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A. Schmid & Co., 162

Abita Amber, 88

Abrahamzen, Jasper, 68

Absinthe, 86

Acme Brewing Company, 249, 250

Adalhard the Elder, 27

Adams, Cassilly, 170, 170–71

Adams, John, 46

Adams, Sam, 13, 47, 50, 76, 78

Additives, 26, 127. See also Hops

Adjunct grains, 13, 65, 169, 219

Adolphus, The, 184–85

Advertising, 170–71, 249, 251, 252

African American slaves, 97–104, 158–60

African beer, 98–100, 100

Alamo Brewing Company, 205

Albany, 63, 67, 70, 79

Albany Brewery, 70, 246

Albert IV, Duke of Bavaria, 136

Alcohol abuse, 43–44. See also Drunkenness

Alcohol content, 5, 23, 132, 169

Ale, 28–29, 164–65

    in Bavaria, 131–36, 139

    in British Isles, 20–32

    lagers versus, 132, 134–35

    in the Midwest, 157–58, 164–65

    in New England, 37–38, 157

    use of term, 28–29, 28n, 125–26

Aleconner (ale-conner), 26

Alemanii tribe, 126

Aletaster (ale-taster), 26

Alewives, 21, 21–22, 23–24, 37–38

Alfred the Great, 19

Alonso de Herrero, 236

Alu, 126

Aluth, 125–26

American Brewer & Maltster, 116

American Brewer’s Review, 246

American Civil War, 158–64

American colonies. See Colonial America

American Homebrewers Association (AHA), 259

American Revolution, 76–78, 81

Amish, 3

Anchor Brewing Company, 231–34, 246, 248, 255–58, 256, 257

Anchor Liberty Ale, 256

Anchor Steam Beer, 232–34, 233, 242n, 249, 255–56, 256

Anglo-Dutch Wars, 70–71

Anglo-Saxons, 18–20, 18n

Anheuser-Busch, 182–85

    adjunct grains in beer, 169

    founding of, 182–85

    marketing, 170, 170–71

    predominance of, 154, 205, 215, 222, 226, 250, 265n

    during Prohibition, 212, 215

    refrigeration and distribution, 176–77, 202, 205, 208

Anti-Saloon League, 211, 212, 213

Apache Indians, 197–98

Apple orchards, 45–46

Aquavitae, 40

Arbella, 36

Argentina’s Patagonia, 133–34

Arizona, breweries, 190–91, 205, 226

Arizona Wilderness Brewing Company, 190–91

Assize of Bread and Ale, 26

Aztecs, 193, 195–96, 235

Backer, Domine, 69–70

Balché, 192

Ballantine Ale, 165

Balsa River Valley, 193–94

Barbary Coast (San Francisco), 238–39


    origins of beer, 4, 16, 17, 98

    use by Puritans, 36

    use in Africa, 98, 98n, 100n

    use in Europe, 60–61, 65, 136

    use in Midwest, 153, 166, 169

    use in the South, 89, 94, 98, 105, 106, 108, 113

    use on West Coast, 243–44, 260

Battle of Little Bighorn, 171

Baumgardner Distillery, 99

Bavaria, 125, 128–39

Bavarian Brewery, 240

Bayard brothers, 66

Bayou Teche Miel Sauvage, 88

Bean, Roy, 206

Beaver hats, 55–56

Beekman, Gerard G., 77

Beer, use of term, 28–29, 28n

Beer bottling, 173–74, 220–21, 236

Beer canning, 207, 221–22, 226

Beer consumption, 3, 22–23, 157, 209, 220, 248, 265

Beer distribution, 175–76, 201–2

Beer gardens, 148–49, 150, 156–57

Beer marketing, 170–71, 249, 251, 252

Beer oligopoly, 250–52, 265n

Beer origins, 4, 15–17, 63, 103n, 131

Beer quality, 25–26, 30, 75, 79, 135–36, 138–39

