Heresy in transition : transforming ideas of heresy in medieval and early modem Europe.—(Catholic Christendom, 1300-1700)

1.Heresies, Christian—Europe—History—Middle Ages, 600-1500 2.Heresies, Christian—Europe—History—Modem period, 1500– 3.Heretics, Christian—Europe—History—To 1500 4.Heretics, Christian—Europe—History—16th century 5.Heretics, Christian—Europe—History-17th century 6.Europe—Church History-600-1500 7.Europe, Church history—16th century 8.Europe—Church history-17th century

I.Laursen, John Christian II.Nederman, Cary J. III.Hunter, Ian, 1949-273.6

Heresy in transition : transforming ideas of heresy in medieval and early modem Europe / [edited by] John Christian Laursen, Cary J. Nederman, and Ian Hunter.

p. cm.—(Catholic Christendom, 1300-1700)

ISBN 027546-5428-1 (alk. paper)

1. Heresies, Christian—History—Middle Ages, 600-1500. 2. Heresies, Christian—History. 3. Europe—Church history-600-1500. 4. Europe—Church history—16th century. 5. Europe—Church history-17th century. I. Laursen, John Christian. II. Nederman, Cary J. III. Hunter, Ian, 1949– IV. Series.

BT1319.H48 2005