
I hate to admit this, but ever since I let my cancer diagnosis out of the bag I’ve been bombarded with the standard “Yeah, yeah, you are the bomb but how ya feeling, poor girl?” Even though I have an amazing life with incredible abundance, some people still only see sick. I get those droopy puppy dog eyes and downturned lips from folks who mean well but are just plain annoying. I want to shout, See beyond the cancer, jackass. I feel fantastic! In fact, last night I hosted an orgy with three steroid-soaked Olympians and a car full of Eastern European strippers, then I ran a marathon, counseled the Dalai Lama, and baked a cake!

Like it or not sometimes people will see you as your disease. Cancer is still spooky and misunderstood. Recently on my blog, a fine and feisty Cancer Babe giggled while sharing one of her favorite cancer faux pas with me. She had just finished chemo and was swimming laps in a public pool when out of nowhere a crazy mother ran and snatched her child from the water. Apparently my friend’s bald head (courtesy of her oncologist) convinced this mother that whatever “that lady” had, her child might catch! Oh, please, are we still stuck in 1950?



Don’t see sick. See healthy. You are not your circumstances. Your body isn’t sick, it’s just confused. Look in the mirror; what do you see? No matter what your ego barks out, ask your soul. The ego tends to see fat, flabby, and not “enough.” Ego is a little brat! It knows that if you come to your senses, there will be a major coup, and it will no longer rule the roost. Your soul sees radiance and truth.

Take some fire-engine-red lipstick (my favorite color is called “I’m Not Really a Waitress”) and write a bunch of positive soul reflections about yourself on your favorite mirror. Here are some to get you started: I am GORGEOUS! I am as deep as the ocean. I am a healer. I am a leader. I am a Crazy Sexy Goddess!