Beer rations (rationing), 17, 23, 40–41, 57, 77, 105

Beer steins, 148, 148n

Beer–Wine Revenue Act of 1933, 220

Belcher, Andrew, 48

Bell in Hand Tavern (Boston), 13

Benicia Brewery, 246

Beor, 19–20

Beowulf, 19

Berkeley Hundred Plantation, 95

Best, Jacob, 154

Best, Phillip, 179

Biddle, Clement, 77, 108

Biddle, John, 77

Black Death, 22

Blaxton, William, 45

Block, Adrian, 56

Blue Anchor Inn (Philadelphia), 73

Bock beer, 130, 130n, 155, 207

Böhm, Johannes, 141n

Boone, Daniel, 112

Boorde, Andrew, 28

Bordley, J. B., 79

Boston, 11–13, 47–49

    Harvard University, 8, 41–43

    taverns, 39, 40, 40n, 46, 49

Boston Beer Company, 11–13, 11–15, 12

Boston Bread riot, 47–48

Boston Harbor, 36

Boston Lager, 11, 12–13, 14, 15, 261

Boston Massacre (1770), 49

Bowery (New York City), 156–57

Boyd, James, 79

Boyd, Robert, 79

Bradford, William, 32–33, 34–35

Brannan, Samuel, 237

Bratt, Dirk, 68

Brauer Gesellen Union, 172

Bremen, 129

Brewers Street (Manhattan), 65, 65n, 75

Brewer’s yeast, 130–34, 139–40

Brewsters, 21, 21–22, 23–24

Briggs, Richard, 41

Brigit, Saint, 110

British Celts, 109–11

British Isles, 15–29

Bronze Age, 17

Brouwershaven, 59

Brown, George, 208

Budweiser, 54, 55, 169, 170–71, 183–85, 202, 265n. See also Anheuser-Busch

Busch, Adolphus, 154, 182, 182–85, 183, 209

Cabot, John, 91–92

Calagione, Sam, 189

California, 231–61

California Brewery, 240

“California Dreamin’” (song), 252–53

California Gold Rush, 236–38

Calvin, John, 32

Camusi, Paul, 259

Canned beer, 207, 221–22, 226

Capone, Al, 214–15

Carbonation, 173, 241

Carl Prince of Solms-Braunfels, 202–4

Carnegie, Andrew, 184

Carpenter, Joshua, 74

Carpenter, Mark, 231, 232–34, 235

Carson Brewing Company, 205

Cartwright Brewery, 260

Cascadian dark ale, 266

Celtic Britons, 15–19, 109–11

Cerveza, 235

Champagne method, 173, 241

Charlemagne, 127, 135

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 236

Chez Panisse, 258

Chicago, 123, 151, 166

Chicago Fire of 1871, 179

Chicha beer, 189–90, 193–99, 197

Chisholm, Thomas, 39–40

Chocolate liqueur, 193

Christiansen, Hans, 56

Church of England, 32–33

Cider, 20, 45–46

Cincinnati, 157, 165–66

    breweries, 145, 151, 243

    German immigrants in, 147–48, 152

    labor rights, 172

    whiskey in, 115

Civil War, 158–64

Cleveland, 151, 166

Cleveland Hofbräuhaus, 123–25, 186

Cleveland Municipal Stadium, 53, 54

Cocktails, 208, 208n

Cold fermentation, 132–34, 134n

Cole, Samuel, 36–37, 39

Cole’s Inn, 39

Colman, François, 151

Colonial America

    mid-Atlantic, 72–76

    New England, 36–50

    New York, 62–72

    the South, 90–109

Colorado, 206–7

Colorado Gold Rush, 206

Columbia River, 243

Columbia River Brewery, 260

Columbus, Christopher, 91, 192

Complete Joy of Homebrewing, The (Papazian), 7

Concord, 76

Confederacy of Dunces, A (Toole), 86

Continental Army, 76–77

Coors, Adolph, 207, 216

Coors, Adolph Jr., 216

Coors, Grover, 216

Coors, Herman, 216

