Alpino (pl. Alpini) |
Mountain infantry. |
Ardito (pl. Arditi) |
World War I assault troops. |
Armi d’accompagnamento |
Support weapons. |
Banderas |
Blackshirt battalions in Spain. |
Battaglione ‘M’ |
Elite battalion, formed on 1 October 1941. |
Camicia Nera (pl. Camicie Nere, CCNN) |
Blackshirt. |
Centuria |
Early sub-unit of the legione, equivalent to a company. |
Comando Generale della MVSN |
MVSN’s general staff |
Complementi |
Replacements. |
Coorte |
Early sub-unit of the legione, equivalent to a battalion. |
Corpo Truppe Volontarie (CTV) |
Italian volunteers in Spain. |
Da sbarco |
Amphibious Blackshirt ‘M’ battalions. |
Fascio |
Bundle of fasces. |
Fasci di combattimento |
Early Fascist organization. |
Gruppo battaglioni |
Battalion group (containing three or four). |
Guardia Nazionale Repubblicana (GNR) |
National Republican Guard, formed in 1943–44. |
Legionario |
Legionnaire, unofficially used until 25 July 1943 and the official designation for the Blackshirts after Mussolini’s downfall. |
Legione |
Basic Blackshirt unit (equivalent to a regiment). |
Milizia Volontaria Sicurezza Nazionale (MVSN) |
National Security Volunteer Militia. |
Partito Fascista Repubblicano |
Fascist party in German-occupied Italy, 1943–45. |
Raggruppamento (pl. Raggruppamenti) |
Higher echelon with two legioni or gruppo battaglioni. |
Ras |
Fascist local leader. |
Repubblica Sociale Italiana (RSI) |
Mussolini’s state in German-occupied Italy, 1943–45. |
Squadra d’Azione (pl. Squadre d’Azione) |
Early Blackshirt organization. |
Squadrista (pl. Squadristi) |
Member of the Squadre d’Azione. |