Books are a collaborative effort, and beer books, I have found, even more so—this one would never have been possible without the help of some amazing people. I’d like to offer a heartfelt thank-you and a hearty cheers to my agent, Jim Fitzgerald, my editor, Peter Hubbard, and his assistant editor, Nick Amphlett, all of whom were instrumental in making this project come to life. Also, a special thanks to Jim Koch and Ashley Leduc of the Boston Beer Company, Mark Carpenter of the Anchor Brewing Company, Josh Jones of the Hofbräuhaus Cleveland, and Dr. Patrick McGovern of the University of Pennsylvania, all of whom took time from their busy schedules to offer their insights and expertise. As for research assistance, MacKenzie Gibson proved ever helpful in digging up obscure documents and academic publications. Additionally, I owe a tremendous debt to my brother-in-law Steve O’Neal, who proved to be a great teacher of the brewing arts, as well as my dad, who first introduced me to the midwestern sacrament of malt and hops. And lastly, much love and gratitude to my wife, Sophie, who has managed to be most forgiving of a burgeoning beer belly. I’ll fit in my pants again soon, baby, I promise.