Coors Brewing Company, 207, 216, 250

Coors Malted Milk, 216, 217

Coppinger, Joseph, 116–18

Corbie Abbey, 27

Corn, 38, 94, 95, 169

Corn beer, 4, 35, 89, 94, 95, 189–90, 193–99, 197

Cornelisz, Seeger, 68

Corn whiskey, 89–90

Corporal punishment, for drunkenness, 43

Cortés, Hernán, 234–36

Cosby, William, 75

Coulter Brewery, 81

Council of Frankfurt (794), 127

Counterculture of the 1960s, 252–54

Coury, Charles and Shirley, 260

Craft brewing, 231–34, 252–61, 264–66

Creoles, 2–3, 158

Cumberland Gap, 112

Custer’s Last Fight (Adams), 170, 170–71

Cynewulf, 20

Dahteste, 198

D.b.a. (New Orleans), 88

Declaration of Independence, 76

De Foreest, Isaac, 66–67

Delassus de St. Vrain, Jacques, 151

Delft, 59, 61, 62

Detroit, breweries, 151

Dioscorides, 17

Dissolution of the Monasteries, 28n

Distribution, 175–76

Dixie beer, 85–86, 88–90, 90, 119

Dodge City, 208

Dogfish Head Brewery, 7, 189–90, 193, 265

“Do it yourself” mentality, 254

Dominican Republic, 69

Dortmans, Adam, 70

Doubleday, Abner, 81

Douw, Volkest Janse, 70

Drunkenness, 20, 43–44, 43n, 68, 161, 195, 210

Dunster, Henry, 42

Dutch beer, 56–63

Dutch East India Company, 56

Dutch settlers

    in New York City, 54–56, 62–72

    in Philadelphia, 72–74

Dutch West India Company, 65, 69, 79

Eagle Brewery, 142–43, 240

Ealu, 19

East Anglia, 23–24, 32

Eaton, Nathaniel, 42

Eckhardt, Fred, 260

Ecuador, 192–93

Egyptians, ancient, 4

Ehret, George, 166, 176–77

Eighteenth Amendment, 212–13

Einbeck, 130, 130n

Elizabeth I of England, 94

Embree, Davis, 151

Emerson, Davis & Moore, 151

Emlen, George, 75–76

Empire Brewery, 238–42

Endicott Fleet, 36

Engel, Charles, 144–45

Epic of Gilgamesh, 4

E Pluribus, Unum, 2

Esters, 132

Eureka Brewery, 205, 240

Fairbanks Tavern (Boston), 39

Faulkner, William D., 77

Fermentation, 131–32, 134–35, 139–40

Filtration, 148n, 173

Finn Cycle, 110

First Transcontinental Railroad, 201–2

Fitzgerald, Ella, 213

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 213, 267

Five Points (New York City), 81

Flanders, 59

Flavius Cerialis, 17–18

Flavoring agents, 26–27, 38

Flight of the Earls, 93

Flower power, 253

Folk music, 254

Fort Leavenworth, 201

Fort Sumter, 158

Forty-Eighters, 146, 147, 159–60

Foxfire Book, 254

Frampton, William, 73

France, monasteries and hops, 26–27

Frankfurt Assembly, 146–47

Franklin, Benjamin, 1, 40, 41, 78, 113

Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor, 135

Fredericksburg, 109

Fred Ziwich & His International Sound Machine, 123, 125

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 6

Free love, 253

Freisingen Abbey, 27, 127

Frenchmen Street (New Orleans), 87–88

French missionaries, 150–51

Gaels, 18

Gallatin, Albert, 80

Gauls, 126

Geechees, 3

Gemütlichkeit, 124, 126, 140

General Brewing Company, 250

George III of the United Kingdom, 49

Georgia, 101, 104–6

German American breweries, 152–56, 162–86, 207

German immigrants, 123–25, 141–60, 202–4

