
“I’m still spinning my wheels and stuck in the mud. What now?” You’ve acknowledged what you love, tapped into the hot spring of gratitude, sung your affirmations, bonfired the outdated scripts, and possibly even added a pinch of witchcraft “just in case.” But for some stinking reason you still don’t believe in your fabulosity. Well, I got one more trick for ya: Act as if. That’s right, fake it till you make it. Attitude champs and Olympians have used this training method for generations. Catch the beam and shine it out even if you feel too dark to bathe in it. Before long you will acknowledge and accept your greatness, without apology.

Remember, we successfully manifest our dreams when the feelings behind our intentions are in alignment. Sounds simple but if you’re a canSer babe it can be tough. Our stakes are higher so our fears are bigger. For example, I know that it is very important to find peace and acceptance with my diagnosis in order to live happily with cancer. But that doesn’t prevent me from seeing myself as healthy and continuing to work on my recovery. I leave room for miracles and I support those potential miracles by doing the best I can to boost my immune system and heal my body. I put it out to the universe. Still, every once in a while that pesky little voice chirps, “You’ll never get there, you will always be sick and you will die of cancer.” Excuse me, bitch?

Do scary negative thoughts have the power to undo or sabotage all the hard work I’ve done? No way. If I allowed myself to believe my doubts I’d be panic struck. Every “what if” would conjure paranoid attempts to amputate my feelings in the hopes of generating signal interference. “Quick Kris, jumble your fatalistic thought waves before the universe has a chance to listen and follow suit.” Talk about exhausting.

In these moments it’s a good idea to turn to classic rock. Remember that bluesy song “Soulshine” by the Allman Brothers? It’s a great little ditty to hum or air strum while bopping through your day.


Acting as if teaches us to believe in ourselves and to never settle for less. When weird thoughts come up we immediately correct and replace them with positive visualizations and affirmations. “My body is healthy and strong. My mind is peaceful and I am content.” We catch our words and rewrite them. Confidence and self-reliance come from a deep trust in yourself. You know that you’ve got your back and that no matter what, you will not abandon yourself. It takes courage to build confidence. Because the only way to really do it is to put yourself out there and take risks.

I used to think it was arrogant to show my happiness—like I was bragging if I shared the good things in my life. I joined the herd and bitched with the best of them. It’s just so easy to do. Politics, the environment, the economy, the war, you name it, there is plenty to complain about! Then I got slammed by Hurricane CanSer, my levees broke, and my world was drowning. In that moment I realized that the secret to happiness is the decision to be happy. Cancer is here, so now what? Fold up, Kris, or find your eagle feathers?

The Talmud says, “During the time of the darkest night, act as if the morning has already come.” Fake it till you make it. Buddha (the ultimate dude) taught that the purpose of life was suffering and the end of suffering. Which to me means that when you’re at your lowest, swim deeper than you’ve ever been willing to go, where blue becomes black. That’s when you’ll find a buried treasure (and a tank of oxygen).

Try on your new confidence until it fits. What’s the worst thing that could happen? Nothing! Earth to you, come in you: The worst (and best) that can happen already has! You have nothing to lose.

For more on the topic of personal transformation, immediately read anything by Marianne Williamson.

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.


Make believe time! What does the woman or man you desire to become look like? How does she act? Dress? Speak? What aspects of yourself would need to change in order to become more like her? Don’t be stingy with the details. HAVE FUN AND DELVE INTO YOUR IMAGINATION.