleaning and overdid it. The lower back relates to the second chakra, as relayed in Chapter One. After conducting Spirit-to-Spirit, I requested that the Spirit pour streams of grace through the inside of the second chakra and, from there, distribute them wherever needed. My back immediately felt better, and within a day or so I had returned to normal.
To request streams of grace to be shared through the inside of a particular chakra or multiple chakras, you can use a statement like this:
“Spirit, please send Healing Streams of Grace into me through the inside wheel of _________ chakra/s.”
Dealing with Difficult People
There are certain people who are just plain hard to be around. Spiritually, we are tasked to refrain from judging them. As most experts state, the problem isn’t the other person, it’s our reaction to them. Having said that, I know full well that some individuals are highly toxic, period.
Using Healing Streams of Grace is not a tool for controlling or changing another person. We do have permission, however, to ask for Healing Streams of Grace for the person. Their personal spirit will decide how or if the streams will effect change. Know, however, that simply surrounding that always-complaining friend doesn’t mean she’s going to start being happy.
Whether or not you request streams for the problematic person, it’s always worthwhile to connect yourself with healing streams when dealing with them. Saturated in this goodness, you’ll be protected and also better able to make wise decisions. You might decide to stop seeing the cruel friend. You might become invulnerable to their criticism. You might find yourself speaking your mind or ignoring them. Whatever you do—or not—it will be guided by the Spirit and be perfect for you and all concerned.
If you want to use Healing Streams of Grace to support yourself with a challenging person, you can try these two statements:
“Please, Spirit, send Healing Streams of Grace to _________ to support their highest self.”
“I ask the Spirit to send and hold me within Healing Streams of Grace in regard to this person.”
When You Feel Powerless
In situations in which you are truly powerless, sometimes the only solution is to employ the Spirit-to-Spirit and the Healing Streams of Grace techniques.
We’ve all experienced these kinds of helpless moments where you’re at the mall or a grocery store and you sense that a woman near you is being battered at home. Or perhaps you watch a couple interact, and it seems that one is an abuser and the other a victim. Or maybe you spy a kid walking in the street and you simply know he’s being mistreated.
In these situations, you can’t call the police or alert the authorities, as your intuition is your main proof of the problem. But you can request Healing Streams of Grace.
Most of the time you aren’t going to know if your intercession was useful. But every so often, you’ll discover that the healing streams have provided assistance. I was once stopped near a store by a homeless mother. She had two small children. I gave her a twenty-dollar bill but also wished Healing Streams of Grace upon the little family. About six months later, a woman came up to me in a store near that area. She pulled me aside and thanked me for the money. She said she used the money to feed her children but also take a bus to a shelter. That particular shelter helped homeless women get on their feet. She now lived in subsidized housing, had free daycare, and was working a job. I was all smiles!
Limiting the Effects of Pollution
These days there are endless sources of pollution. There are poisons in the air, water, and earth. Chemicals off-gas from our clothing and furniture. And between our electrical devices, cell phones, and power lines, among other sources of electromagnetic activity and errant sounds, we’re constantly barraged by punishing energies that can undermine our physical, if not also psychological, health.
Every morning I thread healing streams throughout my auric field, requesting pollution protection. I introduced the auric field, as well as the variety of its layers, in Chapter One. Filling this field with Healing Streams of Grace helps prevent the toxic subtle and physical energies from bleeding into your body and chakras. To accomplish this goal, you can use an intention like this:
“The Spirit is now flooding my auric field with all the energies needed to remain healthy and toxic-free.”
If you are concerned about a known venomous source of pollution, such as your cell phone, you can focus the healing streams on the chakra and related auric layer that is most vulnerable. For instance, we listen to cell phones through our ears, which relate to the fifth chakra and auric layer. Ask the Spirit to flood this chakra and field with the streams of grace that will buffer you from the cell phone’s side effects. You can implement an intention like this:
“I affirm that the Spirit is filling my _________chakra and field with all the protection they need to keep me healthy and free of toxicity.”
As you might guess, the universal streams can be applied to accomplish so many more goals than the ones I’ve covered. There is a special set of streams, however, that can benefit you and you alone, which I will now describe.
Background on
Personal Healing Streams of Grace
Universal Healing Streams of Grace are available for anybody and anything anytime, but there are streams distinct to each individual. In other words, there are personal streams unique to me, you, and all others—including my dogs, Honey and Lucky.
Our spirit is a spark from the Spirit. It is knowingly and continually connected to the Spirit and has been since time began. Guess what bonds your spirit with the Spirit? That’s right: personal Healing Streams of Grace. These are especially created, fashioned, and sculpted by the Spirit for each spirit.
These personal streams are designed to bolster our spirit and also assist the embodiment of our spirit within our soul, mind, and body. When fully flowing inside and around us, we are completely aligned with the Spirit and experience enlightenment, or the state of wholeness. While these personal streams are always available, most of us have turned off the valves or at least hampered their free flow. Maybe we grew up in a family that didn’t accept our unique selves. Perhaps we’re still receiving the message that it’s not okay to be ourselves. No matter the reasons, you deserve to have an active flow of grace between yourself and the Spirit.