German Purity Laws, 125, 136–37, 139

German Revolutions of 1848, 146–47, 152

German-style lagers, 124, 134–58, 162–65, 204–5

German Triangle, 147–48

Germany, 125–41, 145–47, 167

Geronimo, 198

Gianocostas, Dean, 12, 13

“Gluten-free,” 266

Golden, Colorado. See Coors Brewing Company

Gold Rush, 206, 236–38

Goose Island Beer Company, 123

Gouda, 61, 62

Government regulations, 25–26

Governors Island, 69

Gow, Jan, 68

Great Depression, 186, 218, 219

Great Lakes Brewery, 125

Great Migration, 36

Green Dragon Tavern (Boston), 48, 49

Grossman, Ken, 259

Gruit, 26, 57, 59, 135

Gruitrecht, 135

Guatemala, 193

Gueuze, 132n

Guiana, 33, 192

Guinness Foreign Extra Stout, 98n

Gullahs, 3

Gumbo, 98n

Guthrie, Woody, 254

Haarlem, 57, 61, 62

Haffenreffer, Rudolph, 11

Haithabu, 127

Hallertau, 127n

Hamburg, 61, 129

Hamilton, Alexander, 78

Hamm’s Brewery, 226

Hancock, John, 13, 49–50, 76

Hanseatic League, 127n, 129–30, 137

Hare, Robert, 107–8

Harper’s Weekly, 160

Harriot, Thomas, 94, 95

Harrison, James, 73

Harrison, William, 30

Harvard, John, 42

Harvard, Robert, 42

Harvard University, 8, 41–43

Hefeweizen, 139

Hell Gate Brewery, 166, 176–77

Henbane, 17, 17n, 26

Hengist, 18n

Henry VII of England, 91–92

Henry VIII of England, 28n

Herancourt, Charles, 147

Herancourt, George, 143, 145

Herring, John, Sr., 79

Hildegard of Bingen, 27

Hippies, 253–54

Hoftsedter, Louis, 161

Holy Roman Empire, 56–57, 138

Home brewing, author’s experience, 6–7, 263–64, 266–67

Honey, 26

Hopkins, Stephen, 39

Hops, 26–31, 29, 59–60, 127–28, 136, 153, 243–44

Hops shortages, 38–39, 45

Horton, William, 105–6

Houttuyn, 65–66

Howe, William, 76

Hudson, Charlie, 100–101

Hudson, Henry, 56

Hughes, John M., 151

Huguenots, 69

Huit, Rendel, 68

Humulus lupulus, 26

Hundred Years’ War, 31

Hurricane Gloria, 11

Hurricane Katrina, 88–89

Ice, 153, 206

Ice cream, 215

Idaho Territory, breweries, 205

Incan Empire, 192n, 195, 197n

Income tax, 211

Ine of Wessex, 19–20

Internal Revenue Act of 1862, 162, 163

Intoxication. See Drunkenness

Ireland, 93, 109–12

Irish immigrants, 112–16, 156

Irish Potato Famine, 156

Iron Age, 17

Isle of Arran, 16–17, 110

Isle of Rhum, 110

Jackson, Andrew, 85

Jackson Brewing Company, 246

Jacob Ruppert Brewing Company, 54, 215, 222

Jamestown, 8, 56, 89, 95, 97–98

Jazz Age, 213

Jefferson, Thomas, 116–19, 117

Jekyll Island, 105–6

Jíbaros, 192–93

Jim Beam Inc., 141n

João de Lisboa, 133

Jones, Christopher, 34–35

Jones, Joseph, 109

Jones, Josh, 124–25

Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company

    adjunct grains in beer, 169

    founding of, 154, 155–56, 169, 179–82

    predominance of, 155–56, 169, 180, 202, 226, 250

    during Prohibition, 215

Julius Caesar, 126

Jüngling, David Gottlob, 142–43

Juniper berries, 190

Katzenmayer, John R., 162

Kempe, Mary, 30–31

Kentucky, 81, 112, 113–14, 161

Kerouac, Jack, 253

Kilning technology, 167–69

King’s Head Tavern (Boston), 46

