Bring the fun back to prayer. Heck, as Justin Timberlake would say, bring the sexy back, too! Why does the process have to be so stiff and serious? Can you cartwheel your prayers, power-walk them? Can you slow-dance pray? Hacky Sack surrender? How about a chop and pray—every vegetable inspires a prayer. Amen. Plus, mindful eating and chewing makes the temple grub extra tasty and easier to digest. Grammar and etiquette are not essential for proper prayer, just be passionate.
Here’s another golden goose egg: Balance asking with surrendering. Lay your burden down. Some common prayers in my queue look something like this:
God, please help me to walk in your light, to remember that I am a beautiful rose in the bouquet of your divinity, and that my mountainous problems are just temporary. Teach me compassion; remind me that my words and my speech contain great power, and to use them with good intention. Tap me on the shoulder when I make assumptions. Help me to love unconditionally and refrain from judging. I surrender my burden and lay it at your lotus feet, dear God. Thank you for taking it from me and composting it back to flowers.
The only real requirement for “successful” prayerpalooza is the willingness to open your heart and talk. Not an easy thing in this screwy era where showing our vulnerability is considered a weakness. But know this: There is no perfection in prayer. It is always available to us, and we don’t get fewer spiritual Scooby Snacks by not doing it enough. When we pray, we tap into a huge chest of assistance. Ancestors and helpers lovingly remind us that we are part of a much bigger picture. Prayer casts a twinkling light to guide you through the dark times. Be willing to connect to something that is not predictable, something that holds the power to effectuate big and small shifts. Dare to scratch the surface and chat with the Great Whateva.