
Exercise floods the body with oxygen and rids it of toxins via the lymphatic system. The body has two circulatory systems, one for blood and the other for lymph (a colorless fluid that bathes every cell in the body). The blood is lucky: It gets circulated by that pump called the heart. Lymph, on the other hand, is circulated by a pump called exercise. Many tissues depend on lymph to provide nutrients (including oxygen) and carry off wastes. If the lymph doesn’t circulate, then the tissues suffocate by sitting in the stagnation of their own acidic waste products.

One of the best ways to exercise is to jump on a mini trampoline or rebounder. As you bounce, your cells get gently squeezed by the alternation of weightlessness and gravitational pull. As a result, toxins are flushed and nutrition floods your body. It’s also extremely gentle on your joints. If you’re too wiped out to jump, then sit and bounce or do gentle stretches. Light movement is better than no movement at all.

I can recommend lots of different types of exercise, everything from yoga (my personal favorite) to karate. But the best kind is the kind you’ll actually do. So figure out what you like best and get moving!


Exercise releases endorphins and is a great overall attitude adjuster. Experts suggest we get our hearts pumping three to five times a week for about thirty-five minutes.

Add some weight training to that and you’re protecting yourself from bone loss. Yup, did you know that weight-bearing exercise is one of the best ways to fend off osteoporosis, especially once you cut back on or give up the cow juice? So get out there and shake your ass, do some Down Dogs, buy a hula hoop, round up your posse and practice double Dutch, or hit the streets or fields for a brisk walk, gentle trot, or all-out run. You’re a warrior, so start your training. If you’re stuck in a hospital bed or extremely debilitated (for now), don’t fret. Try some restorative yoga, connect with a physical therapist, practice deep cleansing breaths. Visu alize yourself shaking your temple! Never underestimate the mind–body connection.

WRITE DOWN the types of exercise that you enjoy (and will do). When and where can you do them? What are the obstacles that make this hard and how can you overcome them?