Kinloch Mesolithic site, 110

Kip, Jacob, 66

Klentz, Frederick, 161

Knickerbocker beer, 54

Knickerbocker Club, 81

Knikkerbakker, 54

Koch, Jim, 12–13, 14, 14–15, 261, 264

Kolb, Frank, 161

Kosmic Mother Funk, 11

Kourmi, 17

Kräusening, 148n, 173, 241

Krueger Brewing Company, 221

Krug, August, 154–56

Kuhn, Christopher, 242

Ku Klux Klan, 211

Labadie, Jean, 66

Labor unions, 171–72

Lactobacillus, 132n

Lafayette, Marquis de, Gilbert du Motier, 108

Lager, 131–41. See also German-style lagers; and specific lagers

    ale versus, 132, 134–35

    production process, 28n, 131–35, 139–40, 240–41

Lagering cellars, 144, 144–45, 154

Lambic, 132n

Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent, 139–40

Leadville, South Dakota, 209

Lee, Robert E., 85, 164–65

Lemp, William J., 202

Lewis and Clark Expedition, 199, 200–201

Lexington, 76

Liberty, 49

“Light Beer,” 252

Lincoln, Abraham, 160, 162

Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, 231

London, Jack, 253

London Brewer’s Guild, 24

London City Letterbooks, 28

Long Branch Saloon (Dodge City), 208

Los Angeles, 226, 242

Los Angeles Brewery, 242, 250

Louisiana, 199

Louisiana Purchase, 3, 118

Louis Koch Lager, 15

Low Countries beer, 56–63

Ludwig X, Duke of Bavaria, 136

Lusitania, 185

Luther, Martin, 137

McAuliffe, Jack, 257–59, 264

McCulloch, Hawthorn, 79

McGlove, William, 236

McGovern, Patrick, 189–90, 193

McKenzie, Scott, 253

Madeira wine, 101–2, 105, 107

Madison, James, 78, 116

Magellan, Ferdinand, 133

Maine, 40, 210

Malt, 31, 36–37, 66, 76, 103–4, 139, 169–70, 264

“Malted,” 131

Malted beverages. See Ale; Porter

Malted syrups, 215

Mamakona, 195

Mamas & the Papas, 252–53

Manhattan. See also New Amsterdam

    purchase of, 63

Manifest Destiny, 158, 199, 237

Manson, Charles, 253

Manufacturers Railway Company, 202

Manzanita berries, 196

Marshall, James W., 236–37

Massachusetts Bay Colony, 36–37, 41–42, 46

Massachusetts General Court, 43

Mather, Increase, 38

Matzen, Charlie, 259

Mayans, 192

Mayflower, 8, 33–35

Maytag, Frederick “Fritz,” 231–32, 254–57, 256

Maytag Washing Machine Company, 254

Meadowsweet, 17, 26, 110

Meany, John, 243

Mechanization, 173–74

Megquier, Mary Jane, 238

Mendel, Gregor, 27

Menger, William A., 205

Mercer, John, 109

Merz, Georg, 118–19

Merz, Valentine, 85, 119

Mesopotamians, 4

Mesquite pods, 190–91

Mexican-American War, 236, 237

Mexico, 193–94, 196, 234–36

Midas, 189

Mid-Atlantic, 72–81

Middle Passage, 98

Midwest, 123–86

Miller, Frederick, 154, 155

Miller Brewing Company, 123, 157

    adjunct grains in beer, 169

    founding of, 154, 155

    predominance of, 250, 265n

    during Prohibition, 215


    breweries, 123, 154–58, 166, 177–81

    German immigrants in, 147–48, 152

Milwaukee Atlas, 160

Minuit, Peter, 63

Mississippi River, 153

Modern Brewery Age, 221, 224

Mohegan Indians, 2

Molasses, 46, 102–3, 103n

Monastic brewing in Europe, 26–27, 56–57, 58, 111, 127–29