Sometimes another person or being is preventing us from receiving a personal stream. Several years ago I worked with a client whose father was dead. Jerry, as I’ll call him, could still sense the presence of his father—and his father’s anger. Apparently Jerry’s father had never wanted him to be an artist; rather, Jerry was supposed to have become a doctor, like his father. Even beyond the grave, Jerry’s father seemed angry. It seemed like the father’s disapproval was still blocking Jerry.
After conducting Spirit-to-Spirit, we asked the Spirit to activate one of Jerry’s unique streams of grace. Immediately Jerry felt a bolt of energy throughout his body and a rush of forgiveness for his father. Over the next few months Jerry’s art began to sell wide and far. Both of us suspected that his father had been given his own healing through the process and was more at peace.
I’ve discovered that many people have shut off (or have had others turn off) nearly all of their personal streams of grace. Others have cobbled together quite the plumbing system, allowing support into certain aspects of their lives and not into others.
The benefit of turning on a personal healing stream of grace—and asking Spirit to straighten out all the personal streams—is unexplainable. Each reverberates with a virtue or quality necessary to support all aspects of life. Each provides instant access to divine guidance, assistance, and an angelic team of helpers. Because they are so powerful, however, I usually activate only one at a time for myself or others. The next exercise will show you how to do this.
A healing
Do you want to activate a personal stream for yourself or someone else? It’s easy! Simply conduct Spirit-to-Spirit, first affirming your own spirit and then others’ spirits. Then acknowledge the full presence of the Spirit.
At this point, simply ask the Spirit to activate a personal stream for you. (If you’re working on someone else, you make the request for them.) Request also that the personal stream fully align with your body, mind, and soul and that it integrate within your everyday life. Know that the stream might assimilate slowly or quickly, but that you’ll be safe throughout the process.
Finally, thank the Spirit for the gifting of this personal stream.
Extra Spirit-to-Spirit Tips
Special Instructional
Teaching Healing Streams of Grace
to Children
You can teach children how to ask for Healing Streams of Grace themselves.
First, I recommend shortening the phrase “Healing Streams of Grace.” It’s simply too long and cumbersome for most kids. Instead I use labels like “streams” or “light.” Then I draw an image of these streams as beams coming off the sun and explain that they are always ready to be used to help or heal them. If a child is open to the concept of angels, I might say that this light is brought to them by angels. You can also select a different helper, depending on the child’s spiritual beliefs, such as Christ or Allah.
I then tell the child that no matter what is going on, they can ask their angels—or God, the universe, etc.—to bring them the light or streams they need to deal with a personal need. I usually invite a child to practice with the streams before setting them loose with this practice.
There are a few reasons to practice with a child before leaving them to use the streams of grace on their own. Mainly I want to help them figure out how they’ll know the streams are working. Like adults, children mainly operate physically, emotionally, visually, or verbally. They might also just “know” what is true, which involves the spiritual empathy process. I tell them that these are the ways that they “know things,” preferring that phrase to going into the definition of intuition. Then I’ll have a child select a need and ask if they can feel or sense the stream, hear what it sounds like, or see its coloration or shape. Now they are ready to ask their invisible helpers for a stream anytime they need one.
If the child can’t sense the presence of an invisible helper, you can have them picture a figure from a well-loved spiritual book or source, such as one of an angel, Christ, Buddha, or Hindu god. You can also “enchant” a rock, asking that the Spirit connect it to an invisible helper. The child then knows that their helper “hears” them every time they touch the rock. And you can simply give permission for the child to “act as if” by suggesting that simply believing in the connection gives permission for the helper to reveal themselves over time.
I don’t worry about not teaching youngsters to perform Spirit-to-Spirit before calling the healing streams; too many steps can be befuddling. Neither do I worry about whether they request a universal or personal stream. I believe that the Spirit will provide whatever is needed.
The other idea I like to teach children is that they can request a stream or light for someone else. Children can become worried when others are upset. Having an angry or scared parent can rock their world. Seeing others unhappy can make them unhappy. As well, most children I’ve worked with have a tendency to absorb others’ energies. It’s far healthier to send streams to others than to take on the other’s negativity or worries. However, I always tell the child that God/Allah/the angels deliver the streams; the child doesn’t need to do anything. Also, the helpers will figure out how to best help the other person. It’s not up to the child.
Healing streams of grace are emanations of the Spirit available for improving all situations. You call them by setting a goal and conducting Spirit-to-Spirit. The Spirit now delivers the needed streams, of which there are two basic types. Universal streams can be requested for any situation and any type of being. They will remain attached until they are not needed anymore and will automatically transform as a situation progresses. Personal streams link the Spirit directly with an individual spirit and support the unique qualities of that being.