Flower-and-leaf lampshade

This is a great way of livening up a plain lampshade. Make fabric yo-yos into sweet little flowers by stitching a button to the centre and then simply glue them onto the shade with fabric leaf shapes to finish.

you will need

2½ hours

1. Using a compass, draw a 9-cm/3½-in. circle and a 6-cm/2½-in. circle on paper. Cut out the circles to use as patterns, then pin them onto your chosen fabrics and cut out the required number of each fabric in each size. Using a needle and thread, work a line of running stitch all around the edge of each circle, securing the thread at the beginning with a few small stitches. Pull the thread to gather the circle into a rosette.

2. Finish with a few small stitches to hold the rosette in place. Stitch a button to the centre of each rosette. Draw a leaf shape on paper, and cut out. Pin the leaf pattern to green fabric. Cut out one or two leaves for each flower.

3. Using fast-drying craft glue, stick pompom fringe all around the bottom of the shade, overlapping the ends slightly. Make sure that the fringe is straight before the glue dries. Starting and finishing at the same side of the shade as the pompom fringe, glue ribbon around the top of the shade.

4. Glue the fabric and ribbon rosettes onto the shade, holding them in place for a few seconds until they are firmly stuck. Apply a thin layer of glue to the back of the leaf shapes and glue them onto the shade, one or two per rosette.