Montagne, Johannes de la, 66–67

Montana Territory, breweries, 205

Monticello, 116

Morgan, J. P., 184

Mormons, 205

Mother Louse Alewife, 21

Motor Trend, 12–13, 15

Mount Vernon, 99, 108, 114

Müller, Friedrich. See Miller, Frederick

Munich, 135, 136, 138

Namur, 56

Napoléon Bonaparte, 138

Napoleon House (New Orleans), 86–87

Nation, Carrie, 211

National Union of United Brewery Workmen, 172

Native Americans, 2, 4, 35, 63, 190–94, 194

Needle beer, 215

Neolithic British Isles, 15–17

Netherlands, beer in, 56–63

Nevada, breweries, 205

New Albion Brewing Company, 258–59

New Amstel, 70

New Amsterdam, 54–55, 56, 62–72, 102

New England, 11–50, 102

Newfoundland, 92

New Jersey, 78–79, 141

New Orleans, 85–90, 118–19

New York (state), 53–75

New York City, 81

    beer gardens, 156–57

    breweries, 65–67, 75, 79, 166

    Dutch settlers in, 54–56, 62–72

    Yankee Stadium beer selection, 53–55

New York Herald, 237

New York Times, 157, 223–24

New York Yankees, 8, 53–55

Nigeria, 98n

Nineteenth Amendment, 211

Nonalcoholic beers, 215

Norman conquest of England, 20

Northwest Passage, 56

Nutritional value, 4–5

Oats, 60–61, 65

Ogden, William B., 151

Oglethorpe, James Edward, 104–5, 106

Ohio, 5, 154. See also Cincinnati

Old Absinthe House (New Orleans), 85–119, 87

Old Canal Steam Brewery, 118–19

Old Spaghetti Factory (San Francisco), 255

Olympia Beer Company, 249, 250

Oregon, craft brewing, 260

Oregon Territory, 243

Origins of beer, 4, 15–17, 63, 103n, 131

Owens Bottle Company, 173

P. Ballantine and Sons Brewing Company, 222, 250

Pabst, Frederick, 177–79

Pabst, Gustave, 209

Pabst Blue Ribbon, 179, 226

Pabst Brewing Company, 177–79

    adjunct grains in beer, 169

    advertising, 203

    founding of, 154, 177–79

    predominance of, 181, 221, 226, 250, 265n

    during Prohibition, 212, 215

Pabst Building (Milwaukee), 178

Pabst Park (Milwaukee), 179

Paiwari, 192

Palatine immigrants, 141–42

Palo Santo Marron, 7

Papazian, Charlie, 7, 259

Paschall, Thomas, 75–76

Pasteur, Louis, 172–73

Pasteurization, 172–73, 202

Patagonia, 133–34, 134n

Patrick, Saint, 110

Penn, William, 73

Penn’s Woods, 141

Pennsylvania, 78–79, 80, 115, 141–45. See also Philadelphia

Pequot Indians, 2

Perkins, Jacob, 175

Persimmons, 99–101, 99n

Philadelphia, 72–77, 141

    breweries, 73–74, 75–76, 79–80, 106–7, 144–45, 157

    Dutch settlers, 72–75

    German immigrants, 141, 144–45

Phoenix, 190, 205

Picts, 18

Pilgrims, 32–39, 63

Pilsners, 133, 139, 168–70, 169–70

Pisco Punch, 239

Pitson, James, 46

Pittsburgh, brewery, 80

Plantation of Ulster, 111–12

Plantation system, 97–104, 158–59

Plymouth Colony, 35–36

Pocahontas, 95

Pombe, 98, 100

Porter, 27, 79–80, 107–8

Portland, 243, 260

Portsmouth Square (San Francisco), 238

Powhatan Indians, 63, 95

“Premium beer,” 250

Printing press, 41, 42

Progressive Era, 210–11

Prohibition, 212–16, 218–19, 248

Protestant Reformation, 32–33, 137

Pulque, 193, 196, 199, 234

Pumpkin, 38–39

Puritans, 2, 8, 36–50, 102

Pyramid Breweries, 53–54

Pytheas, 17, 110

Rail transportation, 175–77, 201–2

Rainier Brewing Company, 226, 249, 250

Raleigh, Walter, 94

Redhook Ale Brewery, 260

Red Lion Brewery, 66–67

Refrigeration, 174–77, 202, 206, 208, 220–21, 244–45

Revere, Paul, 256

Revolutionary War, 76–78, 81

Reynolds, William, 43

Rheingold Brewing Company, 250

Rheinheitsgebot, 125, 136–37, 139

Rhode Island, 40, 69

Rice, 169

Roanoke Island, 94

Rodriguez, Juan, 69

Rogue Ales, 53–54

Rolfe, John, 95–96

Romans, ancient, 17–18, 56, 126, 235

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 220

Royal Society of London, 38

Rueger, Theodore, 246, 248

Rum, 46, 48–49, 74, 78, 101–2, 104–5

Ruppert, Jacob, 54, 215, 222

Rutgers University, 66

Ruth, George Herman “Babe,” 11, 54

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 131–32

Saccharomyces pastorianus, 133–34

Sacramento, 242

Saguaro wine, 196

Saint-Crépin Monastery, 57

Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, 151

Saint Gall Abbey, 127

St. Louis, 153, 165–66

    breweries, 123, 154, 166, 182–85. See also Anheuser-Busch

    German immigrants in, 147–50

Saint Trond Abbey, 57

Saloons, 208–9, 239–40

Salt Lake City, breweries, 205

Samuel Adams Boston Lager, 11, 12–13, 14, 15, 261

San Antonio, 202–4

San Diego Padres, 53

San Francisco, 245, 253–58

    craft brewing in, 231–34, 254–58

    earthquake of 1906, 245–46, 247, 248

    Empire Brewery, 238–42

    Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, 231

San Francisco Brewery, 240

Saxer, Henry, 243

Sazerac cocktail, 86–87

Schaefer Brewing Company, 222, 250

Sched, Jacob, 161

Schlitz, Joseph, 155–56, 179, 181

Schlitz Brewing Company

    adjunct grains in beer, 169

    founding of, 154, 155–56, 179–82

    predominance of, 155–56, 180, 181, 202, 226, 250

    during Prohibition, 215

Schlitz Palm Garden (Milwaukee), 181

Schlitz Park (Milwaukee), 181

Schueler, Jacob, 207

Schultz, Jacob, 161

Schurz, Carl, 146, 160

Scot, Reginald, 31

Scotland, 109–12, 258

Scots-Irish settlers, 112–16, 116, 141

Seattle, breweries, 53–54, 260

Second Continental Congress, 76

Seeger, Pete, 254

Seger, Bob, 124

Shakespeare, William, 42

Shiner bock, 205, 265

Shiras, Peter, 80

Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, 259–60

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, 259

Sister Bradish Alewife, 37–38

Sixteenth Amendment, 211

Slavery, 97–104, 158–59

Small beer, 102–4

Soft drinks, 215–16

Sonoma, California, 258–59

Sons of Liberty, 49

Sophocles, 4

Sorghum, 98–99

Sorghum syrup, 266

Souring, 132, 132n

South, the, 85–119

Southerland, Mathew, 43

Southern cuisine, 98n

Southern Pacific Railway, 202

Spain, 92–93, 235–36

Spanish-American War, 181

Spoetzl Brewery, 205

Sprague, Francis, 39

Spruce, 39

Squanto, 35

Stamp Act of 1765, 49

Steam beer, 232–34, 233, 240–43, 242n, 245

Steam engine, 174

Stern, Suzy, 258

Stock Market Crash of 1929, 218

Stockton, brewery, 242

Stone Street (Manhattan), 65n, 75

Stuyvesant, Peter, 70–71, 71

Sugar maples, 150–51

Sumerians, 4

Sutter, John, 236–37

Tacitus, 126

Taft, William Howard, 183


    in England, 22, 24, 25, 28, 31–32

    in New England, 39–41

    “post” for mail, 39n


    in colonial America, 49, 74, 75–76, 77

    in Europe, 57, 59, 127

    grain production, 45

    Great Depression and, 218

    home brewing and, 6

    income taxes, 211

    USBA and Internal Revenue Act, 162–64

Tea Act of 1773, 49, 76

Teamsters Union, 172

Tejanos, 3

Temperance movement, 210–13

Tennessee, 81, 112, 113–14

Texas, 202–5, 208

Theo. Hamm’s Brewing Company, 226

Theoderic the Great, 126

Thermometers, 139

Thorpe, George, 95

Tidewater, 89, 93

Tinicum, 72–73

Tiswin, 196–98

Tivoli Brewing Company, 207

Tobacco, 69, 89, 96, 97, 104

Tohono O’odham people, 196

Trappist ales, 28n, 133

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 237

Tulpi, 196, 198

Turner, West, 99–100

Turners, The, 160

Turnverein, 157, 160

Twain, Mark, 85

Uihlein, Joseph, 202

Ulster Cycle, 110

Ulster Scots, 111–12

Union Refrigerator Transit Corporation, 202

United States Brewers’ Association (USBA), 162–64, 166–67, 215

Utah, breweries, 205

Van Buren, Martin, 71n

Van Cortlandt, Oloff Stevenson, 66

Van Rensselaer, Kiliaen, 65

Van Schoenderwoert, Rutger Jacobsen, 66

Van Steltyn, Evert Pels, 65–66

Van Twiller, Wouter, 65

Vassar, Matthew, 115–16

Verveelen, Joannes, 66–67

Vespucci, Amerigo, 133

Vikings, 18, 19

Vindolanda, 17–18

Virginia, 23, 33, 63, 89, 93–98, 109

Virginia City, breweries, 205

Virginia Company of London, 95

Virginia Gazette, 107, 109

Volstead Act, 185, 213, 214, 216, 220, 248

Voodoo Mart (New Orleans), 88

Vortigern, 18, 18n

Wagner, John, 144

Wall Street Crash of 1929, 218

Wampanoag Indians, 35

Warville, Brissot de, 79

Washington (state), 260

Washington, George, 76–77, 99, 102–3, 107–8, 114

Washington Post, 53–54

Waters, Alice, 258

Weinhard, Henry, 243

West, the, 199–227

West Coast, 231–61

Western Brewer, 175

Western cocktails, 208, 208n

Western saloons, 208–9, 239–40

Wheat (wheat beer), 45, 48, 60–61, 139

Wheeler, Wayne, 212

Whiskey, 81, 109–16, 158, 200–201

Whitefish Bay, 177–78

White House Honey Ale, 6

White Sonoran wheat berries, 190

Widmer Brothers Brewing Company, 260

Wilde, Oscar, 85

Wilhem IV, Duke of Bavaria, 136

Willows Brewery, 246

Willy Wonka, 11

Wine, 20, 101–2, 105, 107, 196

Winthrop, Henry, 38

Winthrop, John, 36–37, 38

Winthrop Fleet, 36–37, 37

Wismar, 129

Wolf, Charles C., 144–45

Women’s suffrage, 211

Woodford, William, 109

Workers’ rights, 171–72

World War I, 211–12, 248

World War II, 186, 223–25

Wreden Brewery, 246

Yakima Valley, 244, 244, 256–57

Yale College, 8, 48

Yankee Stadium, beer selection at, 53–55

Yeast, 28n, 130–34, 139–40

Yuengling beer, 142, 142–43, 215

Zimmerman, Jane, 258

Ziwich, Fred, 123, 125